"... that it's a golem of gold?

It was not the adventurer who first confirmed it, but the curiosity-driven soldier. Anyway, Rock Mountain is directly above the border. The movement of the soldiers, who intended to sneak up, was visible from both factions.

... and the cry of the soldiers that it was a golden golem was also heard in both factions.

It was an unmissable story for Theodoram, whose gold holdings are being reduced due to currency changes…

"... wait a minute. Was there a gold mine in that area?

"No, it's a golem, isn't it?

"There must be more people who built it than it is a golem. I don't know who built it, but it can't be built without materials."

"... no way... alchemy?

"Stupid! No one has ever succeeded in producing gold on profitable terms."

"But... in case it's alchemy..."

"I'm not talking about the dungeon. This is more important."

"Wait, wait, don't get ahead of me. I don't even know if it's really gold."

The secretaries of state came out of wisdom, and rarely did the military ambassadors travel back and forth with Marcus, and one day those results bore small fruits.

That was an odd sight.

When only five soldiers entered from each of Theodoram's and Marcus's factions and aligned themselves to have their numbers and gear checked against each other, they slowly entered the entrance to the dungeon. The pre-construction farce of checking if there was a risk of stampede - it was common sense in this world that there couldn't be enough monsters in a freshly made dungeon to stampede.

The investigation time that led to the agreement was one hour. And exactly an hour later, soldiers from both armies returned with their harvests. We were trying not to show each other our harvest, but we were stuck with Crowe, the Dungeon Master.

"Have both armies recovered gold and yellow iron ore?"

"You're doing exactly what I expected."

"Even if we know that gold can be picked, it won't be accompanied by profitability decisions. You should be hesitant to let soldiers enter at the risk of war."

'Dear Crowe, is the hierarchy into which the two armies entered both within their own national territory?

"Yes, but... we can't confirm that."

With that said, Crowe explained his route into the new dungeon - whose name is still undecided, but which the Crows call "Rock Cave" as a provisional name.

"Ho ho, spiral staircase with uncertain turning radius......"

"In addition to that, there are direct routes and reverse rotations, and we need to get a sense of the direction..."

"Carbonated gases are also pleasantly multi-eyed, and due to the continued monotonous sight, attention is scattered..."

'As a result of those, we wouldn't be sure if we were in our own territory or intruding into the territory of our neighbours'

"Master, there is a chance that the two armies will meet..."

'Oh, you don't have that. At least in the beginning, because it's in a different hierarchy.'

"I see... you isolate the enemy without giving him any information."

"When I got here, I was clean."

"Ma, the beginning is simply about showing your face. Looks like both armies brought back the harvest without much damage. '

"It's not because you're unfinished."

Keep your mouth shut there, Grandpa.

"... you're definitely golden, aren't you? Golem."

"Judging by the part the investigation team brought back,"

Theodoram's soldiers occasionally (by chance) encountered a golden golem, and although they had escaped, they had brought back parts of their slashed bodies.... At least that's what they believed. It was a coincidence that it was a struggle.

"A small, vegan golem..."

"And apart from that, it's this guy..."

"The Yellow Iron Ore... aka The Gold of the Fool."

"Is golem the only gold?

"I guess you could say that. I heard the gold was falling."

The "gold coin" was ordered by Crowe to Emmen to make it in such a way that reference was made to the design of the gold coin found in the ancient ruins of Shard. Besides, it was an "aging" alchemy, making it look like it was old.

"I had brought back other things like gems..."

"I'm still looking into the ingredients… I'm sure they're beautiful."

"Gold and yellow iron ore. Until I bring it back, I don't know if it's gonna hit or come off..."

"In addition, there is an unidentified jewelry simulation. That's a dungeon where the idiots are going to jump."

"But... you don't know if the dungeon is inside our territory or Marcus territory, do you?

"You don't mind either, do you?

"I can't even say that. As far as we are concerned, we cannot tolerate Marcus' men entering the dungeon beyond the possibility that the dungeon may be spreading to our own territory. Marcus would be the same."

"So the two armies are here to stare at each other?"

"Who sends troops into the dungeon only, regardless of the Marcus army on the ground?

"We don't even know how dangerous it is. Are you in the dungeon? You can't imagine how it would turn out if we got into a fight with the Marcus Army inside?

"In the current situation, where Morvania and I are still on the lookout, don't be too risky..."

"We (...) are

"Marcus doesn't hold Morvania and Isaka."

"... you think you're coming in anyway?

"Ignore the possibility."

"When that happens, it's muddy. He said he hasn't even switched to the new currency."

"Can't you stimulate me from here..."

Around the same time, the Marcus Army was also considering what the investigation team had reported.

"... that I couldn't use any magic?

"Ha. Regardless, 'Mapping' said he couldn't even use the magic of 'Lighting (Light)'"

"What about the magic props?

"They don't bring it with them, but if they use magic as well..."

"Is it unlikely that it can be used? You're saying that magic moves are being obstructed?

"He said those who have reported felt that way. And this one didn't seem sure, but he said he had a feeling of a sharpened concentration and strange tiredness."


"No, my checkup since I got back showed no toxic reactions. And the curse."

"Mmmm... a magician killing dungeon..."

"Let's glean some delicious bait on top of that"

"Bait, is it?

"I don't know about the dungeons, but they look like bait to me. To lure you deeper."

That being said, the seemingly high-status old man pointed to what the investigation team had brought home - a portion of the golden golem, yellow iron ore, high quality iron ore, and jewel-like shards (shards).