During dinner.

The menu is a barbecue prepared by Sylvia. I was preparing a stove and eating fried meat, vegetables and noodles on an iron plate.

They all have their own dishes in their hands.

Some of them look like Elliot and the escort knight.

We prepared our own meals as well as the tent for the accommodation, but we split up Sylvia's prepared dishes only a little yesterday, and they totally distracted us from eating with them today from the start.

Elliot's opponent is left to his sisters.

Looks like it would be more fun to get together at the same age because I'm Elliot, who still has a kid.

"I hear you've found a lot of hard stuff."


My brother approached me with a plate of meat in his hand as I relaxed and ate.

"Yes, it is."

"Now it's a submarine ruin."

A building that was under the sea found by Sierra.

A giant crystal ball was placed was a tower in the centre of what seemed to be a city sunk at the bottom of the ocean for some reason.

"I heard the story. I still can't believe it, but is it what's left of the city at the bottom of the ocean?

"The reason for this lies in Sierra's found crystal balls."

That crystal ball was a device for generating boundaries, and the cities left on the seabed were protected by the boundaries, allowing them to remain in their original form while underwater without bathing in water.

However, some of them were decaying whether they had spent a considerable number of years under the sea.

"Thanks to the fact that cities as big as Alistair remain intact, it seems difficult for people to explore"

No one can explore it because it has been left under the sea before that.

It was us with a submarine that we could explore, but we're not free enough to explore places that we don't even know if we have any treasures.

"I need to talk to you about that..."

Elliot approached me as I was colluding with my brother.

"... something?

I have a very bad feeling about it.

"I request it as the next head of the Alistair family. I'd like you to investigate that undersea ruin."

That's what I say and I bow my head, Elliot.

The meat and vegetables are falling apart from the plate I had in my hand because my body has also tilted with me.

"E, Master Elliot!?

The captain is panicking to see his opponent, equal to his master, bow his head.

"Do not let the nobleman bow his head to the civilian opponent easily."

"I wouldn't have lowered it easily if my opponent wasn't Lord Mars, either. Though he is an A-rank adventurer, he thinks his real strength is more than an S-rank adventurer. It's cheap if you can help me to keep my head down like this."

I also believe that if I'm the one standing up, I shouldn't bow my head in front of my men easily.

Still, Elliot made it a priority to take us in.

"What is the request?

"You're taking it on?

My brother listens back.

If the way I said it earlier, I wouldn't be exploring it, I can't help thinking you're saying it.

But Elliot can bow his head, but if there's anything you'd like to ask me to do, you can also think about your future relationship and take it on.

"I will work with you to the extent possible"

"Helpful. What I'd like to ask you to do is investigate the ruins that were under the sea."

... I knew it.

"Maybe there's no treasure."

Regardless of the lighthouse-like buildings that were in the center, the city itself is quite decaying, and even if it had been left with jewel-like treasures, it seems as likely to be decaying as the buildings.

"My purpose is not treasure."

"Not a treasure?

"There are unidentified ruins near places we plan to explore in the future. At the very least, if you don't know what kind of place it is, you can't calm down with anxiety and proceed with the pioneering"

"Right. We can't rule out the danger."

There was nothing wrong with that site if it was a completely decaying place.

But even though thousands of years seemed to pass, it was only because of the boundaries that the original form could be retained.

What if that junction erupted for some reason?

It was only about ten kilometers away from land, so if it even exploded, we'd be involved.

"What I want you to investigate as a matter of priority is why is that junction still fully functional? And I'd like to request internal powerlessness if possible"

There is no use for cities sunk under the sea like that.

On the contrary, even if there were some advantages to it as long as it was dangerous, it would be better to minimize the disadvantages by rendering it powerless.

For Elliot, he's only an obstacle to achieving his own petition.

"Yes, you shouldn't, Master Elliot!

But the captain was not convinced of Elliot's decision.

"What's wrong with you?

"Maybe the treasure is asleep"

A junction that still functions.

It wasn't strange to have a safe treasure left behind.

"That place has ownership of the Alistair family"

Alistair family with vast territory on the border.

The kingdom also recognized that the Alistair family owned the rights around it, although it was at the bottom of the ocean.

"I mean, you have ownership of the Alistair family, so you also have ownership of the treasures in the undersea ruins in the Alistair family, right?


I don't think I'm wrong either.

"So how do we get the treasure?


We'll need a submarine to get to the undersea ruins.

It is said, however, that submarines are nowadays an impossible substitute for manufacture and can only be obtained rarely from 'labyrinths' or 'ruins'.

The submarine I use is from a treasure chest (treasure box), so I can't tell you what I got in the Labyrinth.

"I can't even rent a submarine to investigate, but even the aristocrats have a limited number of submarines. Are you telling me to bow my head to other nobles and get a submarine that I wouldn't use unless it was for special circumstances like this one or for entertainment purposes?

"Oh, that's..."

The Alistair family can also be described as a great nobleman, but they did not need a submarine because there was no sea in the territory they were ruling, nor did they have the opportunity to go to the sea, so they did not consider getting it for entertainment purposes.

"For me, disabling the ruins is a higher priority than treasure. I have an adventurer with a submarine in front of me. Then it would be more efficient to ask them."

"But also the means to take it by lord's authority..."

"Shit! Somebody tie him up"

Elliot blocked dangerous words along the way.

You thought I'd leave Alistair if I did that. I'm not actually going to change my base because I'm not going to be away from the labyrinth for long. I'm just asking you to replace your lord if you're out exercising your powers.

"I'm sorry my men said something stupid."

"No, I don't care at all."

"That would help if you said so"

The captain will have a tough shakedown with the Alistair family.

I'd better pull it around here.

"What do you think? Will you undertake an investigation of the subsea ruins?


Accept Elliot's request.

It's a relic that I don't think is left with treasure, but only the crystal balls that were in the center accumulate as much power as they can still sustain the junction. I can't even call it treasure because if I give it to the labyrinth, it will definitely help.

However, by collecting that crystal ball, the junction will disappear.

The collection of crystal balls must then be the last because it will be difficult to explore within the boundaries.

"We will take care of the investigation of the seabed ruins"