Ten days after Theodoram's secret detectives recklessly broke into the "unrequited labyrinth" and reached an unafraid end when they were used to field test the monsters. The matter had also been brought up at the Council of State in Theodoram.

"Interrupted communication from those who sent you to Illustria?

"Aren't you just late to contact me?

I am re-questioning Treasurer Fabik here in the conference room of the Royal Castle of Theodoram about the combination of military relations between Secretary Lembach and Lord Zilka Armaments. Treasurer Fabik sent it to Illustria after a report that a secret agent from the Economic Intelligence Agency was being interrupted.

"Oh, last call about infiltrating Morrow's dungeon, yeah. Answering Sir Zilka's question, I haven't heard from him in three days since he last contacted me. I can only assume there's been some kind of incident."

"... was eaten by a dungeon"

"It would be reasonable to think so… unfortunately"

I would have sent quite an arm stander/driver, but Morrow's dungeon seems to have been tougher than that.

"Well, it paid off just to find out that Illustria wasn't running in preparation for the war. Let's think about it."

In response to the information that Illustria had developed a refrigerator box (ice box), it appeared that it was aimed at moving to a wartime system. However, after continuing to ask questions, it became apparent that it was not aimed at opening a war. There seems to be no doubt that the refrigerator (ice box) will improve the food situation, but as it stands, it is intended for civilian use rather than military use.

"Then it hurts to lose someone capable, but the dungeon is against him..."

so as to block Sir Zilka's dialogue, which he tried to continue without a choice,

"No, wait. Are you sure the dungeon caused this?

- And it was the Foreign Secretary of Torland who made the controversial (possibly) statement.

"What do you mean? Sir Torland."

"You think it could be anything other than being eaten by a dungeon?

Towards colleagues who are surprised

"... is only speculation, no, something close to paranoid evil..."

"... what is it?

"... was terminated by the Illustrian Hand. Can't you think of a possibility like that?

I look at Lord Torland, who, as he prefaced himself with the theory of paranoia, said something extraordinary, as if they were all taken aback.

"I don't like it... I may have overthought it, but I was a little concerned that I lost touch shortly after the call that I was headed to Morrow..."

"It's... but..."

I don't think it would be too much to think about. But it was also true that there was no material that could clearly deny it.

"Does Lord Torland have anything to think about?

It was Sir Laxman Agriculture who cut the tone of the question in a way that represented one of those who had become silent.

"I'm not sure yet... Morrow has some kind of secret, and I've touched it, but it's been erased... and I don't think that's a possibility."

"But... aren't those signs confirmed?

In a bewildered manner, he was Sir Zilka Armament, who looked back at Secretary Merca Interior and Military Secretary Lembach...

"The absence of such signs does not constitute a reassuring material only this time. His Dungeon Master can send Wyburn and Dragons into the shadows? If we could do that, it would be easy enough to avoid the heavy towns of the kingdom and the eyes and have a meeting."

Instead of struggling to get over it, it is almost close to a claim. But...

"It would be one possibility in case, but I'm afraid when I hit one of them..."

"Yes! Yes, it is!

Foreign Secretary in the manner of obtaining my will. However,

"No, wait. Morrow's Dungeon Master must be different from the Dungeon Master in The Rock Cave."

"That's why I care. It's possible that two or more dungeon masters are working together."

The secretaries of state are silent on the foreign secretary. Though it was one of the thought throwers,

"... as we don't know about Morrow at present, why not consider the Dungeon Master of" The Rock Cave "? As treasurer, I'm a little concerned."

Treasurer Fabik broke that silence.