Summer of three years of high school without taking the exam.

I was delighted before the upcoming summer vacation.

(If it's summer vacation, we'll be on a deserted island survival tour!

Among all the smartphones, Shinomiya Fire Shadow is interested in primitive things.

More specifically, I love the survival system.

You dive into the ocean and poke fish with a hammer, but you eat mushrooms and live.

I yearned for such a life.

So the dream of the future is to live on a deserted island.

Buy a deserted island with the money you earn from work and live a survival life there.

I've been dreaming since childhood, and I've already started preparing for it.

For example, in a student bag.

They get angry when they find out, but they have a survival knife in them.

There are countless other survival goods in distress right now.

It is also equipped with the knowledge to become a rat.

I used many books, the internet, and video sites.

I have been on several deserted island tours and have gained experience.

I can't call you a pro, but I'm sure you know better than those amateurs.


When I was canking, I was thrown at something from behind.

From the feeling of it hitting your head, it would be around the eraser.

Looking back, a group of men and women at the top of the Class Cursor looked at us.

This guy is always smelling.

"Hey, Shadow Shadow Doppelganger! Shadow Doppelganger!"

"Come on, let's try ninninnin.

They tease me because my name is a shadow of fire.

I don't know, but it seems that the main character of the very popular ninja cartoon has the same name.

That's why some people call me "ninja." I don't care.

"If you can shadow me, so can I."

I returned the word, but it didn't reach their ears.

For them, it's over when you hit me with a joke.

I'm not asking for some kind of reaction, but I'm laughing at each other.

I'm below the Class Cursor, but not the bottom.

Unlike a typical geek with glasses, it looks normal.

Even if they teased me lightly, I didn't get bullied.

Come early, summer vacation

Sighing forward, I fell down on my desk thinking about my summer vacation.

And when the chimes rang, I was supposed to open my eyes and take classes.

"Is that...?

The next time I woke up, I was somewhere else.

It's some mysterious cave. He fell near the entrance.

Outside is a forest.

"Dreaming... feels real. Is it real?

I don't think it's a dream, but in reality it's flying.

But intuitively, I didn't think it was real, not a dream.

More than that...

"Isn't this my bag?"

A student bag was rolling next door.

Inside, there are a few textbooks and a lot of survival goods.

"I don't know what it means...."

What is incomprehensible.

Where am I and why am I here?


Even if I don't understand the meaning, I can assure you this is all.

"This is your chance!

Whether it's a dream or a reality, it's fine at this time.

Anyway, now you can use Survival as much as you like.

I didn't know the joy of beating this.