Two days after Ombrey and the others delayed in sending reinforcements, the expert sent by Wang Du in the prime minister's liver was a distant nobleman of the prime minister. He is a musician who likes antiques more often than not and has started to dig his own hands. The Prime Minister, who decided that the sexual roots and temper were known and that the hardness of his mouth was considerable, made him smell and threaten that there was even a change/disconnection of his parents' house depending on the matter... No, I persuaded him to pull it all in.

Shortly after his arrival, he lamented our bad luck, but he sees the scene and gets an explanation from Ombrey. No, by the way, it was just that he understood its importance.

"... you're certainly right. It's a normal hierarchical arrangement up there, but there's a mess (teasing) underneath the formation where the example article was excavated. … is the level of disturbance (teasing) at other points?

"So far confirmed is the range shown on this map. Some parts of it have not been investigated yet, but the layers around here seem to be roughly disrupted."

"What about the discovery of something that looks like a relic?

"This way."

Ombrey is a nobleman sent by the King's Capital - Sir Patrick Harcourt. Looks like the three boys from this Baron's house - led them to a section with newly discovered ruins.

"Hmm..., it does look like some kind of remains..."

Sir Harcourt seemed bewildered by the likeness (Arisama) of "ruins" he had never seen before.

"Ombrey, you said you. Was the remains buried like this from the time they were discovered?

Ombrey guided us through the "ruined" entrance built by the Crows - but not the real entrance, but one of the fake entrances. It was covered in man-headed stones, and behind the removal of some stones, something like a door sealed with a magic formation (...) was visible.

"Yes. Digging the dirt revealed a blatantly strange stone, so I let some of it be removed at my discretion. Then I saw something like a remains in the back, so at that point I stopped working and maintained the status quo."

"The decision is appropriate. I've never seen anything like this before. I honestly don't know what it is, but I'm only certain it's not a normal remains. You should work carefully from here on out."

Sir Harcourt decided at this point that it was impossible to excavate the secret (hi) secret (mitsu) inside (ri) as the prime ministers had hoped. Assuming that the range where the layers are disturbed (teased) is the range of the site, the range becomes quite large. Looks like it could even be used for a little military base. How many workers alone are going to need. It's more or less impossible to discuss secretly excavating such a substitute. The excavation itself would still have been better published and controlled by the content to be published. In some cases, there may also be a need to prepare appropriate cover stories.

"... in the meantime, why don't you leave this here for a while and dig some more on both sides. I want to know the range that's being filled with stone."

Sir Harcourt has noted in later years that he was only able to do so with regard to the instructions at this time. I never thought I'd find anything like that.

Yes, I didn't expect to find two more new doors.