Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)
Chapter 60: Wangdu Illustria 2. The King's Office (Part 2)
"It's the second story. This is also a theodrum entanglement, but not directly related to crops. There appears to be damage caused by mineral poison in an iron mine where theodrum is in the process of mining. Merchants seem concerned that mineral poison may be contaminating wheat"
"Tell me more, Sir Warren."
"Yes, Theodoram has been working on iron mining in iron mines in the country for about a decade now, but it seems that there was a problem with that mine. I went to the college to find out what the rumors were about, but among the Dwarves, it was a known story that those iron mines were poisonous..."
Here, General Rover pinches his mouth with a strange face.
"I didn't know that, did I?
"The Dwarves weren't interested in the mines they couldn't use, so they didn't seem to get the information out this way. It would be pointless to talk about an unusable mine."
"... we need to share our values around here. I'm sorry I broke your hip. Go on, Sir Warren."
"Okay. According to the Dwarves, although poisonous iron is of poor quality, burning the ore will be enough iron to be used once and for all. But in the process, he said that a decent dwarf wouldn't get his hands on it because it would be cruel poison."
"Did you find out who the poison was, Warren?"
"It looks like something called arsenic frost. When you say it, you suffer severe vomiting and abdominal pain, and if it's terrible, you think that shock alone will kill you? The fact that it's colorless, tasteless, odorless and all three beats is said to be poisonous, but it seems to have limited use in practice because of its residual properties in the body and easy to detect. And if we take in a little less than lethal amounts, it seems to cause various disorders, such as dark spots, dermatitis, and tumours of the body - mainly the lower extremities - that can lead to death."
"Is the Theodoram side dealing with anything?
"Besides stopping?
"No... I see. Mostly."
"Rumors are circulating in the Wang capital that mineral poisons mixed with groundwater may reach a location downstream of the mine in question."
"It's... if you do it badly, the rest of the country won't shut up."
"You won't have to be bad at it. Warren, what about that point?
"We haven't seen how other countries have moved yet... but it will be only a matter of time"
"How a cornered theodrum works......"
"That country's moving. I mean, there's going to be a fight. Will you be ready?"
As if trying to distract a distracting story with tea and tea treats, the four of them eat snacks in silence and moisten their throats with tea.
It was the Chancellor who resumed the conversation after a while.
"... Theodrum has stood in the way of increased iron production until it was poisoned by minerals..."
"Agriculture dominates that country, but I haven't heard anything about a new type of farming tool. I haven't heard anything about strengthening equipment and equipment that uses iron other than farm tools, so it's also an iron place..."
"There must be nothing but weapons and weapons."
"The armed orientation of that country has been around for a long time. It didn't start just now..."
"Still, it was relatively recently that we stopped producing iron until we mined it."
"This information should be shared with other countries surrounding Theodoram."