Early one morning, the usual four people were gathered in the King's Office with a somewhat nervous side. Detailed reports of anomalies in the Shrek mine of the Kingdom of Theodoram have finally arrived.

Although the summary of the anomaly in Shrek arrived in correspondence by demonic props within that day, it took thirteen days for the detailed report to reach Illustria. In the Wang capital, I waited a thousand autumns for the report to arrive, but it didn't take me long to bring the Fei Long (Wyburn) to the kingdom of Theodoram, depending on whether I could borrow the Fei Long (Wyburn) of Theodoram's army.

"Well, it depends on what you just explained, but what do you think of the lords?

General Rover answers the Prime Minister's question first.

"It's called an unusual skeleton Wyburn. It's called an arrangement that only secured the target without harming the escort. It smells like"

But it's not like Vazari, is it?

"That's why we carry our goals to the spirits. I don't think you can distract me."

"Hmm. What does Sir Warren think?

"Same. You seem to have a bad reputation for being executed. There would have been no hesitation. As for myself, I'm concerned about timing."

"" "Timing?

The other three voices align. At the same time, a kind of anticipating gaze captures Sir Warren, like, Come on, here we come. Though there is a mix of vigilance.

"Yeah, timing. Is it a coincidence that the choice of Rita coincides with the time when Molvania sent troops across the border?

"... so you're thinking that's not a coincidence?

Sir Warren waves his head with a troubled look at General Rover's words.

"I honestly don't know. However, even if this was not a coincidence and a deliberate timing, I think it would be explainable."

"... shall I hear that explanation?"

"I thought it might be a kind of warning."

"Warning, huh?

"Yes, because if you try, you've been pinched by the troops of Morvania and Theodoram. I thought you warned me that if they were going to fight one battle, they weren't going to watch it in silence. Think of it that way, you can also see why you sent as many as five skeleton Wyburns over. It would have been enough if we'd just grabbed it."

I put out five skeleton Wyburns simply because there were five skeleton Wyburns, but the rest of them pretty much mentioned Crowe's idea.

"... can't it be considered a restraint against theodrum, as it is the work of Xu?

Sir Warren answers the Prime Minister's question with a snort.

"Indeed, the main warning opponent would be Theodrum. But Skeleton Wyburn, with more than three times the normal giant, was flying in alignment, so I think it looked like the Morvanian army, too. Rather, it's more natural to think that you went out of your way to make a giant skeleton Wyburn appear to the Morvanian army."

Unfortunately, I have read too much about this. Crowe didn't have any deep thoughts, and I tried them, so I did it, but the only way I could think of it was outside the bounds of logical thinking as a good soldier.

"Uhm, as good as it gets..."

Naturally, it is also outside the boundaries of logical thinking as a good politician.

"... and can I see you boasting of your presence against the Morvanian?"

"Probably. According to the intelligence guys, the example theodrum armament report also shows signs of a flow in Molvania? Morvania must be aware of some of this."

No, it's not.

Crowe doesn't care where the report went in the first place. I never even thought about whether Wyburn looked like a Morvanian army or anything. Even for Morvania, I understand that report only as flowing from the elves, and I have not even noticed the presence of heterogeneous molecules like Crowe.

Though often found in talented people, Sir Warren also continued to overestimate the talents of others in order to consider things by his own standards. General Rover, who knows such shortcomings, casts doubt on whether Morvania knows that much...

"Do the Morvanians know that much? Even if the upper management knows, there is room for thought as to whether the dispatched troops are informed..."

Naturally, I don't.

"... Still, if you are aware of Morvania, should you consider it"

In the end, there was no way to solve the misunderstanding about Crowe.