Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 75 # 4 >


The world itself seemed to fly in two cavities because heaven and earth could not shake. In fact, it was a struggle of power that matched the word "opening wall."

The ground is in chaos. Those who were near the two kings' magic touched each other were crushed as if they were wedged between a huge wall. I truly did not defend my kind. Not only small humanoid monsters like Goblins and Imps, but even medium-sized monsters like Ogres and Trolls were unable to escape their own mortal fates. Even a giant beast screams from a magic basket and falls to the ground.


Truly a magical force like God.

I couldn't help but look. I had to turn my eyes away from whatever was in front of me. Instinct was fine. Even the workers who were ‘frozen’ by the master key in the dungeon hall rolled their eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes collided in the air. They all looked up at the sky as if they had forgotten how to breathe.

The king of fury bites the horn while everyone is overwhelmed. You blow the horn with all your might instead of attacking the king of color.

Sound of Awakening. The king of Fury realizes that Citri has only 10 seconds left to rest. In order for any more Southern troops to survive and return, we had to defeat any more Northern troops at this moment. It was a cruel and selfish thought, but she was the king of arms.

A huge silence breaks the horn's horn. The first thing I came to my senses was the heads of my arms.

“Rip it apart!”

The non-rhythmic tea of King Garuda commanded. The warriors in his arms, who had been training to protect the oppressed and oppressed for many years, reacted immediately. You attack the nearby northern army without wasting another second.

Seconds. During those few seconds, change took place throughout the battlefield.

The dragon army, including the Dragon Monarch Ankablosa, no longer gazes upon the arrogant king. They prepared the best attack they could. You are equipped to wipe out the northern army's flying monsters and monsters in the sky.

Lucia was in a labyrinth of greed, not the Red Giant Tiamet. The power of the greatest dungeon is generously exerted in the deep heart chamber. The larger Aura empowers the entire Confederate army.

Citri counted the numbers. It was only a matter of time before the halt was lifted. There were only a few seconds left.

Dragon Hat and the arrogant king still stare at each other. The king of fury and the king of colorful cravings gave and received a remarkably swift attack. Ancarblosa holds the Dragon Breeze in her mouth, leaving behind only the last sentence of dragon magic by many ancient dragons of the dragon army. Samael's blow destroyed Abraxax's magic field, and Eligos and Ofelia's power destroyed Bifrost's magic, respectively.

and finally counted them all.

The Dragon Brest covers the sky. The lightning storm, the rain of fire from the sky, and the earthquake that rocked the earth swept through the northern armies. The northern army died a lie in front of the supreme glossary magic unfolded at the moment.

Despite the setback, the Northern Army has not taken a swift counterattack. It took time to realize that the stop had been lifted. It was only a few seconds, but the few seconds were few seconds short of a few lives. At the moment the halt was lifted, the Northern soldiers who were standing in front of the Southern army met a complete halt with a single scream.

The king of dragons and arrogance no longer just stared at each other. Dragon Hoe lunges, and the king of arrogance wags his hands wide in the Black Giant of Jill. The glow of arrogance rising from the Black Giant's hands blocks the dragon's path.

The rust collides with the light. It was not already a physical area. It was just a difference in the form in which magic was expressed.

The sin of appetite consumed the light of arrogance. The sin of greed burned what was not eaten. The dragon reinforced his whole body with furious sins throws himself at the Black Giant of Zeal. With a big swing of Amon, you tore apart a huge chunk of vile emotion!

“My king!”

Abraxas shouts, but he has to look away again shortly after screaming. I could not afford to look upon the king of arrogance. The fastest winged Samael was the fastest of the Dungeon Chamber of Commerce directors. Abraxax is unable to avoid her attacks. It was best to just pour out enormous magical power and apply all directions to the magical field.

Aurobas' absence hurts. Among the three betrayed directors, it was Mutuga who was able to effectively subdue Samael.

“Damn it!”

The overwhelming power itself was useless even if I tried to press it. Samael, who became the slave minister of the king of greed, was very different from Samael when he was a director. The magical force that was not aimed at was only shifted by her magic.

Abraxax feels anxious. From birth, he was born with enormous magical power, and did not know much about fighting other than using magic stamps. Bifronts used to bind Samael's feet with a variety of magic, but Abraxax could not. At the age when he was born and had not encountered a few times, he was embarrassed by the sight of the man under his feet and failed to fully demonstrate half of his abilities.

‘The number of horns in battle is not absolute. ’

It was from the Old Zion. Samael empathizes. Once more, he disappears from Abrahaxas's sight and aims behind his back.

There were only a few left. Bifrost sensed his end. An old friend put together a number, but in either case, the same conclusion was reached.

The Demibeast is formed simultaneously with four hands to trigger four enchantments, but the situation does not improve. The wizard of House Mamon, Tigris, used both hands to trigger different spells to undo the Befrost's magic, and the two beasts of House Mamon, with their senseless ferocity, crushed or endured the magic itself. The attack by Eligos and Ophelia was so fierce and swift that Bifrost couldn't prepare for magic over time. The magic that was squeezed in an instant was unable to resist the three Mamon family slave horses.

It was a fight against three charioteers with six horns in the beginning. He told me seven numbers in front of his old friend, and Bifrost agreed.

The tyrannical servants of the Colorful King did not go to help Bifrost. It was only to defend against the tyranny of the Southern army. Moreover, there were abnormal numbers of enslaved servants of the Mamon family. Even though Abraxax had once again placed one for him, three for Bifronts, and two for the king of greed, there remained a number of enslaved servants equal to him.

