Dungeon Maker

Chapter 69 - Fury

Chapter 69 - Fury

The sky was blue and dark. It was still quite an early morning.

One of the strongholds, the central temple, was always as quiet as I was. Especially since there were no strong winds due to the terrain in which the temple was located.

Quiet time.

When it's completely silent, you shouldn't even hear the sound of a small step because everyone's asleep.

But not today. Numerous people were busy commuting and raising their voices, including Kirtimuka, the nanny and escort of the furious king.

“Your Majesty! ”

Kirtimuka, who jumps into the room almost knocking on the door, screams. It would have been profoundly rude to think that staying in this room was both the head of Gandharites and the king of fury, the king of his arms.

But Kirtimuka didn't care about that at all. She's not bragging because she's the best friend to the king of fury.

“Your Majesty! Get up, Your Majesty! ”

Kirtimuka shakes the king's shoulders in fury with a cauldron like hand. The king of fury, lying on a large bed, quickly opens his eyes and lays some nonsense between his non-dreamy dreams.

“Oh, I didn't fall asleep! No, I didn't. I did. Ugh... I'm sorry, Antonix. Don't be angry.”

At the end, it was almost a crying voice. Perhaps Mahora, who was a master in her dreams, saw the Antarctic.

Kirtimuka becomes more impatient. You shake the king of fury once more.

“Your Majesty! This is serious! Wake up! ”


The king of fury blinked his eyes and said. Like a woman who sleeps a lot in the morning, she doesn't have malt in her voice.

Kirtimuka grabs the shoulder of the king of fury and shouts.

“War! The food king's army has crossed the border! Battle in progress on the Eastern Front! ”

It was a vivid story. As the king of fury stood up in his place, Kirtimuka picked up the clothes that lay around the bed and said,

“The meeting was convened. The chiefs of each faction are gathering in the conference room, so we must hurry. ”

This place was not a moving dungeon bimana, but a temple in my arms. Furthermore, there were all the leaders of the arms because of the ongoing meeting.

The king of fury asks a reflexive question.

“How big is the invasion? Do you really need a full board meeting? ”

“It's not clear yet. But it's said to be an all-out war. ”

It was months ago that the furious and appetizing kings had dispatched their own troops to the border. Invasion and defense were both fast.

The king of fury slaps himself on the cheek with both hands. You clear out the lock and leave the room with Kittimuka. Although I was still dressed in heavenly pajamas, I was not in a situation to relax and change my clothes.

In the conference room in the middle of the temple, there were already more than half of the leaders of the arms. Like the king of fury, there were some who rushed in their pajamas and some who had frizzy heads.

The King of Fury sits on his throne, Gandarba. I felt like running to the battlefield right now, but I had to endure it. In some cases, there could be a total power struggle, so even if I was anxious, I had to go through meetings with the leaders.

One minute seemed too long. It took the leaders a few minutes to gather, and a few more minutes to hear the participant's explanation to convey the battlefield information. The king of fury grips his teeth.

The situation was worse than I thought.

The king of the appetizers seemed to really be thinking of a Blitz War. He was hitting the eastern front with a large force that could not even be compared to the mild nerve warfare that had been fought so far.

“It's as if all the troops you've focused on are on alert to the king of color. Even troops who were confronting the dragon army are said to be moving this way. ”

“Holy shit. ”

Someone vomited something nasty. The King of Fury agreed. If it weren't for him, the Furious King would have vomited insults himself.

The King of the Sylvester's attack has truly driven the madman mad. What the hell is going on here, moving the second king of color and his army against the Dragon Legion? Are you trying to charge Lance without looking back?

“What about the king of the appetizers? Have you located him? ”

Mahabharata, the leader of the Deva, asked. A young Mahoga rushes to deliver information.

“It hasn't been seen so far. The one leading the attack is Judicheras, the Earthquake Lord, who was in charge of the eastern front. They say they were seen in combat. ”

The battle is still ongoing at this moment. The king of fury once again repressed himself. I checked the given information quickly in my head while judging the situation.

The furious king himself decided to attack the king of the appetizers because there was an alliance between the king of violence and Mamon Street. On the other hand, the king of the appetites had no alliance to say this. Rather, it was a situation that confronted not only the angry king himself, but also the king of violence. It was common sense to take the lead in this situation.

So what happened? Does the king of the appetizers have an ally? Did he join forces with the king of color?

Perhaps the lack of a king of appetite lasted more than a month was for alliance and underwater activities. But I thought it wouldn't just keep going. It was an unworthy act of appetite.

“What is the royal army doing now? Is it still moving? ”

Kabilaka, the head of the hillside villagers, asked the young Mahoraga. Her hair and feathers were all white and she was always calm. Young Mahoraga replied calmly, as if she had been bitten by the calmness.

“The king of color still shows no movement. According to the patrols who are stationed, even the sovereigns under the king of greed have no movement to do so. ”

Above the placenta, among the scouts in his arms, were the hillbillies who were able to freely soak the sky. It was almost impossible to move a large force from the sky to avoid the eyes of those who say they look beyond nature.

The king of color was motionless. At least her army did not join the king of the appetizers.

The King of Fury has given up his mind. It was meaningless to continue thinking. I got up from my seat and focused everyone's eyes.

“Speak as the king of your arms, not as dritarastra, the head of Gandarba. From now on, I will join the Eastern Front and fight with my own heart against the food king's army. ”

The king of the appetizers was still missing. But his army is constantly gathering towards the eastern front. The eastern front where the battle is currently taking place is of strategic value, not far from the border with the Colorful King. It was a battlefield good enough to show kindness, despite the usual temperament of the angry king.

