Anyway, the crowe family knew that lamb could be made from waste molasses, it seemed to be shocking information for Horn.

After all, Crowe has supplied the non-fumes with huge amounts of sugar.Some molasses are also provided, but because the crow makes rum from molasses, the amount that can be supplied to non-fumes as molasses is limited.Because of this, molasses seemed to be a rare commodity... I didn't think the reason for the shortage was because it was consumed as a raw material for alcohol...

However, Horn thinks. Although Crowe supplies sugar, sweetness is still precious to many non-fumes.Therefore, the idea of turning it into a raw material for alcohol did not come out.

However, if you provided molasses as a raw material for brewing, how much of it would you be able to do safely and completely?

Considering that, I feel that it would be appropriate for Crowe not to speak up about this matter until now.It may be referred to as the Ning Dynasty Wisdom Eye.

"It's impossible to do all of this, but if I offer some of it to Dolan, can I take it to fermentation, preferably distillation?"

... I don't know if I have to check it, but maybe it's possible.

Of course, it is not only the ability of brewing and distillation that should be checked, but also whether it is possible to prohibit and control stuttering, but there was also a sorting (humbetsu) in the horn that did not say that.

"Hmm... Actually, the waste molasses have a slightly unique habit."If you ferment it as it is, the habit will remain.That's interesting, but there's a little bit of a subtlety about accepting or not accepting. "


"However, if you distill it further, there is absolutely no habit... or, quite frankly, alcohol that is not delicious... can be brewed."Of course, this is enough for drinking, but if you marinate the appropriate fruit with sugar, you can transfer the flavor of the fruit and the sweetness of the sugar into the alcohol. "

Oh my...

― ― Yes, what Crowe taught was fruit wine.

Although white liquor is the ingredient for fruit liquor, most white liquor is made from waste molasses.Although it is treated as a class A shochu under the sake tax law in Japan, it is tasteless and odorless unlike ordinary shochu, so it is not suitable for drinking as it is.

However, on the other hand, it does not damage the flavor of the fruit, so it is valuable when marinating something in fruit wine.

Problem is... continuous distillation, not simple distillation, is used in the production of the white liquor... but the crow had a crow's eye.

In the first place, the use of continuous distillers in the Earth world is mainly the result of considering the economic benefits.Continuous distillation itself - as the name suggests - can only be carried out in a continuous manner.Therefore, it is not technically possible to obtain a white liquor by repeated simple distillation.

The problem is that the white liquor obtained in this way is almost tasteless and odorless, even though the number of units is strong, and as a sake, it is nothing but interesting and uninteresting.However, if we consider the use of fruit sake, its tastelessness will be transformed into an advantage at once.

Therefore, I thought that the hard work of repeating simple distillation would also be rewarded.

Another thing Crowe was thinking about was the use of alchemy.

In the alchemy of this world, because the "alcohol" that gave rise to the image was methyl alcohol, it produced toxic methyl alcohol rather than ethyl alcohol that can be drunk, and because of this, it has failed to obtain alcohol with high alcohol content.Crowe has heard of the situation around him.

However, if you teach in a direction that removes miscellaneous flavors from the distilleries obtained by simple distillation, it may be possible to obtain white liquors if you succeed.Once that is possible, Dolan's brewing ability can move on to the next step at once.

If you can't, you can either do your best to distill it in a single distillation, or you can embark on the quest to build a continuous distiller, or at worst, distill the crowe, or concentrate it by the alchemy of the magically modified crowe.

At last, Crowe was looking at not only fruit sake, but also the production of gin.Well, this was conditional on the availability of Juniper Berry substitutes.

I'll discuss it with Drum soon.

"Oh, thank you."

--This case was settled, but.....

(Whatever...... I don't know what the country called Morphan is thinking.... the Kites were supposed to be in the Morphs.I'll ask you to look into it a little.....)