Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 61 # 2 >


The energy of death surges. It was a force that caused fear and fear for the living beyond the power of the magic.

The dragon hoes and mercenaries knew the energy of death. Vagina faced a true death unlike the forces of the Bone Dragon or any other undead.

Goat breeding, Devil of Carnage Baphomet.

The incarnation of death from another world, one of Mamon's 12 ministers.

Someone swallowed a dry saliva. Yongho did the same. I looked at Skull with tense eyes.

I got a little bigger. The sharpness that Rich had merged with the Black Songs was etched into the impression.

Ahn Kwang, located among the skeletons surrounded by a bright spark, was subtle. Instead of flashing for a moment, it seemed like a flame that would burn forever.


Dragon Hoe cautiously sings. There was some anxiety about whether or not the skull had been eaten by the Black Trumpet.

The slave workers were also focused. The connection to the center of the dragon fluctuated vigorously.

Skull replies.

“Skull. Skull. ”

My voice was always mixed with laughter. There was silence in the room for a moment, and the smile continued. Dragon vomited a breath of relief.

He was Skull, who succeeded Baphomet's death and took the power of Rich and Mage to surpass Desknight and Rich, but his essence remained unchanged.

‘But are you still a skull? ’

It was nice to meet you, but it was a little too bad. I was hoping that Skull would say the right thing this time.

“Wait. Skull? ”

The dragon blinks. I looked at Skull with a surprised face as if he had realized that Katarina, who liked him with her ears and tails, was also stunned. Kaiwan opened his lips.

“Didn't it sound different? So... ”


Skull spoke again, and the serving horses expressed new surprises.

I was definitely just saying Skull, but I could understand what it meant. Aside from the sound of Skull's voice, I felt like the meaning was being conveyed directly in my head.

Why are you so surprised? I was the same - roughly.

This time Skull was embarrassed when the dragon hoes and serving horses panicked again. You tilt your head slightly and speak again.



“Oh, my God. ”

The dragon takes its breath away. Tigris shines his eyes.

“Powerful Telepathy. It seems that the combination with Rich has awakened the power of Sorcery - a natural magic. ”


“Magic that comes out of dependence on will and innate strength, without arithmetic calculations. It's like a superpower... or a flame from the Lord himself. ”

How many times have I studied magic since I came to the Dragon Gate, so I knew what Tigris called "arithmetic" magic.


As Skull calculated arithmetically, he could not even imagine using magic. It was much more Skull to just exert a superpower based on instinct.

“Skull, do you know what magic you can use? ”

The dragon's bite blinks Skull's eyes. After some time, I replied.

“Skull. Skull. ”

I'm not sure yet - but I think I know what I can do-

A bright spark rises from Skull's right hand. The flames soon turned into lightning, and the dragon saw that it was lightning that engulfed the aura of death.

The lightning bolt that Skull acquired when he was a Magic Knight.

Skull handles lightning freely like a dragon's flame. You scatter it into the air and start a new flame.

The energy of death was still young this time, but it was different from before. If lightning had been the killing of the living a moment ago, now it was the raising of the dead.

“It's not just the Death Knights who have the magic of Rich. It must be more than that. The King of the Undead -- I don't think it's an exaggerated title. ”

Tigrius spills out in excitement. Dragon Ho, who came up with the title 'No Life King’, also nodded.

But I had a question.

Why is it that Skull can't say the right thing and still skulk even though he was born so powerful?

Is it because of me? ’

The power of evolution was the power of dragons. Because of this, the evolution experienced by the servants reflected the unconsciousness of the dragon.

like Katarina's ears and tails turned out to be much nicer to pound than before evolution, or there was a handle behind Salami's back.

Dragon Hoe thought of a fluent Skull for a moment, and soon he felt a tremendous awkwardness. The skull was only a skull if it was a skull.

Skull laughs as if he knew the dragon's heart. Skull laughter sounded good.

“Merge evolution, merge evolution... but merge enhancement is also amazing. I can't believe this is happening to me. Granting the power of the artifact to a Servant...”

Tigris nods ferociously, admiring Eligos. After a long time of returning from the old man to the wizard, he repeatedly emphasized that Skull was all that was essential to the Black Songs.

Kaiwan hugged the Dragon's arm.

“Like I said before, at least I can't be the Dragon Heart. No, get Dragon Hearts to reinforce the merger. Will you do that for me? ”

The merger enhancement was able to grant the power of the artifact to the minister. If we could save Dragon Hearts and consolidate them like Kaiwan does, it was likely that we could use the power of dragons as well as amazing magic. Dragon breezes, dragon peers, dragon magic.

Merge enhancements were much more diverse than the merger evolution that only a few ministers, such as the Undead and Golems, could have. Dragon Hoe suddenly asked Amon again.

“Amon, did all the 12 ministers consolidate? ”

[There are those who are and there are those who are not.]

[For old time's sake, I didn't consolidate with the spear.]

[It was not Mamon's will that made me a spear.]

Katarina flinches. She thinks she's reinforced the spear with a coalescence, as Amon mentioned.

Amon raises a gentle fire with a smile on his face.

[My Lord, there is only one chance to strengthen the unification of each horse.]

[Nevertheless, if you just cherish it, you may miss out on something big.]

I thought I knew what you meant. Even in the later stages of the game, if I save skill points for later skills, the process becomes more difficult. However, if it were not a game, it might not have reached the latter end at all.

Skull gained the power of the Black Songs by merging with Rich. In other words, Skull still had the opportunity to consolidate.

