Crowe, who received the report, was also puzzled.

'... theodrum ones, now what did you plot?

If Theodoram had listened at the time, you wouldn't have said it. Cole would have sprung up in abundance.

If you look at the original, this is all due to the "tempting lake" that Crowe created without any idea. But there was no such consciousness of the culprit Crowe of all things, and he was leaning on his neck with his family.

There's no line that says, "It comes with a military operation..."

Crowe asks the Military Advisers - headed by Peter, militant faces like Davar, Ness and Christmas City.

'I can't think. As Lord Hank said in his analysis, there is no movement in other munitions, only wheat, and the reason for daring to narrow distribution at this time is not explained from the point of view of military action'.

'... I just figured, I plan to conjure up a large number of farm workers - what do you say? Conscription. "

'First of all, Theodoram's agricultural population feels excessive. Because there are parts of the army that function as a receptacle. When it comes to capturing surplus personnel and capturing them up to their current workforce, they will be large enough not to fit in a single regiment. Mobilizing that many people at once is not enough equipment and facilities to give them. If you're a truly functioning army, I don't think you'd take such muddy action'

"Hmmm... enough to be..."

In doing so, the line of food is going to disappear. What other food shortages are expected to happen?

Can't you think of "exposing the land, not people..."

- And it was Slay who had cut it out.

"The land?

"To the extent that it becomes... is it possible that for some reason we need land and have decided to forcibly house agricultural land?"

"Yes. How about that?

We were both temporarily interested in this proposal.

'... in that case, they don't just secure wheat, they also arrange civil works or something? Mr. Slay.'

"Hmm... Winn's pointing it out, too (more). There's a move like that?

In response to Crowe's inquiry,

It is assumed that the workers will be mobilized only in the relevant districts. … have you received information………………………………………………… '

'I mean, you haven't said anything from Vinstadt...'

Vinstadt's stationers had just been replaced earlier. I can't say there's no chance that we're lagging behind in gathering information on that dosa... but it should be mainly Haku and Shuku who pick up this kind of stuff. I don't think it has the effect of a change.

"... but if the land expropriation and doing it in one district alone, isn't it necessary to curb the distribution of wheat this far?

The doubts raised by Grandpa of the Spirit Tree were generally found to be reasonable.

'If you do that... what's next in terms of your behavior in preparation for the murder?