Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 61 - Reinforcement of Mergers >

Chapter 61 - Merge Reinforcements

The palace was vast, and the king's territory was vast. Because of this, the distance between dungeons was often more than a day long, even if the horses were running.

Kings generally held dozens and dozens of dungeons under their control.

Even if the distance between each other was a day, it was dozens of days. In order to get back and forth between the two dungeons with the farthest distance from each other, we had to cross one country.

Mamon, the great greedy king, thought.


[So Mamon installed the door of all the dungeons. And then he put all the doors in the room together.]

A flame of Crimson Flame burns out in the cabin of Tiamet the Red Dragon returning to Mamon Street.

Amon continued to explain.

[Of course, Mamon did not create the first door in the room. Nor was he the first Demon King to take a dungeon through the Gates of Space.]

[However, it is the first time that more than dozens of dungeons are joined together. It is one of Mamon's great achievements.]

The horse system had a good mode of transportation to move a long distance in an instant. like a Citri Cat Wagon or a Dungeon Chamber Flying Wagon when visiting a Dungeon Chamber.

But even they were slower than the doors of space that could move momentarily.

And there's a control center on the ninth floor that manages all those roads and doors? ”

When Dragon Hoe asked, the flame burned a little louder.


[However, you won't be able to use the network created by Mamon.]

[Owner should create his own new network.]


Being able to move between the dungeons under the command quickly meant the vast expansion of the activities of households and enslaved workers corresponding to the world's tactical nuclear weapons. Without attracting any attention to the enemy.

[But not perfect.]

[There are only dozens of people who can travel through the network. You can only use it twice a day.]

[You should keep this in mind.]

It was impossible to operate a large force through the door of space. But Yongho was not disappointed.

“That's why there's the Tiamet. ”

It wasn't just Tiamet - he was going to buy more unfair individuals in the future. The choice to buy a large flying chariot and evolve was also attractive.

A fleet that soars through the sky.

The man's longing seemed to be burning even from the thought of it.

“Are you going to go back and challenge the ninth floor raid right away? ”

Kaiwan sat fluffy next to Dragon Hoe, hugging his waist and asking. The dragon shakes its head.

“No, after I prepare more, ”

Mamon's 12 servants guarding the ninth floor were the Great Wizard Magnadon.

In legend, he was a catastrophic creature who cut down the earth and smashed the mountains.

Amon declares that the battle with Magnadon is inevitable. He was not like Skazana or Richard. Mad or not, he was the first to memorize the attack spell.

Katarina sat on the other side of Kaiwan. I asked Yongho Turo a little unselfish.

“Will the Silent Warrior Richard also serve as a servant? ”

His relationship with the Guardian of the Eighth Floor was very subtle. He did not give advice or help like Skazar or Guzion, nor did he attack dragons like Bafometh or Asclepius. He's just guarding the entrance to the treasure chest.

The dragon shrugs at Katarina's question.

“I'd like to, but there's a bit of a problem. ”

“Problems with seating? ”

Kaiwan asked me right away. The dragon nods, and Amon raises his voice again.

[The owner currently has one spot left.]

[Of course, if the owner grows more, more slave laborers will be accepted.]

One person was not a typical minister, but a story of the 12 ministers of Mamon.

Ofelia cautiously looks at you.

“The number of enslaved servicemen is usually five to six, even for kings. The king of the appetite, who has served at least seven slave horses, is quite unusual. ”

There were eight of the king's servants, but Ophelia saw seven.

However, it was clear that seven or eight were already beyond common practice.

[Each sin has its own special abilities.]

[If you're the current owner, you can see the fundamental power of greed.]

It was a whisper that sounded a little off, but the dragon nodded again. It was because he understood what Amon was trying to say.

“Ownership. So Mamon could have had twelve slave horses? ”

He wanted greed.

Pure ownership was the source of greed.

More serving horses.

It didn't matter if there were five or six others. Greed longed for possession.

[It is also the power of greed. But it also adds to the power of appetite and fury.]

[If God had not possessed three sins, even Mammon would not have been able to reap all of our 12 ministries as servants.]

