I came here to gather information from the Alcaine Chamber of Commerce.

I decided to listen to the story from the merchant relationship from the story that the elves who are doing the business are not coming either.

The most powerful person in the legend I have that involves a merchant is my grandfather, the former head of the Alcaine Chamber of Commerce.

When I arrived at the mansion, they let me through the room lightly.

This would not be the case with a normal adventurer, but my name and being a grandson acted to gain trust from the people in the mansion.

"Thank you for making time out of your busy schedule"

"No problem. I'm free because I gave most of my work to my righteous sons."

Aaron Alcaine, my grandfather, will be here any minute as he waits in the reception room where he was put through.

Seems true that I'm free now.

"So, what can I do for you?

"I heard there was a delay in purchasing from inside the elves in the city"

"That's the thing..."

Apparently, even my grandfather grasped it.

"It's not an issue that the Alcaine Chamber of Commerce is directly involved in, but it's also in my ear because it's an issue that many merchants already know about"

I guess Alistair is one of the leading merchants, so he sometimes comes and consults under his grandfather.

"Elf merchants visiting Alistair were bound to visit once a month, but not this and last month. Nevertheless, what we are purchasing from inside the elves are precious materials used in alchemy, special spices and herbs. Just because a purchase is delayed doesn't mean it interferes with your life."

Nevertheless, there are restaurants that deal with that special spice.

Apparently, the alchemist is also having difficulty refining Elixir because the material is not available. I know it's not usually an issue, but I've heard of more people seeking recovery drugs because of the effects of the war that took place two months ago.

The alchemist is being pursued for the response.

It may not be as good as having trouble living, but there are many who need it.

"Don't you know what caused it?

"Something's going on in the elf and I can't come out. That's most likely, but not even the merchants who deal directly are so familiar with it in the elves. First of all, it's almost impossible for humans to get through the lost forest."

Almost, because if you're lucky just to get lost, you can come out.

But you can't rely more on the uncertainty of luck than going for business.

"Are you going?

"I don't mean to be charitable, but someone should do it."

That's just pre-construction.

I was concerned about a thing called the Divine Tree, which God had bequeathed in the same way as the Lord of God's labyrinth.

Above all, it also resonates with the diet when purchases from inside the elves are delayed.

"As a grandfather, it's not a good idea to step into a place called the Lost Forest, etc. But it is also true that there are those in need when their dealings with the inside of the elves are interrupted. Then I'll make a nomination request to the Adventurers Guild from my side."

"Thank you"

Destination called Lost Forest.

It's not surprising to be judged to be a B-rank or A-rank-equivalent request from the point of view of helping many people in need.

I have a proven track record and I have no trouble with it.

I decided to accept my grandfather's act honestly because it was normal.

My grandfather taught me to come to a store run by one of the merchants who deals directly with the elves.

There was a narrow array of spices in the shop where the spices were handled.

It doesn't look like there is a shortage of items just looking at it.



The reaction returned as soon as I called in the reading.

Now a soup that looks delicious pops into the sight I shared as if I was making a soup. Sometimes there are tons of spices in front of me, which makes me hungry.

No, I just have to put up with it now.

Have them share each other's sights and see what's going on in the store.

"Is there a shortage of products in this store?

"There is."

It looks fulfilling to me, but Sylvia seemed to know in an instant.

'I know this store because I have used it before, but there should have been a richer variety of spices before. That's what you should see. There's a lot of them, but not so much for the kind, is there?

I noticed it when I looked at it after they told me.

A number of bottles were placed on the shelf, but spices of the same type are placed.

It seems that placing the amount does not make me realize that certain spices are in a thin state. Nevertheless, I don't know how many differences there are between amateurs.

"If you're a cook like me, you'll soon find out."

This is a small shop open for spice seekers individually.

The original big business partner becomes a restaurant or something.

Sylvia told me that she would be handling inventory preferentially for those deceitful, ineffective cooks.

"Thank you"

Say thank you and tell them to leave early.

"Excuse me."


"I'd like to talk to you for a second."

"What is it?

Catch the shopkeeper-like person in the back and listen.

"Do you know how to get out of the lost forest?

"... what do you do when you know that?

The shopkeeper looks at the suspicious.

I guess you didn't think they'd ask you how to get out of the lost forest.

"Oh, excuse me. I haven't officially taken it on yet, but I'm an adventurer who gets a request to investigate the anomaly that happened inside the elf."

"Will you investigate why the elves don't visit!?

"Yes. I think this is okay about dangers caused by demons and such because I am still an A-rank adventurer. But we need to get through the lost woods on the way to get inside the elves. If you know how to get out, won't you tell me?

The store owner started to look in trouble with my question.

"It's true that we're both in trouble, so I'd like to work with you, but we don't both know how to get out of the lost forest."

"So how do you usually do business?

"They come from over there at the beginning of each month, so we're just purchasing the product we came to sell"

"Don't you ever go from here?

"Yes, there isn't"

Don't you know the owner in front of you?

I had no choice but to go ask the other shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper called me off.

"Perhaps other merchants would have the same situation as me. There are several merchants who have dealings with elves, but there should not be any merchants who have gone to buy from themselves. That's because everyone is afraid of the lost forest. If you know how to get through the lost forest, you can outrun other merchants. But so far no merchant has monopolized the market with elves"


I see the same result when I ask other merchants, as the store owner says.

"Well, give me that and that."


I finally decided to buy what Sylvia asked me to do and go home.

"Why are you in this mansion?

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a sea urchin?

There was a Mr. Louise who was indulgent in the living room when he returned to the mansion and handed Sylvia a a bottle filled with spices.

She only looks a little older than us because she is an elf, but she is a woman who is an Alliance Master in the Adventurer Guild of the King's Capital, and she is not the kind of person who would be in such a neighborhood.

"I brought them here... or they followed me."


"If you ask me how to get inside the elf, I thought it would be best if I asked the elf, so I came to the king's capital."

Melissa can use a space transfer that we can't use.

She can travel in an instant if she's ever been anywhere by herself, so it's easy to get to King's Capital, which takes days to get around.

"I'm surprised. My daughter, who is not supposed to be in Wang Du, is suddenly coming to visit. Besides, if you ask what's going on, there's something going on in Atashi's hometown."

Mr. Louise turns a niggling grin.

You can assume that the fact that I brought you all the way to Alistair has become known about the transfer of space magic or labyrinth magic.

"You can rest assured. I'm not going to talk about your secrets. Rather than that, Atashi will take over the guide to the lost forest."