Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 63 - Surprise >

Chapter 63 - Ambush

Gaju, the soul of the dungeon and the owner of the dungeon, was no exaggeration.

The growth of the house immediately led to the growth of the dungeon, and vice versa.

After the battle with the king of the appetizers, the dragonhoes had an explosive growth. Lucia, of course, also gained more control over the dungeon than ever before.

Nevertheless, it was lacking. The labyrinth of greed demanded more power from Mamon, the great king of greed.

In fact, having to cross the seven and eight floors in the middle was also a disaster. because he had to take control of the ninth floor remotely across the two floors.

Lucia barely made it to the ninth floor. But it was imperfect. In order to fully control the ninth floor, and to further control all the remaining floors of the greedy maze including the seventh and eighth floors, Lucia needed to grow a little more.

The easiest way to grow the soul of a dungeon was also to feed the heart of the dungeon the essence of the dungeon collected from the heart of another dungeon.

There was a problem here. The Southern Hemisphere has reduced the number of dungeons by less than half due to civil wars in the four corners of the northeast and southwest. From the position of Dragon Hoe, who had to dominate a huge territory called the Southern Free Zone, only a dwindling of dungeons had to be avoided.

The idea of obtaining the essence of a dungeon from a dungeon in a blank space was rejected. It was the dungeons outside the void that should be aimed at.

There was food. It was also very tasty and relatively easy to obtain.

Tons of dungeons in the territory of the king of the appetizers.

The king of the appetizers, the most powerful force to resist invasion of other lands, covering all of them, was still alive in each dungeon. And the only thing I knew about it was the Mamon family. It was absurd to miss such an opportunity.

There were generally two cornerstones in the dungeon attack.

One is a large-scale military maneuver.

In this way, the dungeon battle ideals that take place in the palace are achieved. It was a way to dismantle the dungeon's defenses and traps and advance using a large number of veterans.

Naturally, the damage of ordinary servicemen was great, but it was possible to reduce the damage of elite troops, including enslaved servicemen. Furthermore, from the point of view of conquering and dominating the dungeon, we had to mobilize a large force here as well.

It belonged to the ignorant naval tactics chosen by Ambrio's underling, Bizarro. Because of its small size, the way it was taken when Foras attacked the dragon lagoon was also in a large context.

The other was dispatching elite minority troops, as opposed to the first one.

The stronger the elite troops you deploy, the less damage this side will do as well as the time required to attack the dungeon. The size of the troops itself was small, so it was also good to make an unpredictable surprise attack from the opponent.

But it was not a good way to rule the dungeon. Moreover, the risk itself was high because it was the dispatch of elite troops to dungeons that did not know what the risks might be. The attackers' roots can be shaken if they choose to.

Dragon has experienced both the attackers and defenders' strengths and weaknesses of the second method.

Yongho didn't mobilize much troops in the eastern attack. The only ones who targeted the dungeons of Strabody were dragon hoes and enslaved slave horses.

Because of this, Dragon did not lose a single workhorse in the process of taking down the dungeon of Strabody. Instead of moving your body, you minimized the useless damage on this side.

It was the same way the king of the Sycamores used to attack House Mamon. However, the king of the appetizers suffered a great loss, as opposed to Dragon Hoe. The ten people who were primarily sent in were exterminated. Secondly, he stepped out and lost his life.

The king of the appetizers moved on his own because he lost the Dozens. As a result of the loss of his life to the king of the appetizers, the land of the appetizers was in nothing but empty shells. The foundation of one nation was shaken by just two dungeons.

The dragon thought, looking at the map of the boundary that marked the land of the king of the appetizers.

The first method, orthodontism, was not available. The Skull and Black Orc armies, the Mamon family elite, were powerful, but too few. While they regrouped in the process of occupying the vacancy, Yongho now has less than two thousand troops available.

It was unusual for anyone to hit the north with this number. Furthermore, this kind of attack was likely to expose the king of the appetite's absence too quickly.