And Yongho now had greed and appetite. One day, like Mamon, the day could come when twelve slave laborers could serve as slaves.

“So it's a matter of choice right now? ”

Kaiwan picked up the point. Yongho accepted.

“Richard hasn't acknowledged me yet. I only allowed you to use the treasure chest. I can gain the power of his" trust "... but I don't know if I can make him a slave. ”

Forcing the opponent to desertify was also difficult. How much more than anyone else, it was forcing one of Mamon's 12 ministers to make atonement martyrdom. It was natural to think of impossible rather than possible.

[If we do divide our priorities, we think of Old Zion as a slave labor horse first, rather than Richard.]

[Richard will never serve a new master unless he convinces himself.]

[I would rather die.]

A man who has guarded the treasure trove of his dead master for a thousand years. It's funny to compare the loyalty of the 12 servants, but not many will compare to Richard's loyalty.


Skull suddenly speaks. After seeing Skull for as long as dragon hoes, Katarina understands what Skull just said. She rubs her ears a few times and grips the dragon's hand tightly.

“I'm just like Skull. I will never serve any master but the Lord. ”

“Well, I'm yours. ”

Kaiwan grabbed the dragon's arm and jokingly wedged it. Dragon said to Eligos, who felt embarrassed and happy at the same time, hesitant and pouting.

“It's all right, Eligos. You don't have to overdo it because you know what you're doing. And Ofelia and Tigris. ”

Eligos reddened his skin even more, and Ophelia smiled faintly at him. Tigrew asked for shame with a clear cough.

Amon whispers to all.

[I said it was for one person, but I also felt a bit lacking.]

[Servants belonging to the owner are getting stronger quickly. Owners must also grow up to embrace them all.]

[The power of evolution will lead masters and enslavers to higher heights.]

The same was true of the 12 ministers of Mamon.

Even after reaching the peak of the horse system, Mamon and the 12 ministers continued to grow.

The dragon smashes its palm in a duet.

“Very well, I'll need to get the ninth floor to heat up Ophelia and Tigris, the men responsible for Cadis Fortress." Let's get ready as soon as we get back. ”

The northern fortress, Cadis, occupied before his meeting with the Furious King.

Embryo and Strabody will require considerable attention and touch to rebuild the fortress that was completely destroyed by the two external invasions.

Dragon said as he turned away from Ofelia, who was making tears, and Tigris, who politely threw up his vacuous cough, and Kaiwan hugged the dragon's arm a little harder.

“You said you had something to do before that. ”

“Of course I do. ”

Dragon's gaze turned to one of the enslaved.



[Name: Black Song]

[Archetype: Magic Blade]

[Black Songs are unknown to the creator.]

[For now, the most powerful theory is that the blacksmith, Kakura Doom, sacrificed his own body for revenge.]

[A giant Claymore sword, the Black Songs, will be a powerful death curse to the user.]

[Those who submit to this curse will live as undead and become puppets of the Black Chorus. - Black Songs with Puppets repeat the brutal massacre and are called the undead numbers. -]

[But he who overcomes the curse can do necromancing with the power of the Black Songs.]

[This can be used by a user who is ignorant of magic because it uses the power of a sword.]

[Dungeon Challenge Tip]

[Since the curse itself is to be passed on to the undead, the original undead can use the Black Song.]

[Dungeon Chamber Warning]

[Even if the user of the Black Chorus is undead, if his will is weak, he can be controlled by the Black Chorus.]

[If the purchase was made and the curse was triggered, it is not returnable or refundable for any reason.]

The dragon, who put down the Dungeon Chamber's Articles of Sale, saw a black soundtrack placed on the ornamental table. The black fraud seemed to be smoking grass. I thought I'd be cursed if I just held my hand.

Yongho picked up a second manual in a row.

[- Defective -]

[Classification: Undead]

[Detailed Classification: Rich]

[Rich was born from the Great Wizard of the Two Realms at the Dungeon Chamber.]

[Typically, ‘living' is used for rich production. Those who become rich themselves prepare for consciousness in their lifetime.]

[The Great Wizard of this world was already dead at the time of discovery, so there was a low chance of success in the beginning.]

