Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)

Chapter 229 Safety Assurance Plan for the Southern Road of Islamafan 1. Absence of Demon Certificate (Part 1)

The possibility of mineral transformation in the dungeon and the "labyrinth of non-repayment" break-in of the Lost Princess (Maihime) Lisbet were crows who were in some rush at this point, but there was a concern that they would not leave even in busy times. It is a case of the south Islamaphan road, which I heard has been damaged by the reputation of the "Night of the Hundred Ghosts" and has reduced the plentiful traffic. How did you roll over after that? After that, I decided to follow up on the end of Tenma a little bit.

In the town of Naihar, after Skittle denied the possibility of resentment in front of the lenders, adventurers commissioned by the Kingdom of Islam investigated the possibility of a dungeon and concluded that the concern was useless. With the release of the investigation results by the upper level of the Muslim fan, the monsters that occurred in the range from Bezin village to Gat village have already ended, and the identity of the monsters is still unknown, but at least it is not a grievous spirit or a dungeon, so there is no obstacle to the passage of streets, and so on.

"The monsters themselves seemed to have consistently avoided the south side of the street, and pedestrians who were hip were also returning to the south side of the street, even though they were bumpy, and it was said that they would restore the original buzz from far away.

...... the alienated (trying) to become concerned about their current situation and start trying to break things down.

It was a family of crows that was known without saying.

"... so I want to look forward to your wisdom on how to pay for the bad reputation of the south Islamaphan road."

Do we have to do that, Crowe?

I know how you feel, Shanoa.

When the streets passing through Yashrik become poor, the route from Amulfan to Theodorum will be busy instead. If that happens, I'll be in business. "

Absolutely... if you chastise those Yaltas a little bit, will Theodorum come out to give you a penny? Those are the ones who can't get rid of it.

”That's... definitely annoying.”

― ― Neither Yalta nor Theodorum would have intended to do that, but it is also true that it seems to be in such a way in the chronological order.

"Even if that's not the case----the damn money lenders of Nyhal are making a fuss that there's a dungeon around here." Not for the Muslims, but for ourselves, we have to prove that there is no dungeon. "

But... it's true, isn't it?

{It's called a dungeon... there's a spirit gate on the back of Bezin Village. "Decaying (Rottnest) Hut (Hat)"

There is also a hidden cave in the back of the village of Ned.

I keep telling you it's not true, and Shannor's eyes are on me... but it doesn't matter if it's true or not. For the sake of peace between me and the Muslim fans, I need to prove that there are no dungeons.

"... it's not a question of what's next to Bezin or Ned Village. Don't get your priorities wrong. The point is to prove that there is no danger on the southern streets of Muslim Fan -- this is what we need."

Do you intend to prove it by offering something different from the actual situation?

The grandfather of the spirit tree seems unhappy, but if he was guided by logic, what's wrong with calling it "proof"? Whether or not that's true is a different matter. And number one--

It's true that there is no dungeon along the south road.

Contain your grandfather's Ichamon with a little force, and let's get to the point. The agenda is ahead of us.

"... prove that there are no dungeons or dangers at all..." It's gotten a lot of trouble.