Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core (Book Version Title: A Different World Dungeon Made with the Devil)

Chapter 102: Kingdom of Illustration 2. King's Capital Illustration - The King's Office (Part 2)

"... I'd like to move on to the next story, as that's fine with the Shrek dungeon thing. It's about wheat."

It's been a week since we last discussed beer and wheat. It's time for the wheat market to show some calm.

"We're not in charge of that either, are we?

"I understand. I'm not counting on some busy First Battalion to monitor the wheat market."

"I've done enough to hear from the merchants in and out."

General Rover turns his attention to Sir Warren, who said well, when did you do that?

"Still vegan, Warren."

"To the extent that it can be heard as a public tale."

"Hmm. I'll let you know the results of Sir Warren's interview later, and we'll talk about the results of our investigation here."

According to the Chancellor, the market for wheat, although temporarily turbulent, eventually settled to the same value as before.

"We still have nearly six months to sow wheat. There is no need to panic at all at this time of year. Even if you brew beer and dots, you can't plan for wheat production unless you know how much to produce. Dolan's village elves don't seem to be able to afford productivity, so there's no way there's going to be a lot of beer flowing through the city."

Technically, spring sown wheat also exists in this world, but it is not often grown because of its shortcomings - the same as in the Earth world - that yields are low on the other hand, which is fast growing. At least in Illustria, autumn sown wheat accounted for the majority when it came to wheat. The loosening of nearly six months until the time of sowing worked to calm the turmoil in the farmers. As a result, many farmers who thought that hurriedly increasing wheat production would only collapse if demand for breweries (breweries) did not increase seem to have decided to maintain current production for the time being. Well, as a matter of fact, there are few recreational farmland in Illustria, and there are circumstances where the increase in wheat production is directly linked to the reduction of other crops, so it is not easy to make a decision.

Incidentally, with regard to the production situation of the village of Doran, information is flowing in the form of answers to questions from the liquor guild of the kingdom, which I felt was in crisis.

"... and the alcohol situation in the country hasn't changed?

"Probably for the last year or two. But it's not because a new drink called beer disappeared. As it stands, Yale seems to have a weak winner, and the Brewery Alliance as well as the Brewery are moving to improve quality and efficiency."

"I'm satisfied that you can drink delicious alcohol."

"It will be. Instead, only unattractive breweries (breweries) would avoid going out of business."

Do you want to achieve low prices and adopt a thin selling policy, or do you want to live with beer by improving quality and personalizing flavors? of the kingdom, no, the liquor industry in this world was about to face a test.

"Well, that's about all I can say about beer here. Does Sir Warren have any supplements for you?

"No, I don't"

"Okay, and. Shall we move on to the sugar thing?"

"Is there a problem?

"I don't have a problem with it. If you put it in the mouth once a year, sugar or something like that would be profitable. I am satisfied with the extent to which I was lucky this year. Well, some merchants are running around changing the color of their eyes."

"Isn't that right on Theodoram's side?

Here the king joins the conversation.

"The petty thing is, apparently, making a fuss. I can't help it."

"Unfortunately, there are no elves in his kingdom, nor are there any handouts with the elves. I can't help but send troops to the territory of another country and they seem to be stuck."

Satisfactory - somewhat black - (straw) appearance also emerges in the face of the added Prime Minister.

"Either way, this could have nullified or weakened one of Theodoram's diplomatic cards"

Crowe's measures - although they had unexpected effects on some of them - were steadily showing (revealing) their effects.