Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 58 # 4 >


“I think it's a good time. After a while, there's a good chance that there will be a terrible chaos again. ”

The food king is dead.

As Ophelia or Tigris predicted, hiding it from the King of the Seals' camp could never last long.

The death of a powerful king could soon lead to the destruction of the entire force. The Mamon Way of the Past also collapsed quickly after the death of Mamon, the king of greed.

Furthermore, the war in the North has made the nerves of the six kings sharper. The sudden absence of the king of the appetizers could have been the starting point for disrupting the balance of force that had been closely maintained.

If I had to go to the handover, I would have liked what Ophelia said just now.

The meeting with the furious king was sufficient after a few days, and in the course of those days, the death of the appetizer king was unlikely to be revealed. There's no way the war in the North will suddenly end.

The plan to attack the king of the appetizers' camp in the absence of the king of the appetizers was compelling, but unrealistic. The king and his men were dead, but the king of the appetizers himself was strong enough to survive. It was absurd to begin the campaign with a few troops in a yard to hide the fact that they had killed the king of the appetizers.

It was time, as always, for House Mamon.

The whole Southern space had to be completely occupied.

We had to increase the number of troops, and we had to rush the labyrinth of greed and the full maneuver of the Arena.

Like the king of fury or the king of appetites, he also needed a means of transportation to travel at high speeds.

The alliance with the King of Fury would create 'time’ to accomplish all that.

If the crucial reason why the furious king favored the dragon was the fact that 'the Mamon family is not the royal family’, ‘time’ was the crucial reason for the dragon.

It was never because the dragon was greeting the King of Fury, a beautiful woman who invited him because she was like Amon's joke. Favorable responses were the result of a misunderstanding.

‘Of course, I don't want to fight if I can. ’

But it was always just a personal feeling. When the time came for us to draw swords for the Mamon Family and the Servants, I thought of pulling them out without hesitation.

As the story moves toward handover, Lucia quickly checks the status of the dungeon.

[You have one day left to reuse the door in the space.]

[It's a really good time.]

Getting to the other side through the door of space was never easy. It not only consumed a large amount of magical power but also required a significant amount of time before reuse. The game seemed to have a very long cooldown time.

However, the reuse time was also ending appropriately. It's as if invisible forces are pushing back, telling Dragon Hoe to take over.

“Are you ready to go? ”

Eligos asks. Dragonho taps his finger against the table as if to clear his mind for a moment.

“There's a day, as Lucia said... You'd better clean up in the meantime and come back soon." ”

It wasn't a lot of time. It was unlikely that the king of fury would suddenly make a sudden burst of action, but in any case, it required dragons to respond immediately. The appetizer's camp might not be as well able to conceal the appetizer's king's absence as I thought.

The period of time you can go is two to three days, just like before. Taking more time was difficult.

But the two days and three days were never too short. Ofelia smiles, mixed with sadness and sadness.

“I can't help it if it's Skazaha's opinion, but no one else's. Enjoy your stay at Yi Wang-jae's. ”

Yongho wasn't going to play in the handover. According to the diagnosis of Skazaha, a healer of the Mamon family, he was visiting the handover for healing purposes. As a slave minister, it was never possible to resist the handover of the dragon.

Katarina smiles greedily, thinking of returning to the handover. Kaiwan was also quite excited.

And one more. There was someone who was excited to hear that Yongho was going into handover.

[Peanut butter bean.]

[It's not my heart.]

[It's someone else.]

Lucia narrows it down so that only dragons can hear her, and Dragon can soon find the owner of the heartbeat. I smiled without knowing.

Yuria in the corner is glittering. I didn't know the hard story very well, but I could still tell the extent of the flow of the story.

Yongho is going to take over.

The last time I visited, I brought some amazing chicken and cola. Is that all? Yuria's best treasure, the color, even brought a pretty air stone.

Yong-ho, who met Yuria's resplendent eyes, understood that cuteness was derived from his survival strategy. You call Yuria with a light gesture and stroke her head.

“I'll get you a present. ”

A bright smile spread over Yuria's face. Dragon Hoe gently pinched Yuria's cheek and looked over her shoulder. I told GO who was anxious to look at me.