“We will also ask the king of friendly violence to cooperate with House Mamon. Ask the leaders of your arms for back-up. ”

Yesterday's meeting revealed that not only the king of violence but Mamon Family had formed an alliance. She takes a big breath and looks back at the Dragon King and King Deva.

“I'll always assume the worst. The Dragon King and the Deva King should be vigilant of the North as ever. ”

“I will take my orders. ”

Sugura the Dragon King and Asterio the Deva King pay their respects to the Furious King. As the king of fury himself has pointed out, she is now speaking as the king of arms, not as the head of Gandarba.

“King of the Crucible, dispatch the lion to the king of violence. Gardi Mundi, once again go to Mamon Family to inform them of the emergency while asking for help. ”

The head of the Gardi, the father of Gardi Mundi, also received an example. He was a Gardi Mundi who wanted to protect the king of fury, but he couldn't dare to navigate in a vacancy, not a square. I respectfully accepted the king's wishes.

I drew a big picture, roughly. The king of fury said one last time.

“This was an unexpected attack. But we were preparing for war. As always, this crisis will be resolved wisely. ”

The primary meeting is over. The King of Fury hurriedly left the meeting room and climbed on the back of Astra, the giant apprentice, with the Guards. Everything that had been cleaned up and dressed up had been done on the back of a Demibeast Astra.

The full-grown ancient dragon expands its rainbow wings with a Legendary Astra of equal size. It flew up high and headed east.

The sun was rising.

The king of fury grips the wonder of appetite.


Time passed without hesitation.

After rescuing Citri and Samael, close to 10,000 days had already passed.

Yongho looks at Skazaha's mansion with a nervous face. I even asked to sleep for a while at night, but I couldn't rest properly because I was worried.

It was a bit unexpected I always thought Citri was special, but I didn't think it was this special. The share of Yongho's heart was never left behind by Katarina or Kaiwan.

The dragon closed its eyes tightly. I erased the old memories from my mind. It was different then and now. There was no further parting.

“Coming out.”

It was Kaiwan's voice. Dragon Hoe quickly opened his eyes and looked straight ahead. Kaiwan's horses, Skazaha and Ustia, were leaving the mansion exhausted.

Yongho was able to become the true owner of Skazaha by keeping his promise to bring him back, and by doing so, Skazar was free to go back and forth from his mansion.

Eustace was similar. Since we first met, she was able to unseal the library by re-registering as a regular Mamon household steed, admitting Yongho as the new king of the Mamon family.

The two of them did not sigh all night and focused only on their treatment. I didn't even feel exhausted.

But even the dragon could not keep the right chieftain's words in his mouth. Reflexively protruding was about the inside of the citrus.

Skazar shrugs slightly. I replied with a somewhat depressing tone.

“There's nothing wrong with your life. The internal injuries seem deep, but they're not irreversible. But... I have a problem with my soul. ”

“On the soul side? ”

Skaeza nods. I looked at the flames of the red flame that had just bloomed.

“Whatever Amon said, I think something happened that day. What should Citri's soul say now... It's like having a crack in the corner of a glass jar. The excessive use of the power of sin in that state made the gold grow. ”

It was an ominous story. I intervened between the two as if Kaiwan couldn't stand it.

“Is the power of evolution irreversible? ”

Yongho has healed quite a lot of injuries with the power of evolution so far. Not only did Katarina see the power herself, but she also saw the revival of the Goblin Yon, who was on the brink of death, and she looked at him with anticipated eyes.

Skazar shakes his head. Eustace said.

“The power of evolution is certainly a powerful force, but it will be difficult to heal even the soul. But you don't have to worry too much. As I said, there is nothing wrong with your life. Furthermore, Citri is the king of Natai. As long as he regains consciousness, he can tend to his wounds. ”

Katarina shrugged her lips, and Kaiwan sighed. Skazaha said again.

“In Samael's case, injuries are much more severe, but purely bodily injuries, so healing itself is much easier. Maybe I'll regain consciousness tomorrow. ”

Samael was able to recover in a heartbeat with the power of evolution, but that was when evolution was possible everywhere.

Even if Samael were to become a Mamon family minister, it would take some time to develop evolutionary skills to the extent that it could be evolved.

Moreover, she was one of the five directors who was not guilty and surprised, but that the rest were comparable to the king. Perhaps he needed an evolutionary skill that matched Amon or Old Zion.

Dragon took a deep breath. We've only seen each other's faces a few times, but it doesn't make Samael feel better.

What the hell is going on inside the dungeon hall?

While Skazaha and Eustia were healing, Yongho ordered the vacant settlers to stop dealing with the Dungeon Chamber. It wasn't about declaring a trade stop. I just told you not to make a deal for a while.


Dragon has once again suppressed his restlessness. Citri and Samael both said their lives would not be in jeopardy, so all they had to do was wait. If either of them regained consciousness, the question of the Dungeon Chamber would be cleared.

“Leave Citri to me and get some rest. Your face is half full. ”

Skazaha advised Yongho to rest. Yongho couldn't open his pout with apology. What is most exhausting now is that no one else did.

But that's when it happened. The voice of Lucia has been conveyed to all, not just Yongho.


[Gardi Mundi is back. I think it's urgent!]

The Gardi Mundi who visited the Mamon family just two days ago has returned. It was a strange situation for anyone to see.

The dragon headed straight for Mamon Street, instead of joining Katabuta's horse. Katarina and Kaiwan followed behind such dragons.


The End

chu Yong-ryong