Dungeon Master Makeup Money (formerly known as Dungeon Master Funding)
Lesson 24: The Demon Stone of the Golem
Sylvia's newly acquired second skill [Empty Hand].
I can move freely with my hands created by magic in the air. I guess it's a user-friendly skill if you can move it as fast as Sylvia herself, but you can only move it fast in the range of raw hatred and a radius of about 5 meters, and you need to stop your legs and focus your consciousness in order to interfere in a remote place.
Because of this, now that I am a large family, I have been using it only to perform multiple tasks in parallel when cooking for large numbers of people.
but proficiency has increased thanks to the use of it many times, albeit trivially. Even though we need to focus our consciousness, we can now fly to a remote location in seconds as well.
Reached thanks to the concomitant use of [Wall Out] up to the Demonic Stone on the other side of the armor thanks to the thinning caused by the attack by me and Mr. Ratchett. I succeeded in crushing it thanks to my full grip.
"... knocked you down, huh?
Lord of ruins that completely stop the movement.
Naturally, the demon stone is crushed, so it doesn't move.
"No, he's still alive"
"I guess."
Nod to Mr. Ratchett's words and be vigilant around him.
There is no change coming to the ruins when they say they destroyed the Golem, the lord of the ruins.
"I'm also concerned about this guy, but as far as I'm concerned, the whole damn golem didn't work at all anymore."
"This is his wife."
"Your wife?"
'Yes. He seems to be the one who supported him before he abandoned himself. We knew what was going on out there, and we decided to share our destiny.'
An ex-human who transformed himself from a person to a demon just like the Lord of the ruins.
Unlike the lord of the ruins, who was a man because he was a woman, he probably has a body with a togetherness atmosphere removed.
"Wasn't this the lord of the ruins?
I can only think of about a site management system if it is possible to know.
'No... it's about him if you can call him Lord here. In the first place, I am not familiar with the system you call "ruins". Are you sure it's over if you defeat the Lord?
Previously, the collapse of the ruins began when he acquired his treasures after defeating the Lord.
I've tried to defeat the Lord because I don't see anything like it, but I can't see any change.
"What do you think of Mr. Ratchett?... Mr. Ratchett?
Mr. Ratchett with no reply.
I looked at my face suspiciously and my eyes were swimming hard and my body was cramped. Definitely not in normal condition.
"Behind you!
I'll take a side look at Mr. Ratchett in Sylvia's words.
Then I see a hand made of diant steel sticking to the back of my head.
"What, this!?
I reach for my sword.
See that and the lord of the ruins you should have defeated.
"I don't have my left hand..."
The Lord's body of the fallen ruins, it should have been regenerated, but his left hand was gone.
It's also a beautiful cutting surface, like a disconnect.
"That one!
Left hand sticking to the back of Mr. Ratchett's head.
"but ah..."
An object like a sharp needle pops out of his fingertips and pierces his head.
"Sylvia, can't you peel it off!?
"No. [Empty Hands] don't have enough power to strip a sticky and fixed hand."
Even if I could, Mr. Ratchett would not be safe if I imitated that I was forced to pull through with the needle pierced. Must be in a safe condition even if pulled out.
"What do you mean? You mean the enemy hadn't been able to defeat him yet...?
"Hopefully, I didn't just want to use this hand"
Mr. Ratchett's - I can hear voices from his hands sticking to the back of his head.
"The demon stone must have been crushed"
'Surely the demon stone was crushed. But nobody said there was one demon stone. "
"It seems true."
Sylvia focuses her consciousness on her detached left hand.
He also feels the demon stone reaction from his left hand.
"Even so, you don't have many lives."
It is not mass production of life.
If that's possible, you just have to prepare a number of demonic stones and golem bodies with life from the beginning.
I don't, I can't.
"This is an emergency exit."
"Abominably correct."
"Just before the demon stone was completely destroyed, I switched to another demon stone that kept my consciousness in reserve."
"That's right."
The spare demonic stone that was stored on the left hand side becomes the main body.
The only thing Sylvia crushed was a demonic stone that had become spare.
"What I aspired to was a body that would never decay. It is not satisfactory. Still, I succeeded in getting close."
"How about that?
"In that state, can we make another emergency exit?
Earlier, the transplant of consciousness was successful because we shared the same body.
But now only the demonic stone that was on my left hand is independent.
"Perhaps there were demonic stones available elsewhere, but can they be transplanted in such a remote state?
"So I took this man hostage"
Mr. Ratchett and the Lord of the Ruins, who stuck together and integrated.
"I'm intervening in my will by stabbing a needle in this man's brain. It has already become my puppet. If you can't live with the Golem, it's until you get the body to live with."
Grasping hands are slowly eroding into the body.
If it stays like this, it's going to break into your body completely. In that state, it may be possible to operate in the other world as well.
But doing it also amounts to humiliation as a researcher.
"I've been searching for a way to live in the Golem. This means an act tantamount to throwing away all of the research. I never wanted to do it if I could. '
The man put his pride and life on the scale.
As a result, I decided to take my life.
"Who chose to possess Mr. Ratchett?
'You are too willful. It was determined that there was a low probability of taking over consciousness upon contact with the brain. You should put up with this man if you want to take such a risk'
That's good to hear.
It is possible to prevent takeover if the will is strong.
"By the way, earlier you said I didn't see the whole thing,"
"Is that it?
"What you don't see, so do you"
Left hand floating.
That stuck to Melissa's back of the head.
"No way you can do more than one... No, you should be early if you can do that"
So what's the left hand sticking to Melissa's back of the head?
See in a hurry.
"I knew..."
My left hand is also disappearing from the feminine golem.
"Do you like that woman? There would have been other women who were easily possessed."
'Yes, I like her. Young and beautiful body. You look like me when I was younger. I'll do it to her if I can pick one.'
I hear a woman I've never heard before from her left hand possessed by Melissa.
'I'm tired of living on steel already. But if you can get a bright body like this...'
"Young and beautiful... that's a delightful word to have a child"
A needle pierced the head.
Still spin the words without worrying.
"That body, let me use it"
"I'm sorry, but there's a kid waiting for me to come home, so there's no reason to dawn"
…… Ah, ah, ah...! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!
Screaming left hand.
I don't care if the needle is piercing. When I pull it out, I throw it on the floor.
"Mr. Iris, treat me."
"Are you okay?"
"I just can't afford to use healing magic myself. So is the head wound, but I just used [Abyss Magic]"
"[Abyss Magic]!? How could a little girl like you do such magic...!
"That's what I'm trying to do."
"I failed! The person you possess is mistaken... '
The demonic stone in my left hand can be completely crushed.
Even if it could be transplanted into other demonic stones, it could not escape [Abyss Magic].
'Impossible. Speaking of [Abyss Magic], it's magic that you can get [Dark Magic] extremely ahead of you, not interfere with your body or your spirit... the most powerful class of magic that you can interfere with even' souls' in a deeper place. That's what such a young daughter... '
Turn to me with Mr. Ratchett, who is possessed.
"Come on, what do you think?
"No way [Abyss Magic]..."
Vigilant ratchet.
"It's time to settle"