"Well... I came all this way to try my luck... but it looks like I missed my luck with a different pair."...... but, you got close to the lucky one who got the treasure, so it didn't look so bad after deducting it. "


Unfortunately, the new character who spoke in a tone of voice, such as half-hearted and half-hearted, was a merchant who came from Morvania. When I came to the abandoned village of Avan with some luck, I suddenly saw a white mist rise, and I ran to it.

To paraphrase myself to the fog, it didn't come true to meet the "stray house", but if you hurry, you can meet the person who just came back from the "stray house". If you can buy a story there, it won't be an empty gesture. With that thought, I whipped the old bone and ran... and when I spit in front of my eyes, Dar and Krushank would be able to fall in love with the sky. She looks like a good person, but now she seems to be a very strong opponent. It seems like a merchant of the deportee who knows the sensitivity of human feelings.

"... so, what kind of things are you taking home? No... I'm not going to pry because I'm strong... but I have Appraisal skills in front of me. As soon as I think I can help you with something, I'll do it."

― ― The two of them looked at each other.

I don't think I should discuss the information of the dropped product lightly, but I don't know the identity of all the bumps I got anyway. I don't know what to report to you first. If this merchant is willing to [appraise], isn't that convenient?

Besides, the contents of the previous drops are not separately kept secret. If we are reluctant to give out information here, isn't it just inviting an unnecessary prying eyes?

... and the two of them quickly consulted each other in their gaze and decided to borrow the wisdom of this merchant. I don't want you to touch the contents very much, so just stick a nail in it.

This is it.

So the merchant who saw the folding crane that Dar showed,

”Hah... this is... no... I've never seen anything like this before...”

It seemed like a merchant from Kaizen Yamashiro... but it seemed like he was on his way without knowing who he was. I know how Dar feels. Although it is only a soldier in the lower reaches of the National Army, it has spread the word in a less common direction, starting with the footprints of the Hu Chaos found at the site of the Moreau dungeon, and ending with the ruins of the Shard, but also the "Shaker". Because of the investigation, we are accumulating unnecessary trivia.

Even if you look at the eyes and knowledge of such two people, there is no doubt that this "craft" is an unparalleled substitute.

"Apparently, I guessed that it was a craft, but I didn't really know anything more than that, so... instead of the ingredients, I didn't even know how to make it."

I saw that there was unanimity of opinion as to whether it was a thin metal plate or not, but not only is it unclear what the metal is (in the first place), but it seems that it is colored. In addition to the fact that coloring the metal itself exceeds the limit of the two people's knowledge, it is inconceivable how to process the metal in a state that is thin and uniform and that maintains toughness. I know that gold leaf exists in the world, but this "sheet metal" is slightly thicker than that and seems to be correspondingly strong. In other words, it is much thinner than the so-called stretch plate of gold.

I have never seen or heard of "sheet metal" with this thickness and uniformity.

"With our scarce knowledge, I have no idea what this is... If you can [appraise] it, I'll honestly wish for it or fulfill it..."

The merchant also had a great deal of agreement with the opinion in his heart. Even so, I intended to gain considerable experience as a merchant at one end (full), but I have not seen or heard of such a substitute before. I had to rely on my skills.

”Hahah... now I'm being rude...”

After saying no, he was a merchant who [appraised] the folded crane to Xu (Momoro), but...... the appraisal results made me confused.