When I get up from the sea, I go back to where I left my luggage.

"Toolbox (item box)"

What I want is not beside the beach parasol.

Use your skills to remove the stove used for barbecue from inside when a toolbox appears on the beach.

When charcoal is placed in the stove, it ignites with the flame magically created by Melissa.

"It's really helpful to have an item box at a time like this."

You will never be able to travel with a stove.

But if it's on a delicious meal outside, the stove is absolutely necessary.

"That's not the kind of skill I have."

The labyrinth nucleus (dungeon core) laughed bitterly at my thoughts.

Originally, item boxes are skills to easily carry materials obtained outside the labyrinth in alterations and repairs while operating the labyrinth.

So it shouldn't be a problem if you used it as one of your convenience skills.

"Skills only come in handy"

Not only the stove, but also the table, goes side by side on the table with ingredients centered on fish, shellfish, etc.

This ingredient was bought early in the morning near the port in Savona.

That's port town.

If we had gone early in the morning, there would have been a line of fish on the market that had just been watered down by fishermen returning by the time the sun rose.

One thing I particularly liked is the big fish, which is nearly a metre away.

Now Sylvia, who likes it at a glance, is on the table.

"Let's bake this one and go"

I put a gold net on the stove and go side by side with the shellfish I bought.

Next door, Ira stabs a skewer in a squid for a number of people and cooks it on a gold net.

Seafood alone is not colorful enough, so an iron plate is placed on the gold net by Melissa and Illis and the vegetables are baked.

"Thank you for waiting"

Thereupon a large fish that was swallowed - the salmon is placed on an iron plate.

- Juuuuuuuu!

Seafood is baked on the stove and seasonings are hung by Sylvia's hands.

I can make something tastier out of her than we can get our hands on.

I just want to make my own.

- Pakah!

The shellfish opened because they kept burning.

Seasonings familiar in the East with open shellfish - drizzle with soy sauce and simmer the shellfish.

I can get a fragrant smell from the guts and the boiling black liquid.

"Oh, lend me that."

Ira, who received soy sauce from me, hangs it on a squid grill.

As for shellfish and squid roast, it's an ingredient we bought because we wanted to.

"Yes, sir"

Sylvia finished her own dish while we were mocking our own.

Sylvia made something that fried salmon and vegetables together.

I take the plate it's on and take a bite.


"Thank you"

The taste of fish that has just been eaten for a bite but has a combined vegetable flavor spreads in my mouth.

By the time nature and my hands progressed and the plates were emptied, Sylvia put additional fish on me.

He also gives it to Melissa and Illis properly before he gives it to me.

I'm sorry I just let you eat the food, so I'll put the roasted shellfish on Sylvia's plate just fine.

"Perhaps it would have been better if the saltiness had worked a little better"

I got a little bit of a no out.

Maybe we should leave the food to Sylvia after all. But watching my brother bake in the market as well made me want to try it myself.

"Sylvia's a little fine."

Ira also distributes roasted squid to everyone.

I already have my own squid roast in my mouth.

"Here! What's eating before your husband?"

"That's all right."

It has chewed off the squid grill, which was luxuriously covered.

I'll try the squid grill I got too.

Yeah. It's not far to Sylvia for flavoring, but it's cooked well inside, and the soy sauce works moderately well and is delicious. Instead, this is probably the kind of luxury you should have if you want to eat under the blue sky.

"I don't care, so why don't you eat Sylvia well, too?

"Okay, I'll take it"

Everyone eats the fish and vegetables on the iron plate as they please.

Almost gone salmon in no time.

"This is the last one."

Remove the subdivided noodles and drop over the iron plate.

Stir the noodles in a mixture with the leftover vegetables, and cook them together with seasonings such as soy sauce and pepper.

The noodles are also stored in the item box in the same way as the vegetables, so the freshness is fine.


Brown baked noodles.

"It seems to be a dish called baked noodles. They say noodles and vegetables, noodle dishes to stir-fry with meat, but this time they let me use the fish that was left over instead of meat"

Carry the noodles into your mouth.

Not only are the noodles dyed by the fragrant flavour, but the fish I had just eaten has a completely different texture and flavour.


If I noticed, the fish, vegetables and noodles were gone from the top of the iron plate.

Store all stoves, tables, dishes, etc. inside the item box by quenching only the charcoal on which the fire was lit. You can clean up after you get back to the mansion. I only do barbecues today or so.

"Let's do this more than that"

Remove the watermelon bought at the market from the item box.

Then also remove the cloth and stick for blindfolding.

Yes, watermelon split.

I rely solely on verbal guidance from my surroundings with blindfolds to go for watermelons in remote locations. I couldn't help but want to try it since I was taught when I was shopping in the market when I had that kind of play.

"Fine. I'll split it with one shot."

"Ira, please, don't do anything to divide it in one shot so we can all have fun."

I want to make fun a priority over breaking it.

"If it's Ira, it's really going to crack, but is Ira the first thing you need?

"If it's me, it's going to break for sure, so it's the last time."

In Sylvia, which has the most sensory abilities, the watermelon is accurately positioned even when blindfolded.

"I enjoy playing with these bodies, so it's better later."

"I'll take care of it. Let me steer you to a different place."

Melissa watches the game.

And Illis is playing the wrong way.

Well, since Ira doesn't seem to be opposed to the first thing, let Ira have a blindfold and a stick.

What bothers me is that I have a stick like a sword. Are you going to slaughter the watermelon?

Let me make it a little more difficult for you.

"Dark Shadow"

Dark attribute magic that takes away the sight of the target by covering it with darkness.

Though it blocks my sight with a thick cloth, I even use magic to make it invisible because it may be slightly visible.


Also add magic that drives the sense of direction crazy.

"Hey! Not too much magic!?

"You're a good handler."

I was worried about whether to use both hearing and taking away magic, but I stopped because I would lose the flavor of the game if I just took it to hearing.

"This sounds interesting."

Sylvia was cowardly even when she saw the state in which she was given this much handing.

Perhaps she can see it in this handful as well.

"I'm coming."

And I want to say to Ira, who sets up a stick with her front eye.

I knew you were gonna slaughter the watermelon, right?

"Hey, what are you doing!

Exactly the moment Ira tried to step out, she was called from behind.

The situation was not right.

Ira was in a state of perfect sight and sense of direction precisely at the moment when she was concentrating on killing watermelons.

Ira, who became sensitive to the signs due to the loss of part of her senses, is cut off by the person who came to her voice with a stick after judging her as an enemy because of the hostility included in her hung voice.


Ira waves the stick down in front of the man while the slashed man raises his dumb voice. Sharply shaken down, the stick creates slaughter, slashing the clothes the man wore in a bastard.

"That, these guys..."

Ira removes her blindfold.

The two magics are disarmed when Ira is about to be slashed.

"You're the only one who came by yesterday."

"Oh, in the guild..."

The knocked down opponent is one of the men behind the fistfighter who came after a rhetoric in the guild yesterday.

"What the hell do those people look like?

Sylvia is a little angry.

I'd also like to be angry if I could speak up while I'm trying to have a fun watermelon split.

"Oh, I have something to say to you guys!

A fistfighter man raises his voice with the defeated man intact.

Do well in the cold gaze of the women.