I'm Hannah, I'm ten. My mother and I were brought to this village three years ago. Since your father was deceived by bad people and the fields and everything was stolen, he decided to work in a mine to pay off his debts. But your father frightened his body with an unfamiliar hole digging job, and he died two years ago. I heard later that the stones in this mine contain poison and that everyone who works gets their body poisoned and dies prematurely. Your mother cried so much when she heard that. I cried a lot, too.

My youngest father in the next house said that someone named Coley had tricked me into bringing him here. It is that person who deceived your father. He said he was going to curse and kill Corey at that time because he would soon die himself. My little father died three months after that. Looks like someone named Coley is still alive. Looks like my little father's curse didn't work. I tried to curse you together, too, but your mother stopped me. No matter how bad people are, they shouldn't curse. I was told that if I did that, I wouldn't be able to go to God's kingdom after I died. But I want your father to live more now than I have since I died. If that doesn't work, I think we should at least have someone named Coley punished to death. With someone named Coley alive, there may be more people like your father and younger father. I snuck up on God saying that he was also an out-of-the-box affair.

Me and your mother, we're not feeling well these days. I thought God's punishment hit me because I'm a bad boy, but he said it was because of the water. They say the water here contains poison, and if you're drinking that, you're not feeling well. When your mother heard about it, she went to Mr. Soldier's for a favor to get me out of the village alone. But then they say the soldiers will be scolded by the king. The soldier was sorry and gave me clean water. Then your mother would go get water every day and give me clean water to drink. Even if your mother asks you to drink it, she says I drink it first. If I was patient and didn't drink water, I felt sick and fell down. When I realized it, my mother wept and scolded me. From then on, I try to drink some water.

At one point, I went to wonder if something had happened because the mine was worse and noisier. After your father died, I didn't care about the mine, but a lot of people came running from the mine. They say there's been a haunting in the mine. Mother stopped, but I thought my father or little father might have come out haunted, so I went. A lot of haunts came out of the mine entrance, but I didn't know if you had a father. But the haunts didn't ramble because they just threatened me, so I thought maybe it wasn't a bad haunt. The soldiers fled, so I fled with them. Later I heard, the dragon came out and blew the fire. I couldn't see it, so I'm a little sorry.

They say the road from the village has been closed by the soldiers. There was noise that the adults were locked up. But it's just that there's a soldier who's changed from inside the village to outside the village, and it's the same thing we can't get out of the village. We're going to die in this village.

I thought maybe God was really there. When I went outside one morning, the little ladies next door were making a scene. They said the odd taste of well water was gone. The goat my little mother keeps also said she is happy to start drinking water. From that time on, she said that both her mother and her little ones were in good physical condition. A little bird was coming to the bucket where I kept the well water drawn and drinking water. She says this has never happened before. Now that the water is safe to drink, the adults can go out and work in the fields during the day. Until now, I've been sitting still in the house during the hot days so that I don't drink too much water. They say it's good to grow crops after they start watering the fields.

The mine haunts won't come out of that.

I got a terrible punishment for someone named Coley. Five black, big bone monsters flew into the sky to come to this village. An adult said it was a soot (...). They say it's bigger than normal. One of them (...) grabbed the carriage. There was no horse on it. When the waba 'an (...) grated the carriage, they seemed to wait in line to surround it. We ran into the house and watched sneaking out of the gap. It seemed like there was something going on beside Woba-An (...), but I didn't know what it was.

After watching for a while, one of the men came. I was surprised to see Woba-An (...), but when I saw that Woba-An (...) and the others did nothing, I went all the way to the fence to see how things were going. Your mother said it was lifeless. Then again a while later, and now the soldiers are here in large numbers. The soldiers were also surprised to see Aya (...), but it seemed like they decided to take a look at the fence just like the men did.

As we waited for the soldiers to arrive, one of the waba 'an (...) kicked down the carriage. Then one guy jumped out of the inside somewhat like a golden bill. Mother looked at the person and whined (crushing) with Corey, so I thought that was the person who cheated on her father. Then something sprouted beside the wobbly (...) gathered at a bad guy named Coley. Someone named Coley was rolling around screaming horribly, but after a while he died. Those sprouts were oomph (...), the adults said. I was a little relieved to think that your fathers and younger fathers were able to retaliate by becoming (...). The Waiban (...) were gone at some point. They say that Woba-An (...) attacks people, but he didn't do anything to us.

I think God sent you to us, too. So I picked the grass flowers and offered them to you in front of the fence of the dang (...). She asked me what my neighbor's little mother was doing, so when she said that God was offering me (...), she said that I would offer her (...) because I had a grudge against her (...), and my little mother was also offering me vegetables that she washed beautifully. Everyone has been offering it to you every day since.