Lord, are you going to inform the kingdom of this ruin?

'No? I'm not going to actively inform you. That if the kingdom noticed, it would catch on then...'

"It's a very luxurious trap."

"Ma, if the royal family doesn't notice, do something implicit, or make a scene in a completely different way."

While we were talking about that, Remus was sending out signs that he had said something, but eventually pinched his mouth like he thought it through.

'Master Crowe, it's a "mastermind" for Mr. Crowe to assume that he's coming, but if the kingdom decides to investigate the shalds, will you watch them in silence?

'Yeah? What are you trying to say?

"No, if the" mastermind "doesn't want you to discover the dungeon of the shalds, or if you don't want the kingdom to have access to it, I thought you might strike some kind of hand.... for example, Yang Dynamics'

'I hadn't thought about it, but it could be. It's unnatural to do nothing. "

"But Lord, finding ruins will divert your eyes from Morrow, right?"

'... that's getting a little easier. Shall I keep it organized?'

I've been trying to figure out the roles, settings, etc. expected from ruins. As for the objectives…

The ultimate goal is to distract the royal family from the labyrinth of Crevasse and Morrow.

The role expected from ruins is to draw the royal attention away from Morrow.

We need to perform like that so that the ruins are not discerned as mere ruins.

Also, for settings…

Setting that "The Dark Curtain" knows the value of ruins, but can't help it.

The "mastermind" setting is that humans don't want to get the ruins.

The builder of the ruins is unknown (unset), but it has nothing to do with the "mastermind" directly.

"This must be the place"

"In order to achieve the goal, do we turn our hands so that no ruins can be easily discovered while assuming that they can be found? It seems like a lot of trouble to add (or reduce) a spoon."

'I think we just have to anticipate the right time to make a scene in Morrow or elsewhere... but I'd like to avoid Morrow if possible. Any other candidates besides Morrow?

"Wait, even if you make a scene without a front or back pulse, you can see a positive movement, right?

"Noisy and rioting, but you just have to wake up so you can wake up. You don't have a town with a destabilizing factor or something?

"About Ballen and Vazari. Well, so far,"

Over there again......

"If you're just gonna make a scene, you've got a hand."

'... what are you thinking?

"Hey, with the same rules as when Barren's trade was destroyed, I was wondering if the horses would make a fuss if they were in a stables (cuckoo) or somewhere - in some cases, all over town - even in a dragon piss... I'm sorry about the horses."

"... that it's a dragon piss?

'... did you still have the gravel you used then?

"No, in the example, when I killed two dragons, the one I had accumulated in my bladder, just a little bit."

"... you kept it"

"I didn't feel like throwing it away, and I thought I'd be able to use it for something any day."

"... in that case, he seems to have an otherwise unscrupulous abdominal proposal"

"No? I've only thought enough about walking around the undead of an adventurer who used to end up in a" labyrinth of sand "?

"It's not enough..."

"Master, what about that skeleton dragon? Don't you want to use it?

'No, it would make too much noise, wouldn't it? You're gonna blow the whole Shard thing off the royal head, aren't you?

After that, the debate continued, but in the end, most of the meetings at this time would be wasted due to the unexpected Tsubaki incident. But it was impossible to anticipate that such a thing would happen to a godless crow.