"Master... please reconsider the design... how would you like it?"

"Design or armor?

"Yes... I tried dungeonization... of theodrum infantry... it was armor..."

'Ah... is it possible that it was difficult to move from the beginning...'

"Well, there's no turning back. You're not supposed to be made."

"I don't normally think about that kind of movement..."

After hearing some tired Grandpa and Shanoah point out (scratch), I realize that the basic design and application could have been good.

'So... what should I reference is adventurer gear? Instead of narrowing the area you cover, you're the one who ensured mobility.'

"Leather armor, etc."

"Dear Lord, if it was monster leather or something, wouldn't it have the same result?

'Nooo... is that true too? It has to be normal leather.'

"But Master, was there such a cheap thing?

Together with Keane's point.

"... Romulus, Remus, the adventurer who came in the beginning... did he absorb all his gear?

"'I'm sorry......'"

'No, I'm the one who gave you permission. I didn't think the day would come when you would need cheap leather armor'

After that, I also tried to get confirmation from Pitt's Daval and Fell, but I still get a reply that I let the dungeon absorb the cheap product knowingly. Well - I was just thinking,

"Master, did any of the fools who came aboard the" rock cave "die falling off the cliff?

"Ah... so to speak..."

'... I thought it might be useful for something, and I'm sure the body was left intact...'

I hurried to check with Kerr in "The Cave of Disaster," and he said that the leather armor came with a corpse - all I needed was leather armor, so I didn't go wrong in this order - and I took it. Fortunately, the protective equipment worn by his body is cheap leather armor (OK). In Theodoram, where there are relatively few monsters in the illustration rear, luxury items such as warcraft materials don't go inside.

Together, I had the "combatants" try on the dungeon's ability - little by little, taking care not to get past degrees - on the leather armor for the hasty adventurer, and they got an answer that the movement would be slightly restricted, but fully acceptable given the improved defense. It is the birth of the "Dungeonic Protector".

It is common for attack means to be concerned when defense problems can be cleared, and the next thing Crowe came up with was a so-called (so-called) outrageous attack, which involves a unilateral attack from outside the range of a magical attack. I was suggesting the development of a sniper gun or an automatic small gun.


And the grandfather of the Spirit Tree and Shanoah immediately devoured his eyes,

"Master... on the site of the raid... leave bullets and bullet marks... all kinds of... awkward (first)..."

"Where do you procure the goods from? Dear Lord,

'Isn't it hard to replenish ammunition, too?

"Oh, arrangements and, uh, misfits in between?

'I can't refuse to admit that a combatant is an automatic small gun!

- And there's also a voice of doubt from the family. … although opposition for deep reasons in the industry had also risen from some.

'Mmm... then how about a magic wand that fires a magic attack? This won't be uncomfortable. "

"The Witch Stick? Crowe."


Shanor has been poisoned recently...

'… to what extent…… do you think………………………?

'Hmm? Well, that's an alternative to automatic small guns... right... I'd like the speed of the bullet to be about the speed of sound, ten shots per second, or at least three quick shots per second. You got about two hundred portable rounds?

It was a crow I confidently suggested, not getting into my eyes, like the penetration of what was an automatic small gun.

"Excessive firepower is stupid! Decline! '

"I knew I couldn't make the arrangements in time..."

"To the mischievous... of the armies of nations... do not draw interest..."

"I'm not into style beauty!

- Depending on things like that, there will be no proposed ranged weapons. However, protectors were hired without problems because they had monsters with similar abilities.

It took more time and effort than I thought just to arrange the original protective gear, and if I had pushed through the formalization of the magic wand, I wouldn't have made it - and it's only here that Crowe will be in a hurry inside at that time.

In any case, there is no way that a "Shaker combatant" wearing such cheat gear can be in the hands of every magician there is...