“Yeah, yours, too. ”



Between GO and the baby dungeon Meerkats, they get excited if they think they're pointing at each other.

Yuria, who greeted Yongho with her belly button, took the GOOKS and the baby dungeon meer cat back to her seat. I smiled as if it was okay just to think.

Yongho saw the servants again. Eligos said, because it was a natural wavelength atmosphere.

“Then, Gaju, why don't you settle for dinner first? ”

“You're the best butler ever. ”

I've been starving all day.

Yongho got up cheerfully and headed to the restaurant.


The first thing Yongho did after he finished his meal was access to the virtual space of the dungeon.

It was because the King of the Sylvester broke up with Citri in the middle.

Are you worried about me? ’

But for some reason, I couldn't think of Citri's concern. It seemed like he would always welcome himself with a relaxed face.

‘You've defeated the king of the appetizers. ’

One of the six kings.

The king who coveted his own greed.

Dragon felt a strange excitement as he realized what he had done. I slowly opened my eyes and faced the whole white world.

Citri stood, as she always did. She stands neatly facing Dragon Ho herself in a dark, burrowing dress that shows her shoulders under the white sky.

Somehow it was different from usual. The dragon didn't open its mouth quickly, and Citri only glanced at the dragon like that.

Awkwardness made time longer.

Citri steps forward, and the dragon looks at the citrus like that. Soon, the distance between the dragon and Citri was just one step away.

“Dear Customer, ”


It was a bustling citrus for women, but it was much smaller than the dragon that grew up with a double herniation. Citri looked up at the dragon. I asked with a voice full of warmth.

“Can I give you a hug? ”

“Er... Mardon? ”

Yongho was embarrassed and insisted. Citri slowly closes her eyes. You took a single step and hugged the dragon.

It was warm. It was a citrus smaller than Yongho himself, but it felt like it was held in the lap of a citri.

“The king of greed. ”

Citri said small. The inexplicable sadness was a young word.

Yongho knew what strange emotions he felt. It was different from when I held Katarina or Kaiwan. Skazaha reminds me. It resembles the warmth of her who nurtured herself like her mother.

He closed his eyes and hugged Citri. Time slows down again, and Citri pushes the chest of the dragon with a gentle hand.

“Thank you. It was for a moment, but I could think of him. ”

Citri takes another step back, her eyes turning red.

“Still, it's different. It's a lot like you, but you're the customer. ”

Dragon knows who Citri is talking about. That's why I felt even greater sorrow in her voice.

Citri takes a few steps back. I don't know what to say, but Dragon Hoe opens his mouth puzzledly.

“I... I defeated the king of the appetizers. ”

Citri blinks at the words of the dragon. Somehow the heavy dragon blushes its cheeks. I think it's like you're bragging about a compliment. When I was a kid, I remember the first time I got a white spot on a school test.

Citri blinks silently. When the dragon became flushed to the top of his ear, he burst his smile.

“Dear customer, do you know how cute you are right now? ”

It was Citri that was noticing from the moment she faced the fact that Yongho had defeated the king of the appetizers. Dragon choked on embarrassment, and Citri did not stir up such a dragon.

“Let's get back to the serious story for you. ”

A cozy, fluffy chair was set up behind the back of the Citri and Dragon Tiger. Sitri, buried deep in the backrest, waited for the dragon to sit down and said.

“Sir, do you remember what I said just now when I met my beloved customer? I told you to watch out for purebloods. ”

Dragon Ho tilted his head to think about what he meant for a moment, and he was able to remember. Citri speaks again as Yongho nods.

“As you know, this machete is a mess. Not only are they pure mother-borns, but there are a lot of people from this world who are just like our dear customers. ”

A picture of light was drawn in the air following the gestures of Citri's hands. The circle represented the horse system, and the small people in the circle and the new people coming in along the large arrows outside the circle represented indigenous and heterogeneous species respectively.

“Purebloods claim that only the purebloods are masters of the magic world. They have this radical notion that anyone who crosses over has to be enslaved. ”

It could also be a kind of fascism. A similar example could be found in the dragon's homeland of succession.

