From the non-fume liaison meeting, it cannot be determined, but it is possible to prepare a new shaft of sake by the time the snow melts.It is unclear whether it can be provided within the year without further consideration, but at least the upper level of the illustration was relieved from the bottom of my heart when I received the answer that I will try my best in that direction.At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to the non-fumes who will have worked hard with us in mind.

”Nevertheless... it turned out to be a good thing.”

Suddenly, it was General Rover, a familiar childhood friend and bad friend, who accurately interpreted the words spoken by the King.

Is this about the banquet?


Certainly, if you think about the fact that the banquet to consume old liquor was bothering your mind, you can understand that kind of interest.

"... I was lucky to have a little delay in ordering dishes to convince the finance department.I didn't want to get into a situation where I ordered dinnerware for a banquet before Morphan brought me a story about studying abroad. "

"... sure... if I made one mistake, how could I have predicted the offer from Morphan?"

As far as I could see from the side, it was definitely not possible for Kangan to unfold.

"If there is one concern, there is a possibility that the fumes and non-fumes will play out..."

"This time, there is not much left for the liaison meeting - even if you have left over old liquor - I thought I explained the situation, so I don't think you have to worry about that."... except for the possibility of being overwhelmed. "


It was a slightly more subtle aspect, but here Sir Warren opens his mouth as if he had noticed something.

"...... I suddenly noticed... that there is no strange obsession or prejudice between the non-fumes and Morphans, right?"

"No... I don't think either one of you told me that...?"

- There's no way.

Morphans even sent a secret agent to the village of Drum to see if they could accommodate a beer.

It seems that the Illustria side did not know about the matter, but after hearing the report from the respective practitioners who responded to both, it was determined that there would be no such concern.

"If there's anything else to think about... would it be Manastella's response?"


When I heard Sir Warren's point, they all looked reluctant.

In any case, his country, while co-prospering with non-hume, has a feeling of scratching its standing position in the illustria, and taking it to the root... Don't overstate it, it's a fact that I care.It's mostly about royalty studying from Morphans, but at that welcome party.....

"... when I was told that non-fume prototype [novel alcoholic beverages] were being offered..."

You can't be calm, can you?

Everyone holds their head like they're upset.

"...... Although it is a novel sake, it is still at a stage where it can't be seen from the sea or the mountains.I couldn't even teach you as an illustrator without having some eyes and nose...... and say "I'll forgive you"? "

"... in that case, at the very least, I think we need to implore non-fumes to provide us with [novel] alcoholic drinks information and, if possible, actual products..."

"But in that case, what is the price I can give you?"When I give you the umbilical cord, Manastella will bend your umbilical cord again. "

General Rover pointed out the problem, and everyone had no choice but to roar.

"... where will the King's Capital be, and when it comes to setting up a base, I will do my utmost to accommodate you... Is that about it?"

"I think we need to talk to the liaison meeting on that line."

"I don't know... I was wondering when the banquet was going to start, but your policy has solidified?"

"There is a intention on the part of Morphans, and I can't decide on my own... but I have been pointed out by the finance department that it is strict in terms of the budget within the year.... I was told the budget was squeezed mainly because of the dishes... "

”...... Morfan's been kneading waste, so I keep praying.”