Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)

Chapter 215 "Green Signs" Monastery 7. Illustration of the First Battalion of the Imperial Army of the Royal Capital (Part 2)

Sir Warren bowed his head looking at his boss who was biting his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. They told the [Green Label] friar's club....."

It's a monastery!?

"... here are the details"

It was General Robert who was holding Sir Warren's report in his hands and looking through its contents.

"...... Warren......"

“At least they have a point, and it seems to be the case that they're starting to green.”

"I don't know, but first...... no, it was Frook Village at first... but what we did was greening along the border with Theodoro... isn't it overdone?"

“It looks like it was the village chief of Huluk who proposed the location, and it seems that there was a problem among the neighbors.I checked with the relevant departments and they confirmed Theodorum's border violation, but they refrained from taking action on their own, saying that a bad move could lead to an international conflict. ”

I don't think that country understands borders.

It was a general who had a great interest in his troublesome neighbor, Theodorum, but if Crowe still had a hand in the borderline, this could not be overlooked.If you're not good enough, you'll see the fading in the illustration (here).

"No, it seems to be... complicated... but it seems that the responsibility lies with Theodorum..."

General Robert looked at the reports presented by Sir Warren, who had some confused aspects, not uncommon in the case of the Crowe entanglement.

"...... Warren......"

"Yes, it looks like the Theodrum folk forcibly felled the trees that the convent regenerated."That's why the local residents think that the upper echelons of Theodorum are instigating distrust and revulsion. ”

"Shaking against Theodorum? Are you going to start a civil unrest?"

Well... no matter how much it takes, I don't think it's moved in anticipation of this strange development.

"... I'm sure.... I mean... the greening of Theodorum's side is the mercy of the convent that received the grace of God?"

"I don't know if they gave you the instructions, but your original mission must have been to restore the forests in the ravaged territory of Illustria."Iraba is on the edge of the border, and he's blocking a re-entry into Illustria. ”

"... what's the matter with you... ah, here..."

“Instead of destroying the forests in Illustria, we created trees that could be used by Theodorum.As a friar, I might have intended to ease the confrontation with the inhabitants of Theodorum..... "

"Did the upper level of the drum move to eliminate it?"

"Yeah, I don't understand why you ran into that kind of behavior."

Sir Warren seemed ridiculous, but General Rover, a little older than him, didn't have any verses to think of.

"Hmm... have you ever heard of the Trent Crusade between Warren and Theodorum?"

"Trent...? No, I don't know if I want to study."

"Well, it's a long story that goes back to the time of the founding of Theodorum."I just heard it in a flash, and I've forgotten so far.... "

What General Robert told me beforehand was that the curse had turned Odrant into a wasteland like this as a result of the crusade against the great Trent horde that was tasting and spreading to Odrant.

"To the extent that... I mean, as a Theodorum"

"Oh, I guess the trees in question didn't miss the possibility of torrenting."

"However, as a resident of the scene, I am not convinced by the behavior of the upper management who forced logging without confirming whether it is actually torrenting or not..."

"Well... I can see that you may be able to manage your daily timber shortage, but the arrowhead is imitating that hope... I don't know..."

“Will Theodorum make any compensation to the locals?Depending on that, I think it's possible to have a nostalgia for the local residents. ”

"There's no room for that in that country right now."

"...... when it comes to that......"

"Oh, it's going to be a bother."... for Theodorum and for us... "