“Are you so second-class? ”

“A lot. They're from two generations, the people of the Furious King. So does the king of the appetizers. ”

The king of the diet, along with his arm's length, came from a lower level horseshoe angler in the second world who had been handed over to the horse system. That was why he made Afrasians, who had a strong arm and a deep kite, as miraculous.

“Of course, it's been a long time since I came from this world. It's been a few hundred years. But in the eyes of purebloods, no matter what, the outsiders -- they're the lesser species to be enslaved. ”

As Citri teased her finger again, a simplified shape of the dragon was drawn in the air.

“The dragons, the clan of the king of violence, are also heretics. Of course, there are dragons from across the sea. These are the dinosaurs. They're called separately. It's like pulling out a rock with a rolled stone in it, but it still does. In fact, dragons have been migrating for far too long, and I think it's a heterogeneous species. ”

This time, the shape of the dragon changed to preaching on the mantle. Citri added a new line to the middle.

“Purebloods are stronger the further north they go. The king of arrogance and the king of Jill are typical puritanists. Especially as the king of Jill is famous for not having acknowledged him as the king of all time, except the king of arrogance, the king of obscenity, and the king of Natai. ”

Just below the lines of Citri lies the land of the Furious King. Citri pointed to that part.

“They have been enslaved for a long time in the north. It wasn't until the King of Fury came along that I began to live a stable life. It's also natural for the king of fury to be the king of protection. ”

The light scatters. Citri sees the dragon instead of the air.

“No one can be sure of how the future of Mahjong will unfold. But once the painting of the Fury King is completed, there is a high likelihood that there will be a conflict between the North and the South. And there will be a conflict between purebreds and outsiders. ”

“Formation of the Confederate front is a must. ”

“when the king of arrogance successfully consolidated the North. ”

Citri twisted her legs in reverse. Normally, she did not spontaneously tell specific stories like now, even though the help was indirect to Dragon Ho. Yongho may have triggered the fact that he defeated the king of the appetizers.

“Let's turn that point closer together. ”

Again, the mystical preaching was drawn in the air. But this time, there were different emblems embedded in each region. Yongho soon realized that each emblem meant the six kings who ruled the Magic Cube.

Among them, the emblem that symbolizes the king of the appetites is gone. Citri bit her lower lip slightly.

“One of the king-made countries is unmatched in the Southern Hemisphere. Perhaps the servants of the king of the appetizers can hide the news of the king of the appetizers' death for a while. But it can't last forever. When the truth is revealed, the food king's land will be a battlefield. And… this is my personal wish, but I hope that when the time comes, my dear customer will do a great job. There's still time for power. ”

Citri's gaze was young. Yongho didn't want to betray that expectation.

“No more hard stories. You were cut off from the part about getting the goods you asked for? ”


“This is the end of the story. Choose one.”

Citri bounces both hands at the same time. Then two catalogs appeared in the air. It was a catalog of magicians and ministers, respectively.

“A necromancing machete and necromancing speciality. Choice is yours to love. ”

Two auto-opening catalogs turn to Dragon Ho.


Dragon has returned.

Citri was left all alone in the white space.

“The king of greed. ”

Citri closes her eyes. The bright smile he put on the dragon's back was a tragedy.

Hundreds of years from now.

There were five kings in Mamon's time of great greed.

The greedy king.

King of arrogance.

King of Natai.

The king of color.

King of Jill.

At the last moment, arrogance, color and jealousy betrayed greed. Natai was not as aggressive as the three kings, but that was it.

“The king of greed. ”

It was different then. It was all in the past now.

Citri closes her eyes. The day Mamon died in her arms, I remembered what the great king of greed said.

The white world was blacked out. The darkness enveloped Citri.

Chapter 58 - The End of Greed, Chapter 59 - The Golden Horizon

The End

chu Yong-ryong

Author's Words

Seven Enslaved Servants

Catarina, Eligos, Skull, Ofelia, Tigrius, Kaiwan, Amon

Yuria and Likum are not slave laborers, but regular labor horses.