As always, Dragon Ho needed time. The later it became known that the death of the king of the eaters was better, and the better for other kings, including the king of fury, who were friends, if they did not restrain the dragon.

Because of this, Yongho should have taken the second approach, of course.

Attacks dungeons with elite minority troops.

Although there was no king of the appetizers, the dungeons of the appetizers were nothing compared to the southern void.

Furthermore, it was better not to use all the slave labor force for the big picture that Yongho was planning.

The attackers who raided the dungeon under the King of the Sylvesters should not be the Mamon Family. It was better to be a mysterious force, even blindfolded and unknown.

So what do we do?

What troops will be used in addition to the serving horses to target the dungeons under the King of Sylvesters? Is there even such a force in the Mamon Family?

There was. It was definitely there.

Dragon Hoe gives a small thank you to the king of lost appetites like a generous tree to himself.


“It's all good. Why are you here? ”

The owner of the Arena, Gu Zion, said with a fat face. Yongho answered, lightly relaxing on the stadium.

“It's sturdy here. Fighting is good. Farming in the Garden of Life is rampant. ”

The Garden of Life was originally a garden for ornaments, not a fighting ground or a farm for farming, but I just sighed. I remembered Skazaha's letter, complaining that the smell of fresh fertilizer was horrible.

“I miss Skazaha. ”

“You'll see soon enough. ”

The cooling dragon loosened its shoulders. After taking a deep breath, I straightened up and looked back at the guards standing on the stadium, just like myself. You stand in a big circle, emptying the middle.

“Prepare yourselves. I'll start right away. ”

Dragon Warriors were all posed according to the words of the dragon. Kaiwan smiled and stretched his scabbard like a whip, and Katarina strained her tail for some reason. Ofelia and Eligos each untied their ankles and their wrists, and Tigris wielded his staff lightly.

And one. Skull, the most important person in the plan, announced that he was ready to laugh.

The dragon, checking on the status of the serving horses, looks back. I told Gu Zion who was sitting at a special spectacle.

“Will you help me if I do? ”

“I don't think I need your help. ”

It was a pleasant nagging. It is because dragons and slave laborers who have grown so much that they do not need to help.

Dragon has chosen to breathe again. He licked his tight, dry lips, then closed his eyes and concentrated his consciousness.

Reminds me of a good meal.

The power of the king of the appetites who swallowed it with the power of greed.

Greed possessed the king of appetite, leaving nothing behind. It was truly greedy extortion.

Dragon has found one of them. You deceived one by the guilt of appetite and the magic power of the king of appetite. Yongho misleads himself as the king of the appetizers and commands you to open the door.

The enchanted contract complied with the dragon's command. Orloth executed the contract and opened the door to the hidden room.

The front of the Dragon.

The space opens and massive forces emerge in succession.

Vampire Road, Desknight, Elder Reach, Bone Dragon.

Every one of them was the top undead who could conquer the throne with that name. There were fewer than a dozen of those who were purchased by the King of the Sylvesters as secret deals to fight the other kings, but they were monsters, even if they were already legions.

Dragon has not summoned all the undead beyond the space. The king of the Sylvester summons only what he summoned to attack House Mamon. It was intentional, but it also happened because the most recent summons were used.

Five vampire roads and eleven deserts.

Suddenly summoned, they fall into a small commotion. Apparently, they were summoned by their master, the king of the appetizers, but they were nowhere to be seen.

They saw dragons together. It was dragons who felt the magic of the king of the appetizers.

About Desknight, there was a high level of self-esteem and intelligence. Not to mention the Vampire Lords, the lords of blood.

They look at the dragon and think, The existence in front of me was clearly the Mamon family heirloom that the former king of the appetizers had ordered us to attack. If so, should we attack? Or should I keep an eye on things a little bit longer?

But it was worthless. Yongho didn't even want to give them a choice in the first place.