The Silent Warrior Richard breaks the old adage. He roars aloud and smashes the army of lust. Among the 12 ministers of Mamon, he was a young man in Gu Zion called Mutufa, the strongest. There was no army of greed to stop Richard's blindness. A tiger enters the flock. With each swing of the Sackhaman Club, a heap of colorful greed around Richard is erased from the world.

Skazaha shows off an infinite amount of life. She was not satisfied with the treatment of the Southern Army alone. I dug through the Northern Army and proved why she was called the Immortal Witch. No attack caused a fatal wound to her with transcendent regenerative power. Skazar, who deals with the power of life, truly attacked the northern army in her own way. Whenever the blue waves surge, the Northern troops burst and fire with excessive life. In the area where the arm was cut off, dozens of arms were raised and some people lost their lives.


Skull forces were already nightmares of the battlefield. The incarnation of death was not satisfied with sprinkling death on all sides. The dead rise. Followed behind a squadron of Skulls advancing like a storm. As the northern army dies, the more lions follow the Skull army.

Bucephalos vomits green breath. Not only did I stop speeding, I blocked the way ahead and crushed them. I acted according to the name of the king of nightmares.

Both life and death were enemies of the northern army. The northern army falls into extreme chaos and horror. Some remain motionless as if they were still stationary.

The king of arrogance didn't care about the northern army in the first place. The king of color could not take care of the northern army. Abrahaxax and Bifronts couldn't waste a single moment on anything other than their own lives.

The southern army was an army, and the northern army was no longer an army. In an instant, the direction of combat shifted from the rotation between the battalions to the slaughter.

“I belong to Dragon Ho! Turn it off!”

Kaiwan shouted and swung his sword everywhere. I slaughtered the northern army with a storm of swords and tried to see a place other than the king of color.

The power of temptation belonged to the king of color was indeed intense. I could understand why no one could stand against the king of lust but the king of sin and wonder in the same way. It was hard to endure drawing out the magical power of greed through Brigada. The power of the passion you inherited from Magnadon didn't help much.

I wanted to help the king of color. I wanted to kiss her on the back of her foot, and I wanted to hold her in my arms. I wanted to hear everything she told me to say. It was okay to bark like a dog. It was happiness to squeeze in front of her.

“Bullshit! I'm for dragons! ”

Kaiwan endured all his delusions with dragons. It was said that Eustia was among the enslaved servants of the Mamon family who could best resist the colorful king. Katarina was unable to resist the king of Colours, the king of Montma, because of the blood of the circular half, and her love for dragons was the strongest among the remaining warriors, Kaiwan.

“Ahhhh! The will of a true lady! ”

Kaiwan shouted once again, putting distortion power on the scabbard sword. Distorting the space itself, no northern army could approach the king of greed and the king of fury.

The King of Fury listened to Kaiwan's cry. I wanted to refute or deny it, but I couldn't afford it. No, maybe I didn't even think about it.

You gonna hit me?

No, it hurts.


Love me!

The power of temptation emanated from the king of color. Sin and wonder neutralize the power of other sins, not abolish them.

The king of color, who has lived for at least a thousand years. If you discuss the duration of the reign of sin, the Furious Monarch himself is no match for you. I had to be greatly pushed away from my understanding and ability to use sin and wonder.

The king of fury gripped and endured it. I thought of warriors of arms who were killed by the temptation of the king of color and hundreds of men. Anger made the sin of anger more violent, and I remembered the love of dragons while driving the magic of greed through the ring of Brigada.


The king of fury cries out in unison. The energy of the Arena Armor's tenacity created by Red Speculation broke the mystery of its color. The awe-inspiring color of the form of a long attitude did not stop there, but left a sharp sword on the white and soft skin of the furious king.

The King of Fury was a warlike king who experienced so much action as to be called a battle fanatic. Since birth, she has been training to carve bones from childhood to become the best warrior in her arms.

But I didn't go crazy.

The king of color was the black horse. A thousand years ago, it was already the greatest prosecutor known to man.

No matter how furious the king was, it was hard to face the Black Horse with all his heart.

‘Let's buy some time. We just need more time. I'm trusting you! ’

The king of Fury relied on the sin of anger that makes the owner stronger and stronger as he got angry. Magic, technology, and all that pushed her, if she was ahead of the king of color, were her strength and defense. The king of fury endured the tyranny of the king of color like a filthy horse.

The role of the king of fury was to buy time. When the dragon defeated the arrogant king, the entire Confederate army was victorious.

Of course, the best painting was to help the dragon hoe after the Furious King defeated the Colorful King, but it was excessive. The king of fury clenches his fists in succession. The Uncaring Monarch of Fury's Battle Law has somewhat narrowed the gap between her and the Colorful Monarch. Just as the king of fury struggled to endure this moment, so did the king of color.

The wonder of fury, like the beast's teeth, gnaws into the air. The king of color successively barely dodged the attack on the ground. You narrow the distance between the angry king and the distance to the side, not the front, and then swing the awe of color.

One day.

The blow from the sky is even beautiful. The king of fury quickly twists and avoids the wonder of color lust. A long attitude grazed the king's shoulders and chest, leaving a long scar once again.

The king of fury and the king of color saw each other. The king of fury pulls a fist, and the king of color quickly retrieves the sword. However, their actions were not directed at each other. I stepped back at the same time as if I had promised. I looked up at the sky, feeling the beat of my heart.

There was gold everywhere in the sky.

The hole in the sky was opened.


The End

chu Yong-ryong