Blade enough to fill the warehouse passage.

However, the spirit contained in the cursed sword belonged to the child, as can be seen from his voice.It is a massive attack that creates a gap where people can hide.

Gagga, gagga, gagga!

Crafted slashes do not only strike Isla, but also rip open the surrounding metal boxes.


The cursed sword shows Isla safe.

Once again, it stops in the air.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

A sword, after all.

Dot and Gaius were about to be involved in the attack of the cursed sword.I managed to get down on the ground, but there was a blade storm passing over my head.

The cursed sword is Volk's sword.Volk, the owner, is responsible if he is running wild, but Volk is nowhere to be found.


For a young child, the only word that scolds him or herself is a loud word.

"... not good"

Ira jumped backwards aggressively.

I deduced from my own experience what kind of behavior my child would do at this time.

When the blade is turned to the left and parallel to the ground, it is sharply shaken out.

The next moment, the metal box that remained around was severed.


It was Isla who defended herself with the Holy Sword, but she couldn't stand the impending spell sword at an incredible speed and was thrown away.

The moment the cursed sword is swung out, it remains the mass of a short time.However, by swinging out and making it huge, a huge mass can be struck at the moment of collision while maintaining an incredible speed.

Ira can't stand the forces that aren't normal.

"Nh, niiii...!?"

However, some of them couldn't stand it any more than Isla.

The dots that collided with each other before Isla were cut to pieces without even having time to show the appearance of avoidance or defense, causing the upper and lower parts to separate.

A body that doesn't move even with tingling.

Dot died of shock when he was slashed without even realizing he was dead.

"Ah, ahhhhh!"

And Gaius tried to defend himself with [Curing].

However, the attack of the cursed sword exceeded Gaius' defenses and was cut off like a dot.

However, because I hardened the dot differently, my senses became dull against the damage, and I could not let go of my consciousness even if I was slashed.

Still, it doesn't change that you have a fatal wound.There is no doubt that if you leave it, you will die, but there are limited ways to heal a mutilated body.That is why we must rely on the skills of England.

Throw three knives at the cursed sword.

Shake the sword and knife down.Released from Volk's will, he is now able to launch a powerful and uncontrolled attack.However, because of the simplicity of their thinking, they respond fully to the attack in front of them.

Approach the fallen Gaius in the meantime.

"Can I help you?"

"... I guess so?"

"Instead, you'll tell me everything you know when it's over."

I thought about extracting information in exchange for the recovery from the UK.

It was possible that she would not share information after receiving treatment, but it was Isla's best chance to negotiate now.


Are you sure?

"We just got together because we wanted to fight strong guys, and we're never friends.Still, we've been together for a long time, so there's a lot of emotion. "

I didn't want to imitate selling my friends' information to save my life.

Words denied being companions, but they had enough companionship.


There is no point in helping if there is no consideration.

You don't have to treat me?

England sends you a message.

It's no problem for her to treat that level of injury.

"Do you think you can afford that in the circumstances?"

I see.

A huge spell sword was shaken down from the diagonal top.

If you strike with a sword like a sword, the cursed sword will be played.


I think I've read the trajectory.

Unlike Volk, it's straight. However, it is powerful because pure power is shaken straight.

Even with Isla's power, the limit is to bounce back.


The impact of the bounce caused the debris to fly and fell just where Gaius had fallen.

It hardened and was stuck where I was enduring it.

"... so what are you going to do?"

England asks if he hasn't seen it.

It looks like I'm just gonna peek over here, but is that okay?

He asked back to England with a swinging blade.

I'm just looking for something, so there's no problem.I was peeking because I was wondering how Noel would solve her problem, but you seem to have cleared it up. "

Oh, really?

"You can't help lying about this."

That's true, too.


The giant sword is swinging down.

Evade it with the Holy Sword and hold it from the top.


"If you can't hear me, I'll hold you down from the top."

If you use your strength, the cursed sword will crack.

The Magnification of the Cursed Sword is the construction of metal by Earth Attribute Magic .The magic source is activated by being eaten by the user of the spell sword.However, if the opponent is alive because the user's magic is exhausted, it will not stop.At that time, it is converted into force by taking the user's life.

That's why it's called "Cursed Sword" instead of "Magic Sword".

It is more powerful than the Magic Sword.

The huge part is only a metal sword made by magic.That's why the Holy Sword wins the meeting.

Is it about time you finished?

Are you mad at me?

You can adjust that much.


The moment it is crushed, the blade is reduced to the same size as a regular sword, and the tip is pointed towards Isla.

You need to shake it in order to slay it.However, Isla will deal with the other party.

"Come here."

Ira realizes what the cursed sword is trying to do and invites her to come straight in.

The purpose of the cursed sword is literally a straightforward attack.

In an instant, he magnifies it and sticks out his sword to Isla, who is far away.


At the same time, Isla shook out the sword.


The Cursed Sword saw a slash that destroyed its own blade in front of it.

The sharpened slash was chopped instead of slashing, even if the sword was a huge one.

The sight of the blade being chopped up caused fear in the cursed sword and was blown away while trapped in fear.

"... hey, are you really mad at me?"

I'll make it a necessary expense.

The wall behind the cursed sword disappeared.

There was a way to blow away the cursed sword, but there was no guarantee that the warehouse would be safe because it needed to be blown away with a single blow.

We can't destroy the warehouse where Lulan wants to protect us.

Above all, the ownership of the warehouse lies with the Commercial Guild.

I came here because I was done looking for something.

You're working as fast as ever.

Approach Gaius with the fallen Enceladus on Eira's side.


"Oh, are you alive?"

"It's close, but I'll let you live because you're breathing."

If the skill is used, the scratch is instantly blocked.

However, it does not restore the upper and lower body, which are separated by just blocking the wound.The [Regression] of England could have healed those wounds, but I dared not.

"As long as you're alive, it's enough to be a source."

That's right.

As for Isla, I couldn't help but be concerned about Gaius's appearance.

"Well, it's not hard to move around like this."

"Don't worry about getting away."

"It's hard to bring her home....."

When asked, I noticed that the eyes of England were on me.

"Eh, I'll carry it?"

"It was Isla who caught him.And I have a broken warehouse relationship, and I have a lot of negotiation and paperwork to prepare. "


Isla can't prepare the documents.

There was nothing more I could do than leave it to England to wipe myself out of my illness.

Let's just say he caught one of us.

I was actually going to catch all three of them.

However, the cursed sword only allowed Gaius to survive.

"These people have shed a lot of blood just because of their desires.Now we're going to spill a lot of our blood because of our failure. "

I couldn't control the cursed sword.

Because of that, they were devoured by the weapons given.