The mercenaries have unlocked their magic. Just as those who attended the auction house did, they released bladeless magic around them.

Vampire Roads and the Desknights have fallen into a magical storm. But that wasn't all. In addition to the magical storm, there was one thing that frightened them.

Desknights instinctively felt. Vampire Roads turn their backs with a stunning glow on their faces.

There was death.

No life king.

A skull who inherited the power of Baphomet, the incarnation of death.

The undead are terrified of death. The aura of Borat's death overwhelms them.

And the last shock hits the undead.

Six tall horns.

Greed and appetite simultaneously empowered me. Mamon's wonder and fury radiate at the same time.

The undead can't keep their bodies together as if they forgot to breathe. Overwhelmed by the powerful magical forces that tighten them from all sides.

An undead army prepared by the King of the Sylvester.

These were the servants contracted by the king of the appetizers. Even if Dragon Hoe had the evil of gluttony and the magic of the king of gluttony, it was impossible to sing them perfectly.

So I needed a new contract. The same thing happened to Salami in the past, with a little bit of aggression and compulsory renewal.

“Now then, ”

The dragon shakes its head lightly to the left and to the right. Second-hand workers also released young magical powers through their own Brigada.

The Knight of the Red Moon, the representative of the Vampire Lords, wicrose swallowed a dry saliva for the first time since he became a Vampire Lord.

Dragon Hoe approaches him. The horse is finished by grabbing the flame of the red flame from the air.

“It's time for retraining. ”

Shortly after, Wickrose screamed for the first time since he became Vampire Road.


"This is the mask you mentioned.

(As you ordered, we modeled after the dragon.)

The dragon, who saw Vergrim's little blackboard, nodded. After clearing Burgrim with a satisfied face, he took the goods he had brought to Katarina and Kaiwan.

Yongho, who completed a true and proper retraining of the undead forces, ordered the slave laborers to rest and return to their chambers. And I met Burgrim without much waiting. In such a short time as Vergrim, who always works hard, Yongho did a fabulous job of completing the items he asked for.

What Burgrim brought was a mask that shaped the dragon's head. It was more like a helmet than a mask, because it was all over my head. The basic shape itself was similar to the helmet of Silver Dragon Armor, because the colors were different.

The dragon that was touching the metallic mask was soon turned upside down on his head. I didn't feel even the slightest bit stuffy like Vergrim's particular attention.

“What do you think?”

“Awesome. Awesome. ”

Katarina claps her hands, wagging her tail. Seeing my ears pounding like always, it seemed like an admiration from my heart.


I also liked Yongho quite a lot, so I smiled happily and looked back towards Kaiwan. However, unlike Katarina, Kaiwan frowned.

“Isn't it a little childish? I think it's too red. I feel like he likes wearing masks, kid. ”

Yongho was excited and smiled at Kaiwan's point and said.

“I don't think it's time for a woman to whip and yell at me every time she fights. ”

Kaiwan flinched at a fatal attack.

“Oh, I didn't. ”

Dragon Hat opened his eyes and looked at nothing. Katrina pauses, her ears and tails snap, and she says it rigorously and seriously.

“I did.”

“I did.”

After agreeing briefly to Yongho, Kaiwan couldn't stand it any longer. I couldn't help but blush my face and neck.

Yongho did not show such cruelty to inflict additional hits due to his consideration of Kaiwan. I took off my mask, touched it again, and smiled.

It should not have been the Mamon Family that attacked the King of the Sylvester's territory.

Mysterious power.

An elite army of the highest undead wearing the Red Dragon's mask.

“Well, let's do it right. ”

[Master, do you know how bad you are right now?]

[Even better because he's a villain.]

[I'm so excited about the masks and costumes used by Kaiwan, the slave minister!]

Lucia told everyone, and Kaiwan, who was starting to get ripe because he couldn't get a burn, flinched.

Katarina laughs.

And the next day.

Dragon attack has begun.


Chapter 63 - Raid End

chu Yong-ryong