"Back to the story - are there spirits from Molvania?

"It's not just Morvania, is it? Thanks to the opening of the gate, kids are coming all over the place, and a lot of kids are going from here. '

It's a pleasure in itself, but when the spirits are moving so much, will they not be seen? As a crow with a discreet habitat motif, this is a situation that causes some anxiety.

'I hope it's okay. We're only allowed to travel at night, and there's no one we can see. "

'No... I don't want the elves to know much more than just humans...?

'... Huh?... you can't even elf?

Seeing Shanoah with a Kyotong or bad-looking face, Crowe's anxiety swells all at once.


"Yes, it's okay... maybe..."

"Maybe it won't be okay." Just make sure!

Shanor is reprimanded by Crowe and rushes out of the cave.

'... are you sure you're okay?

"Maybe... it'll be okay..."

"Whatever Miss Shanor is, the other spirits seem to be concerned."

- Let's see how Shanor is perceived around getting an assessment from his followers.

'That being said, what about spirits who are under contract with humans? You're not gonna let your mouth slip, are you?

Master, I presume there are not so many people who can clearly communicate with the spirits.

It's unusual to "bond" with spirits, isn't it? Master. "

'I hope so...'

A few moments later, when I asked Shanor, who had returned in a quiet manner, what happened was that the spirits had become cautious by the time they were morbid in the operation of the Spirit Gate, and that there were no careless people to touch around lightly. This is why Slay and Haifa were so conspicuous.

"I don't know what you're going to say about that by now..."

On the contrary, they ate the protrusion and squeeze up from the spirits.

From the spirits in the first place, there is no way they can imitate the mood of a clown who kills a dragon for seconds. Even so, he is a benefactor who restored the spiritual interaction that had been interrupted for more than a hundred years. There is no reason to imitate it unintended.

'Well... think about it, if you operate carelessly, maybe the dungeon cores will shut up. Pitt's got some dabbles. "

Before that, I don't have to tell you to get close to the Lord's dungeon.

'I can't even say that's true. Somehow Moreau's dungeon is visited by a good number of tourists.'

'... with that said, you did...'

"Well, on the contrary, if anything happens, the tourists will make a scene, so I can also say that there is no such thing as this without our knowledge..."

"I can't believe it... except for" Midway's Fantasy Home "where... there are already... dungeons and... and... there are... translations... even if the Spirit is found... not so suspicious... don't you think...?

"In the first place, I would have chosen that dungeon because of that."

"... well, let's say it's good because we were able to check the consciousness of the spirits"

And it came to pass that Shanor only devoured his sermons from the spirits of the elders.