[Despite the accumulated know-how of the Dungeon Chamber, the Grand Wizard's corpse was successfully relocated to Rich.]

[Unfortunately, Rich was not born with the right self.]

[Born with powerful magical powers and some necromancing magic, but has no ego, making it impossible to operate properly.]

This was not a prototype. Citri saved it specially from the warehouse where the defects were stacked.

A giant skeleton, almost the size of a skull, lies limping next to a black anthem. It's like a black melody, but I feel like there's nothing malty about it. Even where the glare should shine, there was only a little blurry light.

Defects that cannot be sold due to lack of self.

But there was no better material for Yongho.

“Okay, let's do it. ”

Yongho didn't think about merging Rich and Black Songs with Skull. because there was a much more efficient third option.

Merge and strengthen.

Unlike common coalescence evolution.

What should be called "items" and the evolution of labor into one.

Merging was only possible once in the yard. But instead, they did not need evolutionary skills.

A green glare flashed from the dragon's eyes. The rust rose from both arms.

In an empty room in the corner of the Fifth Floor Armory.

The mercenaries who were staring at the back of the dragon swallowed dry saliva. The dragon finally rests his hand on the blade of the Black Song and Rich's shoulder. You have unleashed the power of evolution!

There was an enormous light.

No, it was darkness, not light. Suddenly, the emitted light envelops your vision and creates an invisible darkness.

Yongho felt the magic rush in. Half the powerful magical force released from the six horns was exhausted in a heartbeat.

The darkness rises again. Yongho was rushed by Lucia to supply the dungeon's reserve magical power. You slowly step back and look at the newly born Rich as he consolidates.

The appearance has changed. The blurry eyesight and limp posture have remained, but the body itself has changed more combat. The sharp impression was strong because it merged with the sword.

The Black Fraud is raging. Combined with Rich's powerful magic, the Black Songs' curse becomes even more powerful.

The dragon swallowed a dry saliva. You step back and instead turn around and look at the skull.


The curse of the Black Songs was stronger than I thought. Rich, who had no self at all, was able to free himself from the curse, but not a willful skull.

What if Skull is defeated by the Black Song's curse?


Skull speaks, taking a step forward in a radiant glare. It was still incomprehensible, but Dragon understood. I trusted Skull instead of worrying.

Skull stands beside Rich. Yongho saw the Borat Smoke from Skull twisting Rich.

Dragon has chosen to breathe. I could feel the prisoners staring behind my back nervous, swallowing dry saliva.


Skull smiles. The dragon smiles, and then steps back. You place your hand on Skull's trusty shoulder.

Merge Evolution.

Dragon Hoe grips his teeth. I put more magic into it than I did just now. Rich vomits a black scam with his mouth wide open as if screaming, and Skull raises a fierce spark of spark and solidifies his will.

Once more, the light came on.

Light gives birth to darkness.

Dragon felt something else while his magic was depleted. I sensed a completely different power than when I merged Rich and Black Songs.

Mamon's wonder.

Borat light close to the assay was emitted from the arena of the left arm. Dragon was not the intention. The sealed death in the arena was the power of Baphomet itself.

No one explained. But Yongho understood.

Mamon's 12 Servants.

Those who made the Palace of the Ecliptic 12 motif.

The death of Baphomet determines his successor.

The dark-colored light fills the room. It grew closer and closer to purple than black, and at some point it emitted intense light and vanished.

It only happened for a few seconds. But these were unforgettable moments.

Katarina opens her mouth without my knowledge. I smashed my ears and tail.

Kaiwan shed a somewhat foolish smile. Eligos and Ofelia blink a few times, and Tigrius vomits with screaming admiration.

Servants felt each other through dragon hoes.

Yongho understood the person standing in front of him more directly.

The growth of the slave labor horse soon triggered the growth of the owner. And it was preached again to all the servants.

Six horns soar above the dragon's head. Other prisoners also straightened up their horns, saving that one of them had reached a whole new height.

It wasn't the Night of Destiny.

I couldn't compare to Rich.

The No-Life King, in other words.

King of the Undead.

From within the hollow eyeholes of Skull, a bright, radiant glare burns.




chu Yong-ryong