If you take a quick look at the pond from there, it will be as follows.

It was the sixth day after the revelation arrived to King's Landing that the magical equipment of the distant story that was arranged, the setting and the teaching of how to use it, was given to the cave's envoys, and the envoy who learned while crying, left the King's Landing in Vinstat. It was only seven days later that I arrived at Nicolam, contacted him, set up the magic equipment, and disguised it as a carriage delivery of consumables from Nicolam and arrived in the cave... In fact, during this time, there was a noise in the "Rock of Disaster".

Master Crowe! There was a peat fire in the tunnel!

― ― After receiving a call from Kel, who looked impatient, Crowe held his head in the dungeon road.

I had received reports that Theodoram's people had discovered the peat seam, and I had already arranged a meeting in case a fire broke out in the tunnel... Theodoram's technique of picking up trouble at the pinpoint might no longer be called a tentpin. It's okay for Theodrum to get in trouble, but don't bring that buttwipe over here....

"... explain the situation, Kel"

According to Kel, the dungeon core of the "Cave of Disasters", the development of the situation was as follows.

"... I mean, what? Theodrum idiots burned in the middle of the peat to cook?

"Hah... thank you so much... I didn't think they were so stupid, so I turned around unconsciously."

--Needless to say again, the walls of the dungeon cannot be destroyed or excavated. Therefore, Crowe, who wanted to make it easier and expand the tunnel (dungeon), was directing the Theodrum soldiers outside the area of the dungeon to dig the tunnel there.

As a dungeon master, Crowe was able to expand the tunnel without effort, and Theodrum soldiers entered and stayed in the dungeon - because they had to pass through the dungeon to reach the excavation area - so we could recover the magic elements leaking from the soldiers without effort. On the other hand, if you look at the theodrum, you can avoid the danger of collapse by dungeng the tunnel after excavation.

--And unusual, both sides were able to build a Win-Win relationship... even though they did not have a slight (dust) like each other.

However, it was not that there was no problem. The biggest thing was that the behavior of the Theodrum soldiers operating outside the dungeon area could not be grasped by the dungeon core or the dungeon master - at least the amount of information would be reduced.

Because of this, I overlooked that the Theodrum soldier was pulling through the water vein, causing trouble flooding the tunnel to mention it... but even if it was a mammalian primate, it seemed sweet to think that I would have learned a little with the Theodrum soldier.

Those fools... didn't you realize you were mining fuel...?

"That's... it's not like this is the first time... I've done it a few times before, and I didn't take care of it, so it seems like I was slow."

If the peat was wet, it would not burn out so easily, but this time, it seems that it was burning next to the unhappily dry peat. Until then, it is unusual to think about burning a fire in a place surrounded by combustible materials (in the first place).

"... you stupid bastards who can't handle it..."

In the meantime, we dungeoned and quarantined the area where the fire occurred.

Did you stop the fire from spreading into the tunnel?

Yes, some Theodoram soldiers were involved in the dungeon.

You deserve it. Let the dungeon absorb you and make you pay for it. "