I was watching TV with my kids in the apartment's own room, and suddenly Keane spoke out in a disgusting voice.

Master, do you have that smell over here?

Looking at the screen, it was a scene of ginkgo (ginseng) falling from a tree planted in a park and scattered across the surface.

"Keane, is there a grandson tree growing in the other world?

"What is a grandson tree, that tree? Actually, it stinks, it tastes weird, and nobody eats it, right?

"Keane... it's actually... toxic... isn't it?

"Ugh, I ate a little"

"So you don't even know Haifa, do you? Ginkgo is actually edible, right?


Is that a lie?

'Well, I don't know if it's the same species as my great-grandson tree over here... but why don't we go to the scene tomorrow? Keane, can you show me around?

'Ha! If it's food, I'll take care of it!

Yeah...... Keane, you don't always really brace.

I grew up in the place where I arrived with Keane's guidance, and it was undoubtedly my great-grandson tree - because I duly appraised it. The seeds in the pulp are also large. Let's just say we pick it up and go home soon.

"Ugh... I knew it smelled..."

"I will. Really, no, you can eat it?

'From what I've seen, you don't seem very...'

'Oh, you can eat it. To be exact, eat the seeds in the stinking pulp.'

"I see... do you eat seeds..."

"Oh, the pulp contains a substance that causes dermatitis, so don't touch it right away."

I brought rubber gloves, so I took them off and put them in a bucket.

'How do you... take the pulp... except...?

"It's normal for you to soak it in water and let it rot."

Yo (more) won't take that kind of hassle this time either. With the alchemy you're familiar with, you can just take out the seeds.

Since only seed could be removed by alchemy, it was still dried by alchemy - it failed to dry too much at first - and the product was heated in a microwave in a paper bag with salt. Remove the seed after it begins and behave to everyone.

"It's a bit of a habit... but it's delicious, Lord."

"Don't stink. No, no, no."

"Master, I always thought you'd eat something smelly like that when you're from Master's country."

"But it tastes like B inside."


I'm glad you like it. But...

"Be careful not to eat too much because it contains ingredients that destroy vitamins."

For the sake of everyone's health, we have to be careful.