Dungeon Master Makeup Money (formerly known as Dungeon Master Funding)

Episode 17: Request from the Labyrinth Nucleus

After that, Curtis, you touch the nucleus of the labyrinth and are brilliantly recognized as the Lord of the Labyrinth.

During all the last six months, I could only do the least because the Lord was absent. But now that the Lord has done this, he will be able to do many things.



I passed out, Curtis. The Duke rushing over to you.

My body just came modulating to a higher status, so if I let it sleep for a few hours, I would wake up naturally.

"Is this necessary...?

The Duke groaned potpourrily as he looked at you, Curtis, who fell.

I know what it's like to be worried about your grandson. And the Duke was lamenting that there was nothing he could do.

'This king's capital is able to maintain its present situation because of the power of the labyrinth. If the absence of the Lord seemed to persist for years, the land would be a world of uncleanness'

It was also with the benefit of the labyrinth that we created the King's Capital on such a difficult land, because we could remain in a stable land.

The pros and cons were compared and the pros and cons were selected.

"If you choose to destroy the King's capital, you can do so in the absence of the Lord."

"Then I'll..."

'I do not acknowledge that anyone but the King will be Lord. And I'm not going to admit that you're going to be king. You can't be a labyrinth lord on behalf of your grandchildren'

Eligibility to become a labyrinth lord in the first place is only recognised for those who attack the labyrinth.

Exceptionally, those admitted by the labyrinth nucleus or who satisfy pre-set conditions can be predominant.

It reached this point while we protected it. Very, it is not the kind of situation where you can say even if your mouth is torn that you attacked it, etc.

"More than that, I'd like to ask you all a favor."


'Yes. You may crusade the capture of the escaped second prince, if it is difficult'

"Wait a minute!

The Duke interrupts my conversation with the labyrinth nucleus.

"The capture of the second prince, what do you mean!?

'It means as it is. It is only inconvenient for the previous royalty to live in Curtis' reign. That's why you dared to execute the royals who lived, including the former king. '

Three of the kings, the king's prince, and the second prince were to have been executed.

As for the queen and the queen, she has been driven to the local church, and the stripping of her title has also been carried out in respect of her parents, who had benefited from the fact that she had the two of them married. It was not difficult to find guilt for one problem after another when there was no longer a king to rub off the crime because he was doing all sorts of things behind it.

In other words, the previous royalty is in a situation equal to being swept away.

"We have confirmed the captured kings. He's been publicly executed, and the masses in King's Capital are witnessing the death of a royal family."



The Duke gets stuck in words when he asks that if he loses confidence.

'Do you really think that kid would do such a hemp?

"No, you don't. If Reginald was doing all sorts of things behind him, it's no wonder he survived even in desperate circumstances"

The former second prince who somehow lived - the captivity of Reginald.

That seems to be the request from the labyrinth nucleus.

"May I ask why you ask us?

Questions from Melissa.

Extremely, most importantly. If the current Kings failed to capture the family of the former Kings, it would seem better to do so at their hands, also for the prestige of the present Kings.

'Cause there's too few clues.'

"If I had listened to your words, it would appear that the second prince has obtained certainty that he is alive. Then you also know where you are at the moment?

'Unfortunately, all I know is' Reginald leaving King's Capital '. We have no idea where we went from there.'

The extent to which the labyrinth nucleus can be known is the extent to which its own labyrinth influences. Within that, we can know all things. But I don't know anything about the outside than the range.

"One more thing, ask us, you know what that means?

The request will require a reward.

If you're looking for someone who can't even get his hands on the labyrinth nucleus, you'll need a lot of reward.

'There are two rewards I can offer. Let's start with this: -'

A treasure chest emerges from the ground and the lid opens at will.

What was inside was a long sword. However, gems of various colors are embedded all over the blade.

"It 's--"

Apparently the Duke knew about the sword and had lost his word.

It's a treasure sword named "Styre". The magic stored in each gem, and its value as a gem, should be more valuable to you than its value as a weapon. "

The sharpness has been lost due to the presence of gems.

I have tried and shaken it and the weight of the gem gets in the way and is very difficult to use.

Not really, it's a weapon I'd like to have in my hands.

But even if it was less valuable as a weapon, it is more valuable as a gem.

"Let me gratefully take it"

"Wait! This is one of the national treasures of the Kingdom of Metis. It should be carefully stored in the treasure trove. That can't be here!

"Oh. If you know the treasure sword Steele still sleeps in the treasure trove."

"So this is..."

"What's in the treasure trove is a replica of this"

A great old king whose gemstone collection was his hobby.

He decided to build a powerful sword from the jewels he had collected on the verge of death, and when he was satisfied with the creation of the sword, he fell asleep in peace.

The sword was handed over to the next king, and by his hand he wished for help in the unlikely event that things were in the country.

The labyrinth nucleus also decided it was time to use it.

"We couldn't just hide the treasure sword that has become known as a national treasure by the mere existence of the king. That's why we have a replica. '

A sword that doesn't touch the eyes of unspecified people.

Accurate figures were lost from people's memories within the treasure trove, and replicas placed as alternatives came to be considered real.

"That replica is also quite a valuable substitute, isn't it?"

'Definitely. But what you're looking for is the real one.'

What is needed to strengthen the Labyrinth is a powerful tool.

On the dawn of the successful capture of the second prince, this was to be ceded to me.

"Let me offer you another reward."


The first one gave me quite a few things.

While pretending not to be interested, wait excitedly to see what is presented next.

But the rewards offered were unexpected.

"I now acquiesce to what I am doing against this labyrinth"

"... have you noticed"

I came to this labyrinth before three years ago.

Skill proficiency was different from that of that time. Most importantly, Iris' skill proficiency, which at the time had just become a family member, has also now risen exponentially.

"You don't have to hurry because they seem to find out."

Tell them that it's okay to take their time with the reading.

"Mm, roger that."

Even so, Illis will not stop.

Things should go a lot further than they were found out.

"You do a lot of daring things."

"I just need to borrow it for a moment"

Try the labyrinth as we escort the three of us.

Attempt to hack into the function of the labyrinth so that Iris does not find out at the labyrinth nucleus beside it. You just have to be able to use some of the features. In this way, the portions that are ready for use are used to secure the base.

If you can, Alistair and Wang Capital should be able to travel in an instant. Simply register as a base for part of this labyrinth and you will be able to choose Wang Capital as the subject of [transfer].

Initially I was going to let it go without finding out.

Because I didn't know what kind of consideration would be requested just for the content.

"Your request will come true. Instead, don't complain about borrowing."