Once I touched it, it didn't stop.

"Can't you see it from Asaka-san?

"You're gonna be okay. It's a distance away, and I can only see Yonako's back from there."

"I hope so...."

"More than that, Yonako is amazing."

"Does it feel good...?

"Honestly, I can't."

I was handjob by Yonako.

I row the oar, and she strokes my penis.

With this joint effort, the boat was headed for its destination.

The speed of the boat is slower than before. Far too late. Never mind.

"Can you make it a little more intense?

"Yes, yes."

Yonako took her left hand off her penis and switched to her right hand.

The right-hand stroke is stronger and still moves faster than before.

The pleasure transmitted to me through your penis has also become intense.

"Well, we've arrived at our destination....."

You arrive at a prime dive point at the perfect time.

All you have to do is dive in and get the sawdust and abalone.

But before that.

"I can't dive like this. You know what I mean?

"I understand."

Our gaze was poured into a fullerect penis.

"Then you know what to do after this, right?


Yonako's right hand gets more intense.

"That's right. Keep it up."

I'll put the oar to bed next door.

My hands became free, so I decided to blame myself.

Reach out to your right hand and approach Yonako's mouth.

Then she snapped my finger.

I don't say anything, but I understand what I'm asking for.

"Nh... nh..."

Yonako licks my index finger and middle finger.

Then I touched her nipples with her saliva fingers.

Yonako's nipples are very small.

Still, it seemed sensitive, and I could hear my moans just by touching it lightly.

"No way... Shinomiya-san..."

"I can't help but feel good, can I?

"But... um... yes, thank you... ahn"

Yonako teases her penis, and I keep teasing her nipples.

In an instant, the time for ejaculation approached, so the act proceeded to the next stage.

"I can't pollute the boat... you know?

"Is that...?

My gaze shifts to Yonako's mouth.

Her mouth was half-open and she had a glimpse of her lovely tongue.

"Please, with your mouth."

"Yes, yes."

Yonako barely began to change her posture.

Slowly shift to crawling on all fours, bringing your face closer to your penis.

And your full erect penis is in your mouth.

"I'll get you out of here soon."

Fuah, fuahi

I put my left hand behind Yonako's head.

With that, stroke your penis with your right hand.

"Ooh......! Oooh......!

I know my right hand better than anyone.

A wave of sperm penetrated the breakwater just by stroking lightly.

"Come on! Ugh...!

Dopu, Yonako's semen is released into her mouth.

I looked up at heaven with my ascending face, and my mouth slapped like an oxygen-poor goldfish.

Overwhelming pleasure... this is... orgasm in your mouth...

"Ngu, Ngugu, Ngu"

Yonako, released from your penis, looks at me with her cheeks breathed.

You're asking me what to do with the semen that's accumulated in your mouth.

"We're going to dive into this ocean now, right?


"Do you spit semen in the ocean?

Yanako shook her neck in a hurry.

"Then... you know what I mean?

Yanako nodded and swallowed the semen.

A woman drinks my semen.

There was something strange about that appearance over and over again.

Shinomiya-san, this thing...

"I know. I won't tell anyone. It's just the two of us."

"Ha, yes!

"It felt so good. Thank you."

"Thank you for coming."

"As long as Yonako is okay, can I take care of you again?

"Well, if it's me..."

Yanako leaned ashamed.

You look lovely, and your wild penis is about to come back to life.

But I can't relax any more.

"Now, let's dive!


We went into the sea wearing goggles.

The ocean is as beautiful as ever and rich in resources.

In addition to rhesus and abalone, it also had fine rock oysters.

Yonako was excited to see them and collected them with a cane.

I only stopped the rock oysters because they were meant to be earned depending on the allowance.

Oysters have a strong image of the norovirus, so be careful.

Besides handicrafts, you have talent for sea women.

As Yonako said confidently, she was strong against the sea.

If it weren't for handicrafts, I would have entrusted it to the sea.

I also understood her desire to dive in the sea.

(Time to go back.)

Instruct Yonako Ukiuki to return with a hand sign.

Yonako followed honestly and headed towards the sea.

That's when something happened that surprised us.


Yonako and I noticed at the same time.


The presence of large organisms approaching.


A shark was approaching at an incredible speed.

They're aiming for us at a glance.

Gobo, gobo, gobo!

Yonako exhales a large amount of oxygen at once.

I was surprised by the appearance of sharks, and I seem to have lost much of my mind in fear.

The margin has disappeared so far and is now drowning.


I hurried to take Yonako and swim to sea.

"Sharks! Sharks are coming! Shinomiya-san!

Yonako screams as she goes out to sea.

I was totally upset.

"Calm down, it's okay. Get up first. I'll handle the shark."

"Oh no! It's a shark. You can eat it!?

"It's okay. Get in the boat."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Just put Yonako on the boat.

Then I waited for the approaching shark.

I knew it was a shark.

There are many kinds of sharks.

Among them, sharks are warm sharks.

We will not attack unless we are surprised.

I played with sharks in the sea.

I don't have to struggle because I have experienced it several times before.

I chewed, stroked my fins, and straddled to the end.

"See? You're okay, right?

"I'm riding a shark...! Amazing, Shinomiya-san!

"Sharks don't get scared if they're majestic."

I took the pontoon that was on the boat and dived into the sea again.

The shark is waiting to stick to the bottom of the boat.


Poke the right fish with a crisp clasp.

At that moment, the shark reacted.

I noticed the smell of blood.

Here, it's dinner.

I gave the fish to the approaching shark.

When the shark cheeks it, he cheeks me.

And then he disappeared to the other side of the ocean.

"This is it."

I'm going up the boat, too.

"The ocean is tired, so let's go back in time."


Yonako looks at me without saying anything.

"Hmm? What's wrong?


"Well, what's the matter? Are you putting up with pissing? Then you won't find out if you do it in the ocean."

"It's too cool."


"Shinomiya-san is too cool!

Yonako said as her face turned bright red.

Apparently, playing with sharks was such a shock.

"Thank you very much. But I'm not a good guy. They often call me a pervert."

"Still cool. I think it's nice."

Yonako touches my penis, which is shriveled.

I got an erection in an instant when I was playing with it.

"While the boat is heading to Ajito, I'll do it."

Yonako strokes out her penis.

I just said "Ah" with a trance look.

Then, as you approach ejaculation, stop the boat and let Yonako suck it.

Even though it was the second shot today, I didn't know the amount of orgasm was fading.

(Today alone, the distance from Yonako has narrowed considerably)

Yonako was able to talk to me normally.

Though I've already gotten used to it a lot, now I don't even have a familiar face.


(Is this the only sand left...)

The woman who had never been pulled out was left with only Asato sand.