After the dungeon tentatively called "The Decaying Hut", the kites had left the town of Nyhal early to reach the town of Lenz in order to avoid an encounter with Dar and Krushank, which would come later.

"Well... I can finally take a breather."

"The Illustrian detectives are headed from Nyhal to Amurfan. There won't be much risk of coming this way."

You can sit back and get to work.

"Nyhal feels like he's just passing by for one night..."

What is the mandate given to a patrol consisting of Hans and the kites...

"Check again, the task initially given to me by your husband was as follows: Firstly, check the path from the port of Zugenhoun to the village of Edge in Morfan, where your husband is supposed to have come. However, we are not even entering Morfan at this stage, so we do not have to think about this for the moment."

Hank's words are accompanied by a snort and acknowledgement.

"- Well, what's next for real?

"That's what happens... Secondly... if you have a listing that might be suitable for your location, check it out. … except."

"You just reported the Dungeon Candidate for" Decaying Hut "..."

"That's it.... Well, there's a distance from Begin Village to here in Renz, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to find a new one... at least you can consider it less urgent. That said..."

Hank cut the words once, but set aside a beat and continue the conversation.

"... Your husband thinks you'd prefer to have an aside by the sea when thinking about operating Christmas City and Unscene. So it would be awkward to ignore it altogether."

That's what they say. It gives me a subtle look. Together.

"Oh... there was that too..."

"Christmas City and Unsheen, dungeons are supposed to come together at first..."

"A secret base for the dungeon to (...) deploy... it would only be uncomfortable to put it into words..."

"That said, this must also be an important project. Instead you should keep your ears clear."

There is nothing different about this.

"Next thing you know... Illustrative detectives are concerned, and it's been added to explore their reaction to salvage products."

"It wasn't much of a rumor in Yashlik, was it?

"Lenz here is closer to the sea than Yashlik. Maybe that's all I care about."

"It sounds like it would be a good idea to ask in the order of the buyout. Instead, I'm going to explore it."

"Hans' ability to talk and negotiate is a loss to all the merchants of Haiqian Mountain Thousand. I'm counting on you."

I'll take care of it.

Is there anything other members can do to leave salvage-related inquiries to Hans?

"Let's keep explaining, shall we? Your husband discovered the land deed, and the merchant is likely to be the guarantor... I told him not to ask too much about it."

"Well... it's a pretty delicate case. If you sniff around badly, you'll get behind your back."

"I'm asking you to keep the conversation to a mild level. In some cases, it looks like a spirit or a silhouette pixie is going to be thrown in to make you eavesdrop."

After hearing Hank's explanation, he seemed a little sorry to be with him, but he was convinced about Crowe's policy.

"Uh... fifth, huh? Asked about the wheat deal... the Illustrative Secrets will ask, so when we smell the same thing, it won't catch the attention of the disciples (pranksters), so it's gone."

"Oh, no, no, no, no."

You don't have a job for us.

"That's my last assignment there. Find out about the Mysterious Troop that landed in Amulfan."

"That way..."

"You have the most troublesome case left..."

Shanoah eavesdropped on the conversation between the Illustrative Detectives - "A mysterious exotic force may have landed in Amulfan"

"I guess there's more to it than Illustria cares..."

"So... how do I find out about the trail of the special forces that landed in secret...?

Kite's blur tells us all about the problem.

"… it would be difficult to ask. Hans is also talking... but it would be better to rely on Bart's handwriting as a scourge here. Don't you know one or two of the informants?

Hank told me the story, Burt, but doesn't hide the difficult look.

"Not that it doesn't... because my face is different from before... I'm not going to see a familiar informant. We're just gonna have to go a little farther and explore, so it's gonna take a while, okay?

"Well that's... there's no choice. But be careful, okay? Don't ever imitate me like I'm suspicious, because I'm being stabbed in the nail."