Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)

Chapter 224 Chaos, Islamafan 20. Report from Schleifen - The Stray of Harad Festival Act II - (Part 1)

"Should I say that this... hit the reading?"

In the presence of reports from his subordinates, Harad Festival, one of the heads of the Intelligence Department and the Dark Department in Yalta, had a complicated look on his face.

I suspected that the series of monsters emanating from the village of Bezin might be a pleasure to attract attention to the southeast of Islamaphan, and I suspected that the northwestern port town of Shleifen, which is geographically opposite, was suspicious. It seemed that it was difficult to guess. I tried to explore it and tried it out... but unexpected stories caught me.

"... a prototype of a new sailboat modeled after the [Ghost Ship]..."

As a supplement, I expected that I would be able to find the "Apostle of Batra" or something if it worked well, but what was actually picked up in contradiction to the plan was something that was difficult to judge. Is this the real deal?

First of all, whether or not the "Apostles of Batra" are involved in this new sailboat,

"... there should be no mistake in the flow of reasoning so far..."

When I came to Schleifen looking for the movement of the Batla Apostle, I hit a suspicious story there. I don't think it has anything to do with the Apostle.

Moreover, when I tried to explore this story, the most important living witness disappeared. It's not because the apostles moved, it's because of what.

"... then the apostles' aim is to be concerned... but it seems that the shipbuilder in question has disappeared, perhaps in itself..."

The truth is different, though, at Harad's Festival, where inferences are being made on the premise that the "Apostle of Batra" is involved in the disappearance of the shipbuilder.

In fact, Morfan knew early on that the Schleifen shipbuilder was interested in the "ghost ship" and was trying to build a new type of sailboat based on it.

Although the upper level of Morphan was interested in this matter, as expected, he refrained from contact under the judgment that he was not in a good shape before embarking on the negotiation instead of the Islamic Kingdom.

However, the most important thing is that the Islamic Kingdom does not want to have any contact, so even if we negotiate, there will be no complaints. I wonder if some kind of scout came into contact with the shipbuilder in the first place.

I don't know where the damn thing is, but the truth is that it was only the habit of scratching from the side that made contact with the carpenter and succeeded in recruiting.

But... unaware of such a fact, I looked at this matter under the prediction of "Apostle Batra"......

"... whether it was the will of the shipbuilder who disappeared." Let's start thinking about it from there..... "

The assistant priest thought that the fact that the carpenter had disappeared would be explained in two ways.

1. Someone abducted the carpenter or took him under consent.

2. The carpenter was killed by someone else and the body was disposed of.

In the former case, someone wanted a new sailboat. In the latter case, the information of the new sailboat was leaked and the mouth was sealed.

According to reports received at the sacrifice, the carpenter disappeared after saying that he had found a good place to work...?

"...... Isn't that too much of an attitude?"

If this is somebody's mistake, the shipbuilder is no longer alive. In other words, the mastermind's aim was to shut his mouth. but then.....

"... why didn't you shut your mouth earlier?"