The King, who does not hide his grumpy expression in the conference room of Royal Theodoram Castle, and the Secretary of State, who looked painful or bewildered by this again, had a meeting.

"… is this a request from Illustria…"

The grumpy king doesn't even try to return the words to Secretary Merca. It was the Foreign Secretary of Torland who assumed the role of explanator on his behalf.

He wants permission to conduct an investigation in our country after Emmen, the goldsmith who jeopardized the nation's finances, showed up in Vazari.

"But... if he disappeared in Vazari, it's not as if he infiltrated our country"

"It says you sent tracking teams to Israelis and Amurfans, too."

"Hmm, white. If you're going after the goldsmith, why are you sitting in Nil? If you ran away from Vazari, it would be natural to run an investigation around the nearest Marcto."

"Don't even touch on the matter in a letter. The only thing that came directly to Marcto was that a team of Illustrative Army soldiers appeared in Marcto, where merchants from other countries and so forth, avoiding creating unnecessary tension."

"Totally... Oh, come on, give it back..."

"I didn't say that, did I?

"I know."

The first time a king asks a question is when a dissatisfied voice of bumps begins to rise from there.

"So? What's the Lord's opinion?

Again the Foreign Secretary gives a supplementary explanation towards the confused Secretaries of State.

"I mean, do you take Illustria's request or stick it up?"

"Can't we just stick around as a real problem?

"Not really. But in that case, we have to find Emmen and him in the hands of our country.... I don't even know if he's here."

"... shouldn't we just pretend we're looking?

"The Illustrians, they're coming after Netineti with this luck, right? When you take over the search, there's accountability here."

Together with the Secretary of State, who thinks Hmm. At a time when the country is busy, it's more troublesome to be manned than it is now. Would it be easier for Ning to pull in the secret detectives and put surveillance on them?

"Why don't we just keep buying time for a while?

The King dismisses the passive opinion that someone was pounding (crushing) with disgust.

"Try that. I'm waiting to hear back from you in Wang Du. The whole line of angels and the folks sitting in Nil will sniff around as long as time permits, right?

The silence created by the King's reprimand is broken by the voice of one nobleman.

"Whatever the appearance, what is Illustria trying to explore?

Sir Laxman Agriculture raised doubts. This aristocrat, who is skilled and old, always thinks of things from a different perspective than the others, so he is also helped as a king.

"That naturally...... what could it be?

Treasurer Fabik tried to answer, but I think in the sense that if you ask me. At times, it just seems like an earlier invasion failure, but something that openly puts exploration this far? Exploring military secrecy would be the least suitable way to hear it all over the city.

Is it about poisonous wheat when other projects are likely to be explored? Or is it related to the fact that wheat in other countries is rising in price? But... there's nothing like sending a team of soldiers on purpose. All you have to do is hear from the merchants.

Then... all I have to do is think about the Shrek dungeon... if it's Morvania close to Shrek, is the illustration rear out of position?

It's possible that only Illustria grabbed something without us knowing... No, if I grabbed a story like that, I wouldn't go into the country for the most part. You won't have to think about this line. … wait… what is the possibility of some kind of positive movement…?

What appeared in the eyes of the face raised treasurers were the similarly conceived secretaries of state.

"Sir Laxman, what do you think of Sir?

You thought you were out of your hands, Commercial Sir Mandique asks.

"That's refreshing. Although I have tried to think hard and foolish, I am reluctant to know it is any of the" recovery plan ", poisonous wheat or shrek, depending on the wisdom of the lords"

"Is there any chance that some kind of positive...?

It was Sir Jilka's munitions who raised the same question as the Treasurer. Neighboring military secretary Lembach is also snorting (nodding).

"That's what I wanted to ask you. Is there any sign of any kind of land?

To the Lord Agriculture's inquiry, now the Lord Military answers.

"Not at the moment. For once, I told Gregorum to watch out for Illustria's reverse invasion..."

As a matter of fact, the most important thing I would like to know about the face of Illustria is whether or not Crowe decided to be hostile to Theodrum, but there is no way that Theodrum could have known that without preliminary knowledge.

In the end, Theodoram knew the embrace of the Emmen Tracking Team, keeping the Illustria sincerity at bay.