Dungeon Maker

Chapter 70 - Baktu

Chapter 70 - Baktu

Several events occurred simultaneously. Moreover, it was quite fast.

After regaining consciousness, Samuel did not stop to think, even in extreme mental shock. I gathered new information from the Mamon family, what I already knew, and clues from all of Abraxas' words on the day of the Dungeon Chamber of Appearance.

The battle between the five directors was the beginning of the domino.

The king of arrogance has made a pact with the king of Jill. Outwardly, it was still the North at war, but in the end, it was nothing but deception. Many of Jill's forces would still not have known that their king was dead.

Samael, his dungeon, the Dungeon Chamber Special Auction House, has fallen. The king of arrogance could not have absorbed all of Samael's power, but it was largely irrelevant under the circumstances. Samael's area of responsibility was the land of the appetizers. The territory of Jill and the territory of fury that was going on was Bifronts and Abraxax, respectively.

An army of predators has begun to invade the Furious Territory. The King of Fury marches eastward, as she always has, and the Dungeon Chamber strikes everywhere in the Furious Territory in pursuit of that gap.

Although the information Gardymoondi obtained through the Vivo family was very fragmented, Samael, one of the five directors of the Dungeon Congress, guessed the situation again.

The dungeon hall draws its sword properly. It was impossible to take down all the dungeons that existed in the furious territory in just one day, even if the households were not wary of the dungeons themselves. Because of this, the most rational strategy that the king of arrogance could take in this situation was choice and focus. It was clear that most of the power would have been put into several important points, including the in-arms employees.

The barrier is vast. We can't tell the whole story by sending a rookie to a warzone. In real time, all you could find was military movement on the road. What was happening deep down was almost impossible to figure out in real time.

But the king of arrogance and the king of Jill were still at war. Moreover, it took less than three days for all of this to happen. The provocation of the King of Rage was evident even after the conspiracy to reason with the Dungeon of Arrogance.

Almost at the southern end of the Mamon Road. It took at least a few days to understand what was happening in the north. Citri and Samael wouldn't even know what was happening if they weren't so sure.

I had to stop the domino from falling. I had to stop the king of fury from collapsing without fail.

‘The greedy king. ’

Samael bursts into laughter without my knowledge. As one of the five directors of the Dungeon Chamber, there was an unimaginable creature crouching in the south, who was proud to be observing the entire throne system. Moreover, there were 12 servants of Mamon by his side. Citri was the king of Natai. Every time the meeting of the five directors was held, I only laughed when I thought of myself posting in front of Citri, but no one else, "The King of Natai is still in hiding."

‘We can stop it. I can defend it. ’

The power of the king of arrogance was truly terrifying. He conquers the North and has the Dungeon Chamber.

But this side was also difficult. I never looked back.

Samael closes his eyes. I gripped them, thinking of the faces of Carlos and the servants.


The temple was on fire.

The number of enemies detected by widespread sensation was over a hundred. Moreover, about twenty to thirty of them each had an unusual energy. Based on the judgment of the Dungeon Chamber, they were five star chariots.

And there was one more thing.

The fundamental reason why the temples in my arms had to collapse without hesitation. Presence that creates a critical power difference between the two sides.

Gu Zion regained consciousness. I instructed my left and right with a small gesture without making eye contact.

Ofelia, who noticed it so quickly, understood it first. The mamon family housewives led the fighting horses of the Arena. You started a battle against the Dungeon Chamber of Warriors scattered throughout the temple. Gardi Mundi, who was in charge of guiding the way from the door of the room to here, found his father's undertow car and desperately flapped his wings.

As there is no one left behind behind the end of Ophelia and Eligos, Gu Zion slowly steps forward. Standing hundreds of meters away, the man who was nailed began walking towards the same Guzion.

It is noisy around you, but the two of you facing each other feel calm. The Old Zion is silent, and Aurobas trembles with joy.

