It was a caretaker threesome who was listening funny to what the Beast Man said, but the horn opens its mouth as if to represent it.

"That's" depressed "Kunz. The spirits thought the same thing."

When I hear it's the same idea as Crowe, who is seen as a rare connoisseur, I'm finally up. Mostly from the beastman side.

"It will be difficult to turn some sugar around on the same scale as other towns, but to the extent that it is within our discretion"

Horn's decision is supported by two other caregivers.

"Is the only thing you can turn is sugar? How about a beer?

Dime, the same beast man, answers Haeg's question.

"I've used everything I've planted in the village of Dolan, and I've kept it spare, whether it's enough for New Year's Eve. Sorry, but let me give priority to crushing Theodoram's beer sales network on this. We can't afford to turn this way."

Haig was clearly told from Dime's mouth, but he gives up and eats badly.

"Can you turn it around next summer?

"I don't know because the Doran guys also said they'd be producing more beer in their next planting... they're going to start selling it in full... well, I can't say anything from our mouths. Let's get back to New Year's Eve."

After listening to Dime's proclamation, Haig also whispered heavily. Other faces also imitate (if) yes, I think about selling sugar at the New Year's Festival.

It was then that Kunz threw in the bomb.

"How much are you thinking about selling to people?

Nonfumes who don't understand the meaning of Kunz's question and are pokan. On the other hand, the three caregivers have the expression, "Oh, did you notice?"

"Selling to people... you're talking about allocating to us (non-fumes), right?

"Are you going to keep selling sugar in other towns and make us (non-fumes) exclusive here? You just buy people's reputations, or the reputation of the non-fumes here in Elgin will fall to the ground? Did you forget that, in the first place, the distribution network had to be improved on the surface?

To Kunz's point, the non-fumes with the expression that speaking of it was.

"Selling to people...... you mean our share is going down!?

"Idiot! That's not the problem. Didn't you hear about the noise at the May Festival!?

Blue non-fumes at once when they hear that the frenzy at the May Festival will be recreated in this town.

"Ugh, seller arrangements haha!?

"Unfortunately, even as an office, I can't turn my hands that far. First of all, we don't have much time."

When fear and despair are about to dominate the place, the dime pinches his mouth in a slightly frightened tone.

"Calm down. I don't think you're leaving any taverns or tea shops. I just sell sugar and confectionery. Give me that. I'll figure it out. If we sell our share in the hall, we don't have to worry about buying it."

"Nevertheless, there is no precedent for sweets with lots of sugar. I can't predict how many guests are coming."

Horn tells us how the expression of being saved by the word of Dime sinks in turn in the dialogue of Touba.

"Well, there's also the amount of turning to other towns. The amount allocated to this town will not be much. I'm not even ready for Roku. I don't know how many customers there are."