In the meantime, I'm going to try a small prototype, so I'm going to pick about a cup of juice from each of the sugar cane and sugar trent in a one-handed pan. If you are a sugar cane, just prune a little and extract the juice by alchemy instead of a juicer. The problem is sugar torrents......

I thought it was because of the "high sugar sap" in the appraisal, and when I hurt the trunk to try it... the sap comes out by dropping it (I did). It didn't take that long to pick up a glass of sap from a one-handed pot. Trent says he's not attacking us, and there's no sign that the trees are weak because they hurt us.... That's an easy task. Oh, the wound is alchemy for once - it works besides metal - and I blocked it.

Warm each juice and add lime content. This time, it is relatively easy to obtain, so I tried using seashell baked from the sea. The carbonate gas is then blown in to produce calcium carbonate and the impurities are adsorbed to calcium carbonate to precipitate. I produced carbonated gas in alchemy this time, but if I was going to mass produce it, I would have to make a special magic prop. Filter (filter) the supernatant liquid with activated charcoal - this time simply finely crushed charcoal - and you can have a highly transparent syrup. I'm supposed to concentrate this guy through a continuous concentrate can... this time by magic, and filter out the supernatant as appropriate. I also really put the concentrated liquid in a vacuum crystal can to make a crystal... this time I just put it on fire until the crystal precipitates. Sticky because molasses have not been separated yet, but this is the so-called subwhite sugar. Instead of a centrifuge, set this to tea, wield it with magic, and separate it into sugar and molasses.

'Good luck! Master!'

Keane... you have a good smile...

"Dear Lord, can you do it easily for me?

'Well, this time it's a one-handed pot full of prototypes. When it comes to mass production, it's a lot of trouble, isn't it?

'Taste it quickly!

Keane... you don't always brace...

I tasted it with all the devils because I needed to taste it. Although the original sugar cane should be the same, the taste of sugar made is quite different. Sugar Trent sugar tastes closer to maple syrup than sugar. Separated molasses taste pretty different, too.

Keane, by the way, but I thought you'd be disappointed, and I'm comparing the two sugars by tasting them carefully. You're just a food seeker.

'So, Master, which one do you mass produce?

'That's it...'

I asked everyone about the good taste and the bad taste - and that was right up to Haifa - and everyone's answers were consistent. Said it was difficult to attach it to A and B. By the way, I agree.

"The flavor itself is going to be everyone's taste... and then there's the productivity of the ingredients. Sugar torrents are easier said in the hassle of juicing...... '

"Would it be the same if someone other than Lord worked on it?

"... to be honest, I don't know."

"Yes, other, people's, opinions, huh?

'... right. Rye is right, why don't you ask the elves and the undead what they think?'

"... will you?"

I came to ask everyone at the Augustine Mansion who had tasted the sugar from the last commercial product to taste it again this time. This time, Dabal is also calling at last.

"... so this is the prototype sugar and molasses. There are two kinds, so can you compare the flavors?

As far as I'm concerned, I was gonna ask you to do something simple... why is everybody so rigid?

"... no, my lord... sugar... I don't think it's that easy..."

As if I could get a headache, I held down my eyebrows at my fingertips and squealed (crushed) with no strength. But Crowe, who is questioned, says back in a kyotonic manner.

"No? Sure it's a little cumbersome to get the raw materials, but if you just want to make a small amount, it's not that much trouble, is it?

In reply to the surprised Crowe, the inhabitants of the Augustine Mansion exhaled deeply, deeply and deeply, plus one.

"Well... now it's about your husband. Anyway, let's get to tasting and doing it."

To Hank, who spoke up slightly, the others nodded silently, and each reached for the shards of sugar.


"Wow... no clutter..."

"Really... you don't have the eg flavor to stay..."

"No, that's it. It's like nothing."

"" Sugar is so delicious... "

"No... it's usually not that good?

After tasting the sugar once in a while, now reach for molasses.

"You taste quite different from sugar..."

"But this is delicious, right?

"I have a bit of a habit, so it might be hard to use for cooking..."

"But it's delicious."

"No... I hope you don't get me wrong, because instead of comparing molasses to eating sugar, you're asking me which one of the two types of sugar - or molasses - I prefer?

When I say that, everyone turns this way like they're in trouble. We had eye contact with each other, but in the end, Maria, a nobleman, and Anna, the cook number, seem to express their opinions on behalf of each other.

"I'm sorry. Both are so delicious (hey) that they are not comparable to previous sugars..."

"I know the flavors are different... I just use them differently as condiments, and I don't think they have advantages or disadvantages..."

Hmm... so change the way you ask.

"If you put it up for sale, which one do you think will sell?

"" I think I can sell both ""

Everyone shook their heads vertically and agreed. Can't decide after all......