It didn't take long for both of them to stop. There was a distance of about ten meters between the two.

Aurobas swallows his saliva. I looked at Gu Zion several times, standing beyond the distance where I could talk, and suddenly I burst a big smile.

It's not a mockery. It's a cheerful smile that comes from the tip of your lungs.

“Oh, my God. That's him. He's right. The best red daemon I've ever seen in a childhood video I stumbled upon. ”

It's the same as the video. Especially that bull's horn on top of his head.

“Old Zion of Might. Mamon's twelve most powerful servants. Who has been my goal for a long time. ”

Why is he here now? No, I don't know how he survived in the first place.

My curiosity preceded my doubts. I wanted to put aside the details and fight for now. I wanted to prove myself. It was not too late to hear the details even after defeating the Old Zion.

Aurobas wields his magic on six horns that were already open. You have elicited a tremendous power that is not even comparable to the slaughter of weak limbs.

There was no more silence. The atmosphere shudders and screams, and the small, light things around you vibrate fiercely. It was like the whole world was shivering with the power of Aurobas.

Aurobas was taken in pleasure. He said with a full smile on his face.

“I am Aurobas‘ greatest strength ’. As you can see, this is the most powerful red daemon ever. I will beat you today and prove it. ”

It was an arrogant voice. The narcissistic eye had already seen a glorious victory.

“The best.”

Gu Zion cared about the words. Instead of saying shameful words, I opened six horns. I didn't need a long horse to fight.

“Here we go.”

Old Zion crashes to the ground. He disappeared from Aurobas' sight.


Amon splits the air. Once again, the rust blooms along the trail, filling the entire field of view.

The king of color stepped back. She looks at the rust with unbelievable eyes. My hands were trembling with the wonder of color lust.

It was clear that Amon was the owner of the Red Flame. The sin of greed was obvious.

Do you think he's back? Did he shut the door to the heavenly world and appear before himself for over a thousand years?

“The greedy king! ”

The king of color cries out again. And the dragon pierces the rust. Amon's sharp spear hurls towards the middle of the king's heart.

You miss. The dragon twists its arm just before it hits. Amon stabs the air a long way from where he originally intended, and the king of color stands nailed and looks at the dragon.

“It's not Mamon. ”

The king of color said. At the same time, the dragon backs away from Amon. I tried to fight straight away, but my body wouldn't listen.

“It's not Mamon. Greedy, but not mammon. It's not him.”

The king of color once again said: Her trembling hands gradually return to rest. Amon shouts in the dragon's head.

[The power of color that tempts even the enemy.]

[Bite the slave horses. Face only the King of Fury and the Master!]

The shaking of the king of color ceased completely. Her face is filled with horror, and her fury is young.

Dragon has filmed the ground. Once again, he caused a big rust, blocking his relationship with the king of color. It was a fire that originally started to attack the king of color, but I couldn't hurt her. I kept thinking that.

Catarina, stand down! Join the front line with Kaiwan! ’

Delivered the message through Brigada. Katarina, who was about to land on the dragon, raised her altitude again, and Kaiwan, who was riding on the salami, slashed his lips and headed towards a furious army. Skull and Skull in Bucephalos were the same.


The king of fury suddenly shouts. The dragon lowers rapidly, and the sword slashes over the dragon's head. The rust that the dragon caused also dissipated like a lie.

[Awaken the power of wonder!]

[The only king who can stand against a king of wonders is a king of wonders!]

Before Amon's words are finished, the king of color shows his movements. You charge towards the Dragon Horn several times more vigorously than you did when you chased down the Furious King.

The wonder of color crashes with Amon. Mamon's curiosity on the dragon's left arm begins to emit a luxurious light. Dragon saw the king of color with his teeth clenched. I didn't know.

I don't want to hurt her.

I'd rather die than hurt her!

