"There are three types of 'attacks' that have been made on our country so far. First and foremost it is economic, but it seems that the subordinates predominate on this, and the part where the Dungeon Master is directly involved is small"

To the analysis of the Secretary of Agriculture, he was silent and urged to go ahead.

The economic offense of the sub-humans (non-fumes) is, to be honest, depressing, but now it is a prerequisite to consider the thoughts (most likely) of the Dungeon Master.

"The second is against our military operations, but we have shown no reaction whatsoever to the movement of forces within the country - mainly replenishment to 'rock caves' - and only to actions towards other countries. It's time to take the lead in the invasion of Illustria, when you put a little light on the 'pit' for the Demon Stone, and when the 'eagle' regiment tore it down. Our actions are foreseeable."

He was a slightly sarcastic agricultural lord, but the other faces are sinister faces. The move to the "cave" was not particularly concealed, but the "recovery" operation against Illustria was carried out under strict secrecy (originally). Nevertheless, the Dungeon Master saw through it and obstructed it lightly.

"... To be honest, it's like a mountain... but keep going now"

"I understand. Third, it's due to the Rock Cave. That exists over there - that's just it, adding an elbow that can't be ignored by the military power of our country. It's stunning enough to piss me off."

This statement was also welcomed on the sinister side of the Secretary of State for Military Affairs and the Lord for Military Affairs. I'd say a lot, but it's hard to complain even as a military secretary just because you're shooting a word at me.

"The future actions of the Dungeon Master will also basically be in line with these. There's just one thing to be aware of."

Well, now it's the real deal - but the Agriculture Lord looks around together.

"Trade Destruction Battle Shown by Dungeon Master in Valen, Illustria, This Hasn't Been Planned Yet"

Part of the audience didn't seem to immediately remember what it was about, but eventually realized it was one of the retaliatory attacks against Baron Barren's territory.

"Oh... the one who broke the road or dropped the bridge?

"Speaking of which... that's what happened"

"Sir Laxman, are you telling me that's also the work of the Dungeon Master?

"No... even if it was the Dungeon Master's work, it would be separate from our country's Dungeon Master, wouldn't it?

Whatever it is, it would be outside the bounds of a sound imagination, such as a dungeon master strapping two countries, Illustria and Theodoram.

"Or maybe it is. but maybe not. At least you can't tell the Dungeon Master in our country that you can do the same."

When I suggested that there might be contact and cooperation between the dungeon masters of the two countries, the secretaries of state conceived a roar.

"My country is not a mountainous terrain unlike Illustria. Is it not because of that?

"The terrain is not necessarily an issue. Just make the dragon look like it, and the logistics will suddenly stagnate. … it would be suspicious to have protection by our army"

When I said that, I looked at Chirali and Military Sergeant Lembach, he was snorting (nodding) with a bitter face.

"But as an army, we can't go out. It's not just the escort, if there's any road damage, we'll have to send in an engineering unit. … As far as it goes…… you might want to consider a quasi-war system, as opposed to a ready-to-use system"

"From the results of the analysis I mentioned earlier, it would be unlikely that it would be a battle directly from the front. One way or another, a presence to the people might be more important."

"That means... the speed of deployment is likely to be the key over the power of the blow.... Ok, let's make a plan with that in mind too"

"Thank you very much."

After finishing his roots to the Military and Ordnance Secretaries, the Secretary of Agriculture turned to the same again.