"Thank you for devoting your precious time to someone like us today."

Say hello as you bow your head to the man in the finest clothes in front of you.

"That's a good greeting. Sit there first."

Male - King Patrick tells me to sit down.

He is the king of the kingdom of Metis, where we live.

"Thank you"

A maid brews tea when she sits in a chair in front of the table.

It seems inferior because it's out of my taste compared to what Sylvia put me in, but it still doesn't turn out to be a tasty thing.

The maid exits when she is ready.

This is the king's private room.

Only Melissa is accompanying us today. I have no other companions because she brought me this far with her spatial magic, and it doesn't help to bring Ira or Noel out for small difficult negotiations like today.

"What business are you on today?"

"I want you to buy this one out"

Place a bunch of paper on the table.

"May I see it?

"Go ahead."

I receive a bunch of paper and the king rolls away with a pepper.

At first he was a king who watched plainly, but checking the contents of the dossier made his expression look harsh.

"Is it true what it says here?

"Yes, you're right"

The bundle of paper I gave to the King was valuable information I seized from The Hideout of the Rangen Clan.

In the lair there was a large quantity of information stored that was likely to weaken those in power, from state officials to leading nobles and others. I had to pay attention to the handling of some of them because they didn't even bring down the country.

However, strictly store information that will weaken you.

It would be troublesome if the fact that such information was leaked became known.

It's time to spill the information and sell it to the King if it's the supreme power - the kingdom.

"You know about the Lengens."

"Of course."

"It is a document that will be needed as a list and proof of the members of the clan who are at the centre of the kingdom"

A list of people who were firmly disputed as spies was kept inside.

Those people are nothing more than traitors who, for the kingdom, are circulating valuable information about their country.

If I could get rid of it, I'd be the one to get rid of it.

However, only kingdom spies sell to King Patrick.

I solemnly proclaimed it because selling it to the list of spies of other countries would cause confusion not only to other countries but also to the kingdom.

"How can you have such a thing?

"There's been a little clash and we're going to be hostile with the Rangen clan. How did they become? It would be helpful if you could guess from the fact that I'm here and the fact that they've got the materials."

"... well. They did a stupid imitation, too."

Put the materials down and look up at the ceiling.

"Was there a problem?

"No, they were the ones who were also threatening the heavy towns of our country to divert funds. I will not imitate guilt for what I have eliminated. But......"


I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that I was harmed.

"Totally... that's hard"

Melissa says as she closes her eyes.

He is frowning with his arms together. It's like a trick when Melissa's angry.

"What do you mean?

"It might have helped if you were just being harmed indeed. But you were buying information from the Rangen clan."


The information that the Rangen clan was exchanging is valuable. That's not surprising that thousands of copies have been exchanged in a single transaction if expressed in gold coins.

Where did all that money come from?

The king has his pension paid as money freely available from the treasury, but he can't be getting as much information on the Rangen clan as he can easily get.

In other words, they're offering money to buy information from the treasury.

"In order to run the country, we will also need information that makes it weak in other countries. Now, thanks to their information, they have succeeded in bringing the nobles who rule the border back here in time of war."

We succeeded in advancing the war in our favor and winning.

Information is important indeed.

But I wasn't paying taxes for that.

"Please calm down"


"The Rangen clan has already perished. In the future, there's nothing like a lot of money being spent on information."

You can't buy it because, as Melissa says, the source disappeared.

It may be troubling when there is a war or when you think about being in a politically advantageous position, but it is the King's role to struggle at those times. Don't rely on information to do your best in the future.

"Oh. There's something I have to do first."

Ring the bell King Patrick had on the table.

This bell is not a normal bell but a bell with a magical effect. The effect can also deliver bell sounds to certain remote locations.

A maid who was waiting in another room comes in and leaves the room when she hears instructions from the king.

When I came back a few minutes later, I had a man dressed in fine clothes.

Show the man the material I gave him.

"... Is this real?

"It's real. It's harder to twist the sophisticated evidence so far. So, look at this. What do you do as a general?


The man who showed up in the room was a general. In times of war, it is my job to give instructions from the rear, but I usually work in policing the King's capital, etc.

The general came back in a few minutes, too.

The returning general had two knights and a skinny man with glasses hung by the knight's hand was being held in captivity.

"Hey, what's up!?

"Assistant with Treasurer - I will execute you for breach of confidential information. Think of it as a national treason."

…… Please wait. What grounds are there for such... "

The king puts the material in front of the aide.

The material contains information that was secretly given to the Rangen clan.

"This is...!

"It even says here information you wouldn't know if you weren't the CFO. But the treasurer has long been a nobleman serving our country for generations. Then it's hard to believe that the CFO was betraying you. But you're in a position to assist the CFO with information you can find out."


You can't get away with it. I'll shut up, aide.

I guess there are other undercover spies within the kingdom, but it was the aides who were able to just capture them, so they took immediate action.

"You think you can just do this?


"Inside, even more dangerous information is hidden. There is no doubt that the Kingdom of Metis would be in danger if it were to cross into another country. If you buy information from us as often as you've done before, then you can..."

"Sorry, but it will never just happen like that"

"- What?"

"In the first place, you should have understood what's going on inside at a time like this."

"No way......"

The aide also finally realized that the inside was doomed.

If the security inside is adequate, this material can't be easily spilled.

"What happened to the inside!?

"Don't worry. I'll send you back to your people right away."


The anger that destroyed the inside was turned against me.

My aides know that I am the Lord of the Labyrinth not only because of my anger toward the King, but also toward me. But there's nothing in my possession like an aide divulging secrets. This one case is only a kind of performance.

"The king can win the trust from ministers by ending the Lengen clan, which was a pus in the country. That's the scenario."

I am not going to tell you how to use the materials because I am free to buy them.

"So, how much do you buy it for?

In the end, the purpose is to sell the information.

If you're going to use it for performance, you should have no problem blowing it up quite a bit.

"Right... let's get 10,000 pieces in gold"

"Thank you"