Dungeon Master Makeup Money (formerly known as Dungeon Master Funding)

Lesson 49: Battle Between Labyrinth Lords - After

A worn-out, decaying fool is in front of you. All over the body, the hole is hugely missing, and the right arm has already fallen to the ground. He was a Bentler fool who played it again and again, as Farah had done, but he would not last forever longer than the limit existed of the soul he held.

When you reach the limit of regeneration, it disappears.

"This shouldn't be..."

The fool who had overwhelming power vanished.

It was enough to lose confidence.

One step closer to Ventler,

"Chip... stay away!

Four chains jump out of the ground, trying to restrain me.

[Labyrinth Manipulation: Chain] - Skills for restraining labyrinth intruders.

"[Suction Hole (Attract Hole)]"

A black sphere that appears in your hand. All four chains are sucked in there.

The skills used by frog-shaped demons in the lower layers, they can swallow anything anyway, and never stop until the absorption limit comes.

It's magic that recreated that skill.


"It's not just about using big powers. Power is the first effective use."

The chain remains present.

Consciousness is directed to maintain the restraint.

In the meantime when I turn from side to side, I tap into the kick and tap into my fist.

Whenever an attack is struck, Ventler is flown back.


Hundreds of thin, long needle-like objects are flown from beside Ventler.

A needle pushing at me like a wall. If I hit it, I'd get skewered.

"You just showed it to me"

The needle passes through my body.

"No matter what kind of powerful attack, [Wall Break] can be used. You need to attack directly to hit me."

Because organisms cannot be rubbed through, an attack with a weapon in their hand will work.

Rio would see through that at first sight, but Ventler doesn't have that much experience.

"Your weakness is inexperience. So make a fatal mistake."

"... a fatal mistake? It's fatal to let you in so far."

"That's not true. More immediate mistake... no, should I say the mistake behind it"


Ventler turns around.

Behind him was the resting temple of the labyrinth nucleus.

"What's the most important thing in the fight against me? It's not about taking me down - the most important thing you have to be aware of is not to destroy the temple."

"-! An idiot! That temple is made of the same material as the walls of the labyrinth. It's impossible to destroy."

"You're the fool. That common sense doesn't work for us with [Labyrinth Destruction]"

You will be able to destroy the walls of the Labyrinth, which is' Non-Destruction '[Labyrinth Destruction].

Because structures can also be targeted, ordinary human beings can destroy temples that should be indestructible.

"I just adjusted to take this position while I was hitting him"

Those who stand on the battlefield must grasp their top priority goals.

In time, we need to act thinking about what we have to do to protect the temple.

Bentler neglected that.

I worked out my magic while I was talking.

Wrap fire around your left hand and water magic around your right hand.

"[Extremely Cold Hell (Nivlheim)]"

Combined magic of flames and ice.

Flames fill the left side and the right side is covered with ice.

Ahead of the flames and ice is Ventler...... there is a temple.


Expand [Labyrinth Boundary] to defend the Temple.

but the junction had cracks in it screaming at the flames and ice that pushed over.

"The fool..."

Bentler invokes the most reliable weapon.

But I can only show that I have too few souls in my possession to rely on.

"If it's not enough, you can replenish it - do yourself harm!

The soul flows to the fool.

It's as simple as letting the ruling man commit suicide for Bentler, who is free to rewrite the perception of the ruling man.

If you don't have the stock on hand, you can refill it anew.

"The higher the level of a dead human, the stronger the soul becomes. Now the ones who got them dead are the adventurers who were active in the front lines of the labyrinth! For only thirty, but with the addition of their souls..."

Power returns to the fool who was losing power, creating a new armor that is only capable of accepting heat and cold air.

For thirty. I guess that number was the limit in an instant for Bentler, who's focused on fighting me.

Then no problem.

The junction is broken, and the fool Xu receives the flame and the ice.

"Take the attack... there's no such thing as turning it off!

The fool squares his hands together so that he spreads his hands and crushes the flames and the ice.

The temple was protected.

but in the next moment the fool's hand disappears.

"You can't if you rely on decisive countermeasures"

I just get stunned.

Erase the hand that erased [Extremely Cold Hell] with a divine sword wrapped around [Tishua God's Protection] and poke a blade at Ventler's neck.


"... checkmate? I'm not dead yet! Don't worry about winning to this extent!

"I said checkmate. The battle is over."

Turn your gaze toward the entrance to the temple so Ventler can see it.

There stood Illis looking a little tired there.

"You're focusing too much on your battle with me. As I was saying, your top priority is' Death and Conservation of the Labyrinth Nucleus'. You pointed that out, you must have been desperate to protect the temple from my attack, but this one is supposed to be defended from [extreme cold hell]."

"What did..."

"They let me interfere with the labyrinth nucleus"

Illis rattles.

"While you were passionate about fighting Mars, I was allowed to break into the temple with Kossoli."

I don't see how Ventler noticed at all.

I'm passionate about fighting me, because there is, but Melissa, feeling tired, was mirroring Iris next to herself as a phantom while dampening her magic drain. Bentler wasn't alert about Iris either because he was seeing phantoms.

Therefore, he asked Iris to check on "the existence of a relationship with the mysterious labyrinth lord", which had been his aim since the beginning.

It wasn't a difficult job for Illis, a labyrinth agent, and it was easier than analyzing interference with the use of metastatic crystals.

"Results - they were irrelevant"


Release the sword from the neck and deliver it to the sheath.

"... what are you going to do?

I solved the battle posture. My appearance would have seemed odd to Ventler.

"You're not gonna kill me?

"I can't kill you more than..."

I, the Lord of the Alistair Labyrinth, cannot be the new Lord of the Esterbul Labyrinth. The same is true of the family members of Illis.

Then all we can do is destroy the labyrinth nucleus.

But if we lose the labyrinth, Esterbul... the economy of the Kingdom of Estalia will collapse overnight.

That's not where we want it.

I can't prepare any other labyrinth lords, etc., so if you think about the country, you have to ask Bentler to continue doing labyrinth lords.

"... sweet guy"

"Don't worry. I'm not even gonna let you go for free."

It's already over with the Illis.

That's why I'm your checkmate.