‘You can do the same for me. It would take me a long time to gather enough skill to be able to merge again. ’

It was the skull that experienced the most evolution among the Mamon family members. Perhaps now the speed at which evolutionary skills were built was comparable to Amon's.

But the dragon felt gratified. Skull still had room for growth. Skull still has some untapped potential.

Yongho recalls the artifacts in Mamon's armory that Asclepios guarded. I thought of artifacts that might be good to reinforce with slave workers in a row.

While all this was going on, Katarina glanced up her hands like a student asking me, rolling her eyes.

“Amon, can I inherit Elun's power just as Skull inherited the power of the Twelve Servants? ”

It was only a matter of momentary forgetting, surprised by the merger and growth of the skull, but it was more than two things before the loss.

Baphomet's death made Skull his successor. I delivered the essence of death to Skull.

12 The essence of the Servants lies within the Dragon Horse Rack. The same was true of the dead Elun and Asclepius.

I inherit that power.

Become the Straight Successor of Mamon's 12 Servants.

Amon smiles a little as Katrina picks it up and mentions Elun. I answered without concealing my willingness.


[Especially since you are so much like Elun in nature. If you are qualified, Elun's power, Justice, will choose you.]

According to Amon, Katarina likes it with her cheeks slightly red. My tail flutters as if it were a slow tapping of the ears.

Kaiwan smiled.

“Are you a 12-year-old minister? A mix of old and new. The 12 Dragon Warriors are pretty good, too. ”

It was already being done. Amon, who was Mamon's servant, also stood beside the dragon.

“Okay, in order to do that, we need to hit the ninth floor. Let's get the hell out of here. ”

When Yongho spoke loudly, Kaiwan winked.

“I'll let you know. ”

“Me, too."


Katrina sneaks in, and Skull openly steps in. Yongho told Eligos that he should or should not interfere again, but that he was fine with it, and ordered everyone, including Ophelia and Tigrius.

“Let's rest for the day. We're gonna have to roll hard again tomorrow. ”

In order to normalize Cadis Fortress and raid the food king's territory, you must first acquire the ninth floor. Immediately, the king of the enemy's appetite disappeared, and there was a powerful ally called the king of fury, but there was still much work to be done.

Everyone under Dragon's command grabbed Kaiwan Dragon's arm while giving birth. You whisper in a gentle voice.

“But Yongho. ”


"Who's prettier than me or the king of fury or Katarina? No. Beautiful? ”

He was conscious of the prophecy that came out during the summit with the King of Fury. Kaiwan smiled thinly, and Katarina lifted her ears.

Instead of making eye contact with Kaiwan's thinning eyes, Yongho lightly kissed his forehead and turned away. Kaiwan was still hanging on to his arms, but there was no problem.

Kaiwan pinches the dragon's waist slightly, and Katarina quickly follows along beside the dragon's. Skull bursts into laughter on behalf of Dragon.


There was no telepathy this time. Yongho was thankful that Skull was still a Skull instead of speaking the right words.


It's been more than twenty days since the king of the appetizers died.

There were few things Orlando, the high priest, could do while evaporating to the mid-teens, the nucleus of power. He asked the three rulers who guarded the border who could be the most powerful among the remaining rulers to work in the future.

As Orlando, the high priest, had wished, he gathered his opinions about selecting a suitable successor from among the sons of the king of the appetizers. There was no controversy over the fact that we had to hide the death of the appetizer king for a while.

Orlando, the chairman, was relieved.

And three gazzos had their own seats without Orlando. The three men who were arguing over their achievements under the king of the appetizers, but after the king of the appetizers disappeared, the meaning was surprisingly good.

It was pointless to establish an heir.

None of the king's children were guilty of eating.

There were only six countries in the Magic Cube.

And this number was equal to the number of the six kings.

What does this mean?

It was simple: a country cannot exist without a ‘king’.

The three gazebos didn't think to defend the food king's territory. They did not have the ambition to fight amongst themselves to become new heights.

To whom will you dedicate yourself, the dungeons, and the servants? Who can get the best value for selling to?

It was also natural that the will of the three kingdoms worked. Only those who could survive under the king of the appetizers had the qualities of three houses.

I couldn't move fast enough now that I didn't know how the king of the appetizers died. With Orlando's permission, we need to keep an eye on things a little longer.

However, it was possible to exchange opinions in advance. The three gazebos thought that it would be most effective to devote themselves to some king, and this time it was surprisingly meaningful to each other.

Three gazes from different places became one at the point of preaching the kingdom.


The sky in the magic system was red.

And the crimson spread its wings under the red sky.

King of violence.

The largest and most powerful of dragons.

He wasn't on his own rare. Most of the beings in the magic system were unknown, but stood on the most important land in the magic system.

Mamon's remaining memory of greed confirmed it.

This was the land where Mamon, the great greedy king, died.

The king of violence once again looks around. There were no more stairs leading up to that high sky.

Thousands and hundreds of years. Past events that have already been closed. A man who saved the Magic Cube in a place no one knows about and was lost in history by traitors.

The king of violence raised his head high. I vomited my voice as I looked up at the sky. A harsh wind blows from somewhere and scatters the voice of the King of Violence with the truth that the King of Natai told us.

The king of violence is no longer a fool. Mamon's last breath leaves the ground behind.

It crosses the red sky of the horse system that is not green, and should never be blue.

Chapter 61 - Consolidation Ends, Chapter 62 - Magnadon in Scorpion's Throne


chu Yong-ryong