Ilkite Labyrinth Basement, 56th Floor.

hierarchy that can only be reached by a limited number of people anymore. It's such a place that you get something of value.

The 56th to 60th floors are caved. The decisive difference from the cave up to the tenth floor underground is that there is a place in the wall where the misrill, a precious mineral, is buried. Moreover, it can sufficiently serve as a material to enhance the equipment of those who can reach the fifty-sixth basement floor because of the embedded mass.

We have a map. We can see where Mithril's buried. I was expecting just a few things, but the sights on the 56th floor of the basement I visited were completely different.

Square in a vast cave. A pine-lit fire protruding from the wall illuminates a dark cave.

Where the five metastatic crystals were arranged, there was an altar, and we needed to look up on the ground.

cave completely different from prior information.

More unusual than that is the sight in front of the altar.

"Finally here, I'm tired of waiting"

A heavy voice that sounds like a distant place. Words by demons sitting on the throne placed on the altar.

"I'm tired of waiting, hey"


Besides, I understand these words and I'm intelligent enough to manipulate them myself.

"I let you guys see what you're doing. It became a meaningful entertainment for me when I gained great power."

[Appraisal] prevails even if there is a distance but where it has been opened.

"I see. Great power, because don't snort"

The figure of the demon sitting on the throne belongs to the Auga.

Protecting his whole body with gold armor and wearing a gold crown on his head, but his visible face must have been an orga.

Above all, there is the word "auga" in the appraisal results.

Auga Master - Auga with the power of the Labyrinth Lord (Dungeon Master).

"How could a demon in a labyrinth be a labyrinth lord?

"Come on? But you have to admit it because it exists in real life"

If you believe in appraisal results, there is no doubt that the Augamaster is the Labyrinth Master (Dungeon Master).

Iris seems confused by the appraisal results, but I just have to assume that the appraisal results work correctly.

"Above all, it explains the sight in front of you"

Five metastatic crystals collected in one place.

hierarchy that has been altered in structure.


"How are you going to explain the army enough to fill such a hierarchy?

There is an orga in front of the altar. Most of them seem to be orgasms, but some of them are also mixed with the higher species, hi-oga and night-oga.

An auga classified even as a strong demon.

That was waiting like a soldier in the thousands.

"You created it with the power of the labyrinth."

significantly more than occurs naturally.

"That's right. I can even produce it this way."

Black muddy objects rise from the ground in front of the altar.

It changes from black mud to a bright-skinned demon, where life lives in an instant when it overflows and creates the shape of an ogre.

It was a slightly distorted sight, but it's definitely the power of the Labyrinth Lord.

"What do you say? It would be a desperate sight."


"Oh. I can't handle it anymore, show me mourning my helplessness"

"I see. Was that what it was all about"

It is not impossible to make metastatic crystals unusable with the power of the labyrinth lord.

A large army that waits where it has come down to its goal to be able to return somehow.

It's enough to despair.

"Bad taste"

"What's so fun about doing that"

Noel made his expression look bad and Ira was frightened.

Ordinary humans are desperate just because they have the ability to lead a large army without having to do that.

"Well, haven't you given up even in front of all these troops"

"It's not normal with hatred."

"You guys!

Orga's large army growls at the signal of the Orgamaster.

Those with bare hands shake up their arms, and those with weapons put up their gear.

Still, I remember the Augamaster being frustrated not to cower.

"Same as the goblin emperor that was up there."


"I can't help but try it with a strong force."

"Shut up!

An organ master with mighty power in his hands. But instead, he seems to have lost his right to go outside, and if he imitates the way he goes out of the labyrinth, he dies disqualified from being a labyrinth lord.

The most powerful is the cave that was born when it was an orga before becoming an orgamaster.

So I was waiting for someone to reach me.

I couldn't use the metastasis crystals along the way because I wanted them to come to me a little faster.

"Hiding from us won't work."

I was shaking my body when I revealed it in my heart.

"You're just a kid who wants to play."

"Shut up!!

Now the orgasms are going in.

"Well, you saved me time attacking the labyrinth."

What I assumed was a cave attack that was like a maze.

However, the 56th to 60th floors of the current basement were squared to make the game easier to watch than anything else so that the Augamasters could fight.

I don't even see any misrills. On the contrary, I became fully outraged.

"First, you buy time"

A nodded angel rushes from the front into an army of orgasms as he raises his shield.

He takes Auga's fist approaching from the front with a shield and slashes his chest with a sword in a frightened gap.

The surrounding orgasms are causing the assault to continue without the appearance of cowardice that their companions have been slashed. The magic of a feminine angel bursts there.

Angel demons boasting higher specs than Auga.

However, a large number of them were crushed where they defeated several bodies due to passivity.

The damage is greater in the aug. But it is the armies of the Augamasters who boast so many armies that they don't care where a few are defeated.

"What can you do with that degree of power?

No one pulls a step against the imminent Orga army.

"You had a bad opponent to play with"

Hands listed with Illis.

Magic formations are drawn on the ground everywhere.


I guessed what you were going to do as someone with the power of the same labyrinth lord, Augamaster.

"But it's too late."

The sound of tapping metal echoes.

It's all the sound of an orga attacking our [summoned] demons. He was beaten by demons with inflexible flesh, but the summoned demons don't even freak out.

"How many productions did you make in time?

About a hundred bodies.


I grin with satisfaction as I listen to reports from the labyrinth nucleus.

The numbers are smaller than those of the great army of Auga. Still enough stand-alone potential.

"It's inferior to using diant steel, but you were right to build it first."

"Oh, who are you...!?

"It's your senior."

It was a golem made of iron that emerged from the magic formation.

Even after that, he told the labyrinth nucleus to continue production, so that he could roam the labyrinth in turn. The greatest benefit of iron golems lies where production is possible without having to consume the magic of the labyrinth. All you have to do is give them what they need to maintain.

An iron golem that appeared fan-shaped to protect us with our walls behind our backs.

The Augs are struggling without being able to break through the golem.

"I'm sorry, but we're not gonna end up here. There's a guy in the labyrinth who still wants to get busted."

Sea snakes newly emerged from the magic formation into thunderbeasts and human shapes. There's some flaming armor behind it, but it doesn't look like he's going to take the lead.

"He's the only one who's active."

Thunderbeast who was looking for a place to be active.

And the sea snake agreed.

Recently, there was a build-up of depression in two bodies that could not be activated because of the continuing situation requiring the heat emitted by flaming armor.

"You know what you have to do."

"Of course."

"There's no point in how much you knocked down the miscellaneous fish. The only thing we have to defeat is the Augamaster."

"I'll take care of the exposures"

A lightning beast wrapped in an electric shock rushes into the army of the Orga. When he steps on and storms one of the orgasms taken aback by a white tiger approaching from overhead, he emits an electric shock to the surrounding area.

A widespread attack had rendered dozens of orgasms incapable of combat.

"Well, now all you have to do is take it down. We're going in all at once."

Circumstances in which metastatic crystals have been rendered unusable.

Normally, it's an unacceptable situation to return, but we can return. But while I'm confused by the sudden situation and can't fully use my powers...

"I'll clean it up all at once."