Dungeon Reset

< Dungeon Reset 169Usd >

* * *

There's a reason Alpha named the dungeon a rabbit dungeon.

< I hope Rabbit will take care of this dungeon from now on. >

“I think so, too. You used to do that, right? ”

[Phew. Will it end like this...?]

I also wanted a rabbit.

He muttered as he looked around the ruins.

[Hehe, did you see it? The king who was driven out at the end of the Passover finally returned. Now everyone will fall at my feet...]

“Yeah, get down. ”

[Hmph. He says he wants to make me feel better.]

The rabbit snores and falls to the floor of Juju Island.

“That's not a reflexive gesture, is it? Raise one foot. Put your feet up. Headstand.”

[I'm sorry! But wasn't I kind enough to help you? You saw what you did! You had to roll here if you didn't want to die on Stage 2, which you managed. Heave-ho...]

It was a rabbit who gently stood on its feet while protesting that it was unfair.

My ears trembled.

Jungdown has made his intentions clear for now.

“Know this. Now that I've acquired this dungeon, I don't want anyone to die here. ”

What the fuck does that mean? People die anyway. Old age, sickness, death by a monster, death by a trap, you name it. Heave-ho.]

“So at least we don't let the monsters kill us. ”

[What? That's the ideal nagging. What kind of good man syndrome? doesn't know anything. If we keep her that way, she'll be exterminated if we move on to Rugal's stage.]

“You don't know anything. If he's alive and not dead, he'll eventually grow up. Don't you recognize me? ”


As Jungdown pointed to himself, the rabbit's mouth immediately shut.

There was a human who had grown so strong right here.

A classic case that was weaker than anyone at first, but had survived persistently and had suddenly grown up.

Even the same words came out of his mouth, but his weight was different.

[…… But monsters weren't the ones listening to the manager in the first place.]

[You're right.]

Rugal nods, listening next to you.

[How are you going to manage the monsters in the dungeon that just live by instinct?]

Even the manager has no control over the monsters.

Usually I don't look excited, but if I provoke the monsters on this side first, the monsters will also come at the manager with hostility.

If you play a game, it's called the "Anonymous Mob."

Monsters considered the administrators of the dungeon to be "ghosts" or "invisible people."

I knew the truth, of course.

“Animals. I can't help it. But at least there's a way to control the plants. ”

Alpha notices the true meaning.

< You are about to use the Trap Setup skill. >

“That's right. If you trap all the monster plants and let them attack as few people as they don't kill, won't you be less difficult?" ”

The rabbit opened its eyes wide.

All the plants in the dungeon? That would be a lot of overconsumption.]

“No problem. You can be burdened with a lot of early interiors, but if you set it up, it will continue to reset, right? ”

Alpha did not unexpectedly disagree.

< I agree. The enemy camp has been hijacked, but if we don't want to be hijacked again, we're going to have to cover them with traps. It's just going to continue to consume life energy to reset. >

“Isn't that supposed to be a magical reset for people? Just do as you're told. ”

Jungdown smiled meaningfully.

He was drawing a big picture.

The dragon of the end receives blood and death as sacrifices.

But the dragon of life was the opposite.

“Alpha, what exactly can you offer as a sacrifice? ”

< Erthea's favourite offering is the freshly harvested crop first, followed by the bloodshot beast. >

“What about the blood? There's life energy in the blood, right? ”

< unclean. Among them, monster blood is the most unstoppable. Of course, even if you don't drain the blood, you accept the sacrifice, but the purity of energy is a little better. >

This was the first I had heard of it.

Even the Alpha didn't tell us because he was so desperate that he had to sacrifice a penny or two.

But now that Ertera has begun to regenerate, the purity of the sacrifices needs to be increased.

[Oh, you're so eccentric.]

< Rabbit, aren't you standing on a water nymph tree? >


It was a rabbit who interrupted for no reason and then leaned back.

“Now, let's get this straight. So you like fresh crops and butchered meat? In the future, the dungeon will be less difficult for participants to offer sacrifices. ”

Jungdown concluded with a meaningful smile.

Production jobs seemed to have more work to do in the future.

* * *

It was true what Rugal said about Stage One being a mess.

Participants were wandering around the forest lost without a helper.

Later on, there will be some know-how to find the ruins, but it was too much for them.

Eventually, over the time limit, they started coming down from a mountain full of monstrous rats, and they were stunned and were scattered by the horns.

[It's total annihilation.]

“Let's get started. ”

It was an urgent situation, but nothing seemed urgent to me.

Jungdown and the rabbit stroll along the side of the pack of monster rats and turn the monstrous plants into traps.

He ordered that people be threatened but not attacked to the extent that their lives were threatened.

Dungeon Potatoes, Water Saccharides...

There were other dangerous plants that were attacking people.

I'm just not interested because I can't eat it.

