Sir Warren, who tried to explain the second problem with the ancient liquor, would be hindered by the voice of General Rover, who would not even try to hide his confusion and annoyance.

"Hey! You still got it!?

"That said, you said there were two..."

"At least two."

Sir Warren goes on to say the same thing without giving a shrug to the corrective words.

"Second... how did the elves get the ancient liquor? And why now?

He was three of the unpredictable faces, but eventually General Rover opens his mouth.

"Isn't there an elf kind or something in the ocean?

"Have you ever heard anything like that?

"... none (right), sure"

It's nothing strange if you say you found something in the mountain forest. That's the realm of elves and beasts. But the bottom of the ocean is...

"... if you ask me, how did you get it?

"I find it difficult to dwarf or elf.... are you also a beast of the sea habitat?

"But... but I do mean bringing in ancient liquor (arr) at this time..."

"Hmm... sugar, refrigerator (ice box), now ancient liquor. I think it's just a little..."

"... is that...?

"I don't know if I blame you for everything, but..."

- A little, no.

Subhumans (non-fumes) are not involved in the suppression (first place) of ancient liquor, nor should they be treated in the same row as sugar or refrigerators (ice boxes).

It was only used in handouts to make large quantities of ancient liquor obtained by Crowe. This is not the kind of timing I intended.

"You mean there's a boat..."

"So the next question arises. Why do you have a boat?

When this happens, I can't laugh at the "invasion theory from abroad" that the Illustrative Merchants have said. Regardless of just the sugar, this matter of ancient liquor is a problem. If the story of the Subhumans (non-fumes) is true, then that ancient liquor was lifted from the sinking ship. It should not be possible to obtain it without a ship.

"If you're from this continent, you don't have to have a ship."

"It's possible that you're from a coastal country. However, given the attributes of the previous citations, we cannot ignore the story of being from other continents."

Sir Warren's point is not so wrong, either, in the sense of the word different continents. It just deviates far more diagonally than Sir assumed.

"... and then... maybe not one or two ships led by Xu?

"Yes, I can't say there's no chance we're in a fleet..."

Only two ships - though far off standard.

"... I just don't hear about that suspicious fleet, so maybe not many ships are active at the moment"

"But, Warren. Even if it's a lot of things, I don't know what kind of boat it is, but do you hear rumors?

"Yes... unless someone is keeping it a secret"

"Hey... no way..."

"It is only one possibility, but it is possible that coastal states are involved or cooperating"

The ancient liquor released by Crowe without thought seems to have begun to affect the strange.