Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)

Chapter 46: Second Crevasse Defense Enhancement Plan 1. Cover-up and Disguise

"A devil's man, like a haunted dungeon master, visited Crevasse. What should we do about this? I want to discuss this issue this time '

In the meantime, Lev has answered that he wants to wait for the completion of the electric whip, which is currently under development, before working to strengthen his internal defense. However, there are many things to pack in advance, such as what enhancement measures to take. That is why this family meeting was held.

"Is that a defense inside Crevasse... because I made it a narrow, void structure when I did it. Either that's an ambush-oriented structure over a trap, that's '

'That's true... but I want to keep everyone's damage down as much as possible. I want you to think about it as trap priority as possible'

'Master, is that what humans put inside Crevasse in the first place? Also, even if it's possible, would you like to come in?

'Sure, because it's narrow... and the divide is small'

"It's narrower than my labyrinth..."

'I can't... when I get in... on the way... don't hold onto me... shall I?

"... Um, Master Crowe..."

"Hmm? Remus, what's up?

'Shouldn't we think of a way to avoid finding it rather than repelling it after an invasion?

"You can't find a way..."

"Yes, this is not only Krevas, but also Mr. Crowe's cave, but I think it's more important not to get suspicious first."

"Hmm. Does Lord Remus have any abdominal proposals?

'No, unfortunately. So he wants to borrow your wisdom'

Hmm, I do lay a heavy interception system in my stronghold, the cave, but it's a priority not to be suspected of a dungeon before then. Remus is right.

"That demon tribe spotted Crevasse as a dungeon, or so I suspected, but why did he suspect that?

'Perhaps you sensed the faint magic that leaks out.' Cause a lot of dungeon masters have those skills. '

Leaking magic...

"Specifically, under what circumstances does magic leak?

'If you use magic, not all magic is expressed as magic, and some of it really creates L.A. And then… if you leak out when you eat your prey'

'... by the way, what's the biggest source of leakage in the case of Crevas? Lev.'

'... it is very difficult to say... it is the food Lord Crowe gives you...'

Am I the cause...?

"... I found out about the source of the leak. Now, as for the possible measures. '

"The easy thing is to cover it up with cover-ups, disguises and other skills."

"Oh, but you can't get away with it in case you get busted."

"Whether it's cover-ups or disguises, the use of skills itself creates a residue of magic, albeit faint."

'It's an effective way, but it's dangerous to rely on this. Next, on how to prevent magic from spilling.'

"Why don't we simply move the rice that the Lord offers to the lower tier?

'And then... try not to use magic in the first layer or something?

'But... if we rescue the debilitated, we will need to feed them immediately. You can't take me to the lower tier every time, can you?

"If we leave only the reserves for emergency use......"

"Wherever... frequently... rescue... aren't you there?

'Besides, only the first layer of sunlight enters the Crevasse. I'm pretty sure that's a spare space, and I don't want it to be a place to be distracted.'

'Besides... if you think about the application to the cave... isn't this method... hard to use?

'And then... will it be a way to erase or absorb the leaked magic...'


'Yeah? What's up? Romulus'

'Now I remember. Why don't you use Whisp?


"No, Master Crowe, Whisper - not whisper - but fire (Whisper). It's like being halfway between a monster and a ghost, living absorbing the faint magic that drifts in the air '.

"Are you going to let them suck the leaked magic?

'... that said, I've heard that it's hard to trace magic where Whisp is. I was wondering if my brother's proposal was worth a thought.'

"Hmmm... you want to try it..."

To conclude, the use of Whisp was quite correct and the leakage of magic could be suppressed to an undetectable level. I quickly decided to summon him to the cave and deploy him.

"Master, will these whispers also become Master's obedience?

... Should I give it a try?