The Kingdom of Memphis is centered in the King's Capital with a temple dedicated to Master Tishua.

The more the country goes to the provinces in a country like the one for the king's capital, the greater the difference between the rich and the poor.

That would be different if we had a facility that would moisturize an economy like a port. DuPont, the port town we used to enter when we sailed to the Kingdom of Memphis, flourished quite a bit.

"This is terrible."

In contrast, the village of Yorsha in front of you is terrible.

There are about twenty houses lined up. Previously visited Wang Capital, every building was well built.

But the village in front of you is just a crude house.

"I can't say anything because I only remember my childhood, too, but this seems to be a normal village on the north side"

This time, we split up everywhere to gather information.

However, acting alone is dangerous because it does not know what it is, so it is a behavior in pairs.

I was supposed to act with Noel.

I really didn't want to take my eyes off Noel right now.

"And the village you lived in?

Noel nods at my question.

He wasn't very wealthy, and Noel's parents, Mr. Bart and Mr. Nong, wanted to get out of their poor lives. Because I didn't want Noel, my daughter, to feel poor.

In the end, we decided to make Noel feel lonely, but from a poor life, we could escape by letting Noel go.


I can't tell you anything about living like that.

"This country was also originally interested in trying to improve the situation of being discriminated against on the basis of race at all. At that time many of the accolades became aristocrats and took on executive roles in the centre"

However, the thought was to be trampled.

We became afraid to let go of power as soon as we were in a position to abuse only those who were originally abused.

It becomes a mere existence that consolidates the centre of power within itself alone and drives the weak into the provinces to exploit taxes.

Those realities were repeated even before my eyes.


"Oh, what?

Talk to your grandfather who was working in the field even though Noel said it was winter.

Bear-eared beast man. It is a species with tough flesh that allows them to engage in field work even in old age in harsh winter conditions.

"What are you doing now?

"Soil for spring."

A grandfather who plows the fields in silence.

Allow the soil to regain vitality by tilling the fields during the winter to touch the outside air.

I know you don't want to work outside because it's cold, but there are things you have to do because it's cold.

"What have the ladies come to do to such a despicable village?

"We are adventurers. I heard rumors of a powerful demon in a village ahead of me."

It's about ghosts, of course.


My grandfather, who hears Noel's words, drops a jar out of his hand.

The pattern hits my leg and it looks painful. Still, you can't stop paying attention to Noel.

"I won't say anything bad. You better stay out of this."

"You know something?

I don't answer the question. When I take the cigarette out of my pocket, I light it.

Even in poor rural areas, the luxury of cigarettes was allowed.

"It's not good for you anymore."

You look like you're over sixty, Grandpa.

Tobacco smoke is known to cause bodily harm. Given your age, it's only natural that you should stop.

"I know that. But it's good enough to smoke the cigarette I stopped after what happened."

My grandfather had given up smoking.

But something happened. I started smoking again.

I know I should stop if I think of my body myself.

"One of my sons is dead"


My grandfather had three sons.

One of them went to his wife's house in a remote village. A few years ago, my grandson was also born, and it was my grandfather's pleasure to go and see him from time to time.

"In the New Year's Eve, they went out with me."

That's an annual routine.

I was looking forward to celebrating the New Year and playing with my grandchildren.


What my grandfather, who reached the village, saw was a tragic sight.

"There were only traces of blood left in the village."

Tons of bright red blood.

No trace of a person's life as long as pieces of flesh or pieces of clothing were floating on a pond made of blood.

There were humans with bright red skin like blood in such a disastrous sight.

"I don't know what a ghost I am."

Grandpa who desperately fled the ghost.

But in an old body, he gets run over without being able to escape.

"No more, the adventurer ran for me when I thought I could."

Thanks to the five-man party for rushing me.

They were adventurers who heard rumors of the emergence of 'ghosts' and ran to crusade. Unknown demons will only be known for their merits if they crusade, and may be traded at high prices for research.

"The adventurers sacrificed their lives so I could escape."

The adventurers didn't have enough strength to defeat the 'ghost'.

Their reckless challenge gave me credit for letting my grandfather get away.

"I don't know where 'ghosts' went after that"

The grandfather, whose son and grandson became worried, visited the village again, aware of the danger.

But instead of finding someone alive, it didn't even come true to find the body of my son or grandson.

However, I was able to find the amulet I gave to my son, who would marry him in a blood pond.

When I gave it to her, she told her to hold it without leaving her skin. I guess your son wore it when he kept his word disciplined and was attacked by a 'ghost'.

"At least I wanted to feed you. I told the neighboring villages what was going on, and they let me just bury them and clean them."

People living in neighboring villages cooperated because they couldn't leave their bodies unattended.

It is likely to cause a large amount of blood and other plagues.

Plus it could call in dangerous demons.

At the very least, I needed to keep it clean.

"Why, in such a small number? If you have a dangerous opponent like" ghost, "you need to tell us what's going on and get soldiers and knights to help you, and you need to hire adventurers to make sure you're safe."

"Lady, you're not from this country."

"Ugh, yeah......"

"There's no knight in this country who can fight dangerous demons for such a lonely village."

A country that is equal but rotten.

Many of the people who live there have also given up on what is exhausting.

"I don't have the money to hire an adventurer."

An adventurer who helped his grandfather who made a reckless challenge.

But it was never weak, and I guess he had a lot of strength.

"You don't have to sacrifice younger people like you."

Grandpa convincing me not to go.

I can't stand it if it comes down to sacrificing until we do.

"It's okay, 'cause I'm not going to the village where the incident happened"

Such a word came out of Noel's mouth, which was sweet to my heart.

"Let's start by investigating this village."

Nearby Noel tells her softly.

On my grandfather's feet, it's as far away as the village where the incident occurred, but there are three neighboring villages. We'll get there in no time.

You can do your first survey from the villages around here.