Sir Warren answers at General Rover's pointer.

"Yep. Indeed, as things stand, there is no basis for refuting the hypothesis of band-shaped placement. In that sense, my hypothesis is only beryllium."

"But... it's troublesome when you weren't worried.... Damn, give me another one. I wonder if the dungeon will come out."

In the not-too-distant future, the general will curse this statement severely. And...

"Sure, it might be easier to test the hypothesis if you increase the number of one or two more dungeons"

Sir Warren regrets it the same way... but that is still a story ahead.

"... it's just"

"Yeah? Something bothering you?

"Yep. From the point of view of the siege against theodrum…"

When Sir Warren's sneaky, elegant fingers pointed to a point on the map, he eventually slipped from there to the west.

"... from Amurfan to the sea... gold and ancient liquor..."

I clasped my arms together, and there was a grunt (crushing) as General Rover roared.

"Yes, it's just speculation, but one thing about ancient liquor may be to test your salvage ability, i.e. your ability to operate at sea. At the same time, there is no possibility of intimidation of coastal States."


"If you have the ability to operate offshore, you can also seal off the route. It should be a threat to coastal States that cannot be ignored."

"... take the route to quality, bring out the edge off with theodrum... It could be... Warren, isn't it too much to worry about anything?

"Yep, I can't help but be told that I'm rather paranoid. However, I don't think we can ignore the possibility that he has the option."

"Mmm... if you look at it in the stream... it's a coincidence that we found gold in a coastal country..."

"You're not Manastella or Voldavan, you're a major trading partner of Theodoram, because you're an Amurfan. That's all that matters."

"Son of a bitch... are you going to use every means possible, not just the dungeon, to isolate Theodoram?

It was both confusing, but the truth was somewhat subtle.

Previously, the placement of dungeons has been only a coincidence, and Crowe does not have a plan or anything to siege (...) Theodrum. But Crowe today had found meaning in the placement of dungeons like (...) surrounding Theodoram. However - it was not from the strategic point of view of Sir Warren, but rather from the diagonal point of view of jumping over the disturbing Theodoram and reviving the Spirits' interaction.

This difference in food will later be a cause of confusion for the countries concerned, but that will be another story.

Either way, General Rover has come to the conclusion...

"I know I've been thinking too much, but I'm talking about that. I don't know what I might have done. You should keep your eyes peeled around Theodoram for a while."