The hand holding Amon is weak. The wonder of color does not miss the gap. You want to slide over Amon's spear, but you've made a strange trajectory. It flashes toward the empty neck of the dragon.

[My Lord!]

Amon shouts, and the lightning explodes. Dragon Hoe recovers only after he has covered himself in fragments of lightning. In the place of the bounced dragon, there was an angry king. She holds back the king of color with an axe that is larger than her own.

The power of temptation was so strong. Especially for the king of color, the rational Dragon was more difficult to endure the power of temptation.

The king of fury has not reached the king of greed. She doesn't give up her defenses at all like Dragon Hoe, but she doesn't make a good attack because of the power of Temptation either. His white arms and legs quickly became bloody.

Dragon has bitten his teeth. Not only did I set the six horns straight, but I triggered the heart of the Drinking King. You quickly pull yourself up to Omar and step on the ledge. You stabbed Amon to kill the air next to him, not the king of color, and then exploded magical powers.

The earth-shattering explosion affected both the king of color and the king of fury. The king of color casts off explosions and shock waves with the wonder of color, and the king of fury bounces off without stopping him properly. It was the way of the Dragon's Forest.

Dragon Hoe branded Amon on the ground. At the same time, you unleashed the magical power of greed on Amon, the Dragon Warrior. It caused a fierce flame that was not even comparable until now.

The rust swallows the dragon. The king of color retreated in reflex, and the dragon fled to the king of fury, leaving Amon alone. Immediately after grabbing her waist from the air, you extracted Katarina's magical power through Brigada. I spread the wings of the shadow and soared.

Skazaha has confirmed Amon as well.

The only king who could stand up to a king of wonders was a king of wonders.

Mamon's unfinished wonder was not enough. To overcome the temptation of the king of color, Dragon Ho also had to achieve the wonder of pairing with sin.

There was little time to earn by Amon's fire. The dragon that crossed over the commander's head landed directly on the ground.

The king of fury stumbles from the dragon's arms. Yongho grabbed her bloody shoulder and said in haste.

“Let's loosen my belt."


The king of fury stares at the dragon with a blank face. Everything was confused. My heart is pounding like crazy in the middle of battle. What's more, a greedy king? Are you suggesting that the Mamon family heiress is the king of greed? And was it true that you were just held in the arms of House Mamon? Really? What do you mean, "Unbuckle me"? In the middle of the battlefield, nowhere else!

The furious king's face rises red. The dragon who realized his mistake then acted instead of correcting his words. You remove the rage that was on your right arm and give it to the king of fury. You no longer hide the wonder of rage with the power of greed. I also did not conceal the sin of eating.

The King of Fury is dazed again. And instinctively understood. From the inside of her chest, the sin of fury roars violently.

The sin of fury desired the wonder of fury.

I longed, hating the greed and the sin of eating in front of my eyes.

The king of Fury unravels the appetite he was wearing around his waist. Yongho quickly said.

“Let's make a trade.”

“Yes, a gift? ”

Yongho was embarrassed this time. The King of Fury urgently pushes out the appetite wonder known as Dritaraschtra.

“Oh, nothing! ”

There's no time. The dragon wraps its appetite around its waist. The king of fury puts the wonder of fury in his right arm.

The living greenery under Amon's command has finally dispersed. The king of color rushed toward this side, cutting through the appetite's own army.

The dragon clutches the air. I recalled Amon, who had reconciled to the flames of the Red Flame, again, and stared at the king of color. The King of Fury grips his chest with his left hand, suppressing the thump. I was surprised that the Maon household owner not only had greed, but also the sin of appetite, but now was not the time to question that.

The king of color fluttered with the wonder of color. Then a huge sword that seemed to divide the world was swarming towards the Dragon Hoe and the Furious King.

Yongho focused. No explanation necessary. The king of fury also understood instinctively.

Appetite and fury.

Over a thousand years, two sins confronted half of them roared aloud.

I unleashed the true power of sin.



chu Yong-ryong