I didn't know the Lord was coming.

"I guess the greats think a lot of things too. Your stock here in Banks is still going up."

It was a friend of Sir Westerdale's when Sir Partridge was in his native country who was cheating with Sir Partridge. Lord Partridge said to the present kingdom of Manastella - or to the wooden officials who, if you borrow Sir's word, nest in the kingdom - were the personnel sent in for Sir's tenderness by the upper management of the kingdom of Manastella, aware of their isolation.

As Sir Westerdale put it, the importance of Sir Partridge sending important information - ancient liquor but a landscape painting of "The Rock Cave of Disaster" - to his home country, with his presence in the rumored Illustria, has jumped to eel climbing these days. In spite of that, Sir Partridge at heart has not placed a letter in the Manastella bureaucracy, so that makes me want to mourn as an upper level.

During this May Festival visit, the upper echelons, who thought Sir Partridge's cooperation was essential for anything, stepped into the hiring of Sir Westerdale - which had nothing to do with the Foreign Affairs Valve - just because it was in good faith.

"I'd like to ask a lot of questions... or I've been told to ask."

"Before we do that, let me know what's going on in Manastella. In the written statement sent by the wooden officials, do it." Deepen mutual understanding. "It's just a" first step for a better future. "I don't know anything about the details."

Sir Westerdale explains the situation, bitterly laughing at Sir Partridge for demanding an explanation. The fact that the Duke's Solemn Qing went out behind his back and the groove with the subpeople widened, that the office of the Liaison Conference - not Manastella - was wolfed by the fact that it was placed in Illustria, that he was shocked that the opening of the store to the May Festival still gave priority to Illustria, that the opening of the sugar confectionery store in Manadamia made him feel a little better, but that it would not calm his mind just before the departure of the news that the sugar confectionery store had also opened in Syacaster... etc.

When I heard Sir Westerdale's explanation, I learned that the information I sent about the ancient liquor had become one of this spark, Sir Partridge, who can't hide his sinister expression. I deserve what I painted. If this is going to happen, should I have kept my mouth shut?

"Well, don't tell him that. But the little officials up there seem serious about being little officials."

"If it's serious, it's even more problematic. Ask the royal family of this country to mediate with the liaison council... what are they thinking?"

"Which do you prefer if you haven't thought about anything, or if you're the one who came up with the mention you thought about?

He was Sir Westerdale, who was swallowing with a light-hearted slap that was neither joking nor serious, but eventually opened his mouth in a careless manner.

"... I suppose you've rewarded Lord Otto for the inspection, too?

"It was Lord Holbeck (Otto) who brought this matter in. He told me that he had been reported by the Prime Minister of this country... but apparently he gave me a good idea of the situation at his place."

Sir Westerdale is officially known as Lord Partridge, although in a whimsical tone, Sir Westerdale is known for nothing. I didn't take Marr, the son of the Duke of Cleaver, into exile or anything.

"... well fine. So, what do you want to know?

"Let's start with the May Festival, or how the elves are opening up. In particular, in what way did the inhabitants of this country behave as elves… non-fumes? I want to know if you're dealing with it."

Sir Westerdale's subjectivity was a muscular question, but unexpectedly returned a puzzled look at the question.

"I don't care if you ask me... I didn't buy it on the ground."

"Oh, you know what?"

Assuming you are a member of the nobility, you will not go all the way to the festival store. Sir Westerdale was convinced that Sir Partridge's reply would also mean that...