It was the second ghost man who showed up.


Another soldier next to the soldier, who had become the second ghost to hunt down the first ghost man, is suddenly stunned by the situation and buttocks on.

A ghost reaches out to an unprotected ex-colleague.

The other knights and soldiers are also confused and not in a state where they can move to help.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to make a victim in front of my eyes"

Grab an outstretched arm and slap the ghost man's body on the floor.

Hold the joints down from the top to make them immobile.

"Melissa, get him on the cure."

"Excuse me."


He was a ghost man who roared at the pills he was forced to take, but to that extent he couldn't help but be forced back to his original appearance.

"You still had it!

The cure I just used is separate from the one I gave King Leonid.

"Yeah, we left it for ourselves."

Maybe we need to move from ourselves and make him drink like we do now.

So I only had a hundred bottles available separately. No more spare medication exists.

"The effect of the cure is clearer than that."

"Oh, oh."

Eight knights are turned, and one knight entrusted with the medicine closes a gap and throws every bottle into the ghost's mouth.

The ghost man with the bottle in his mouth chews through the bottle in his mouth and drinks it up, even though he watches the second ghost man get undone. Immediate medication, a servant who immediately showed effect and returned to his original human being was down.

"All right, we're secure immediately."


A servant is restrained at the behest of a knight.

Normally, it is not wrong to deal with the case of disabling a dangerous person.

"Well, wait"

"What? I appreciate your cooperation, but let's not even talk about the problems that happened in the castle."

"Some of them ghosts include those who can be described as victims. Isn't it too much to dispose of those people without question whether they're current criminals or not?


"First of all, you need to ask what's going on."

Fortunately, he was a ghost man for a short time.

The servant who has just returned has lost his mind, but he is already out of his stun without looking debilitated about the soldier he returned earlier.

The knights and soldiers in the castle are so tingly. I'll interrogate them because even if I leave them to them, it's not going to be a busy outcome.

"Is consciousness clear?

"... Yes"

"Tell me what happened"

"Whatever they say..."

Suddenly, consciousness retreats far away and becomes smeared with destructive impulses.

Then I couldn't help but attack the person in front of me.

"Do you ever think of any cause?


"Didn't you have strong hatred or resentment?


A soldier who denies that he had feelings like hatred or resentment.

But I've had some negative feelings from the examples so far, and I'm pretty sure that triggered it and turned it into a ghost.

There is a cause for what I was doing just before.

"If you say so, you were looking at the king."

"Yes, I've been working at the castle since yesterday, and I've never seen a king before, so I admired him."

Originally, as a village, he was just a soldier in the village, no matter how big it was.

Not only was it suddenly brought to Wang Capital to work as a soldier, but it was confusing to work in the castle.

And the suppression of servants whose first job was to become ghosts.

There were demons that I had never seen before in the place where I rushed. Even in such circumstances, the king was able to give instructions and present an effective operation, without being timid.

I admired the way it looked.

What I admired was not only the soldiers who became ghosts, but others alike, and I can see them nodding.

"... was there anything else?

"That's right! I heard voices."


I couldn't remember because I heard it at the moment of change to a ghost man.

But it also became clearer about the content of my voice within a desperate memory.

- I'm behaving like that because the goddess was giving protection to the royalty. You envy that man because you were born humble.

Shortly after I heard that word, I got the feeling of hating my situation.

What has been the extra thirty years before?

Even I could have been a great man if I had been well educated and not living in poverty.

They even overflowed with strong thoughts that I wouldn't normally think of.

The thought led to ghosts.

"Voice, hey -"

Words as if they were incitement.

No, I'm pretty sure I delivered the word with the intention of encouraging change to ghosts.

"Oh. I'm pretty sure the moment I heard that woman's voice darkened right in front of me."


I just thought Sendorf had done something.

Sendorf's voice is not the kind of voice that I think is the woman of what is high.

"Call that way."

'Do you know what that would mean?

What I heard was a reading from Noel.

There are many people on this occasion as well as King Leonid. Especially problematic is Prince Leold, who definitely knows Noel's face. Earlier I was supposed to make a near miss in the office. I want you to stay unaware if you can.

"I'd be more certain to go that way."

'... ok'

[Summons] Noel reluctantly.

Be wary of magic formations where people who were in the training field are drawn on the floor.

But I was relieved to find out it was a woman who emerged from the glowing magic formation.

"Why are you here!?

After all, Prince Leold noticed.

Some of the other knights who have served the royal castle for a long time are stunned because they remembered Noel's face.


"Father!? Did Father know that traitor was alive?

"... I heard it in a message and knew it. But I didn't believe it because I saw clearly where I was going to die. I was in that room not long before you came to the office."

"Why did you keep quiet!?

Argument, Prince Leold.

Traitor, as you can see from the word, for Prince Leold, Noel's survival is not something that can be tolerated.

Noel approaches the soldier even though he is a little distracted by his words.

"Is this the voice you heard?

"Shahn" and tinkering in front of the soldier.

Now we deliver the Word of God not by showing illusions, but by making them listen.

"Oh...... yes! It's this guy's voice."

"I knew..."

Ringing the scepter again delivers a similar voice to a servant who became a ghost.

"Yes, I heard that too"

The servant became a ghost shortly after eating fine in the dining room.

Too good a meal. When I was in the village, a meal managed to be eaten by excitement is served as a bribe for servants.

I heard voices the moment I recognized that fact.

- The kings and nobles continued this luxury with the taxes they exploited from you. Aren't you sorry? Even though I believed in Tishua, the goddess with you, the grace she brought was not granted equally.

I followed my voice and began to hate the goddess and the privileged class.


Too different from previous ghosts.

"For now, lock those two up in jail"

"Oh no... we don't know what either!

"Forgive me, Your Majesty!

"It's for protection that I keep the two of you in custody. We need to keep him in custody because he could break out again. But when you know it's harmless, you can rest assured I'll let you go."

Servants and soldiers are surrounded by soldiers and transported to their huts in the castle.

We move to the corner of the training ground and only cavaliers of the executive class follow us, starting with King Leonid and Prince Leold.

Information, rather than a provider, is like a hunk of confidentiality. We had to be cautious, and only the trustworthy were gathered together.

"I'm going to tell you straight to the point. The voice they heard is that of Tishua, the goddess."