Especially when it was like a watering can, it only swallowed humans with a mouth like a crocodile. It didn't make digestive fluid inside, it just let them bite.

How safe is this?

“Set a trap, set a trap. ”

Monster plants approached him as a caretaker or became indigenous.

Monster rats completely ignore him and pass by.

If I felt like I was going to hit, I naturally swerved away from it.

I didn't want to touch a fur.

The downward expression complicates things.

“Well, this is a little awkward. ”

[You feel like you're being bullied?]

“I think I know why you talk so much. ”

He looks at the rabbit pitifully.

But it was a misunderstanding.

[Nonsense. The rabbit was chatty from the start.]

Rugal appears next to you and tells you the truth.

“You haven't left yet? ”

[I'm still going home.]

“When are you going to work? ”

[I'm just going to finish watching this. I wonder how you guys set this dungeon up.]

Whether Rughal follows you or not, he works hard to turn the monstrous plants into traps.

However, when I told him to work hard, from afar, he looked like a leisurely life walking around the park and watching the flowerpots.

There were so many people who were vomiting blood and living intensely in the world, but they were alone.

The participant's eyes, naturally hovering nearby, find him in a strange way that does not match the chaos at all.

“Huh? I think it's safe there! ”

“Monsters don't go that way! This way! Everyone, this way! ”


A group of people begin to leap desperately to where it is.

He was embarrassed and desperately waved his arms.

“Huh? Don't come! Don't come here! Not this way!”


“Looks like it's safe over there! ”

“Listen to me! ”

It didn't work!

Rather, when I saw him waving his arms away, I could see his hands telling me to run quickly.

Then the monsters that passed by opened their mouths.


“Huff!? It's dangerous here too!”

The people panicked and ran away again.

Then, I looked down at him with a grumpy eye.

I was embarrassed.

“No, I'm not here... ”

The same pattern has been repeated many times since then.

“There! It's safe there! ”


“There! Let's run to where he is! ”


“No! Listen to me! ”


“Shit! Maybe not! Run!”


“... Oh my. ”

It kept repeating itself.



Keep going.


“Listen to me! ”

Over and over again.

Worse bunnies and rugals scattered to each other, giving participants directions to the ruins, but the person who found and approached the ruins constantly appeared.

“Why are there so many people here? ”

[In the meantime, the participants must have been summoned again! Duplicate summoned! Looks like the attendees were automatically summoned when the helper disappeared!]

“You're such an idiot! ”

Now it's useless to insult a dead maid.

I didn't want him to kill me in the first place.

However, after continuing to use the trap setting skill, I ran out of life energy.

< You must offer more sacrifices. >

“It's a waste of food, let's procure it locally. ”

Under the circumstances, it was not right to sacrifice a monster plant, so I naturally stared at the monsters passing by.

“Get the monsters. ”


If you summon the golems, the Shadow Servants were even more surprised by the terrified participants.

Puck! Puck!

The Shadow Servants are the same as normal skills, so the monsters do not attack first.

Thanks to this, the Shadow Servants have pretended to be monsters without being attacked at all.

Those who were passing by saw it again and ran.

“This way! These monsters are weaker! ”

“I see! I'll die in one shot without even trying!" ”



“Oh, no! Fall back!"

“It's dangerous here, too! ”

Urrrr... again.

It was a silly situation, but for the parties, it was a real death.

I was risking my life for a joke.

He couldn't smile and felt sorry for nothing.

But helping someone each day was more inefficient.

I helped those who could see me right away, but in the beginning, it was even more dangerous to be around me because I was only looking for monstrous plants.

It was for them to weaken the monstrous plants as soon as possible, rather than looking for each participant scattered in these vast forests.

But...... it wasn't necessarily like that anymore.



A weakened sapphire swallowed a man.]

“It's okay. It's just a bite. You'll be out in a minute. ”


Along with that, the participant escaped, splitting the side of the watery flower in half.

“Phew, I'm alive... …. ”

The participant's expression was the expression of life and death.

Your body is covered in steamed water, which makes your movements uncomfortable, but none of them are hurt.

Then I heard a very dangerous sound.


“ ……! ”

It was a monster bee.

Dozens of them!


The sweetness of Water Saccharides is one of Monster Honey Bee's favorite delicacies.

Usually, it was a unlucky monster who crawled into a watery flower to eat it and became food for himself.

So I looked even more excited.

“Aaaah! Help me! ”

“Don't come this way! They'll try to stop us!”

Participants are being chased around by a swarm of monster bees.

Just standing there safe in the middle of all that mess.

It was a little embarrassing.

“I didn't mean to do this... ”

[I thought you said it was gonna be hard.]

“ ……. ”

Balancing the game was not easier than I thought.

He eventually summoned Bahamut to suppress the situation.

Bahamut was amazed to see this.

[Oh! You are my master! You're making hell for the bugs!]

“I'm not.”