Eat soft rice in a high school

Mixed in Eating Soft Meal in High School Chapter 165

Ye Luo smiled and nodded, leaving the matter behind temporarily.

"Himejima Juli, right..."

Sitting in Ye Luo's arms, the white silk calf wearing leather boots swayed gently in the air, Sheng, who had been quietly enjoying the warm feeling, suddenly opened his mouth and called the girl's name.

"Yes...Yes! Lord Saint!"

Her expression was even more nervous than when she faced Ye Luo before, and Zhu Li Jijima didn't even dare to look up at Sheng's face.

After all, she is in the true sense, the [Highest God] of this world, for the maiden who serves the gods, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is her [Master].

"Your talent is very good, why would you be arranged to be a witch in such a place."

Sheng's words made Ye Luo's face look surprised.

If her loli gods can speak with good talents, then this girl is definitely one of the rare geniuses in this world.

For humans, longevity has always been their shortcoming, but because of this, the growth rate of geniuses in humans far exceeds that of other races, and even the gods are hard to compare with.

"Because I have had a physique close to [Ghost] since I was a child... it's a heresy in the family."

After a little hesitation, the girl said calmly.

"That's the so-called squeezed out~"

Although the girl said that it was not in line with the family rules, it was natural for Sheng to know what the real reason was.

The so-called "family rules" are basically chains that bind ordinary members to these families, but such geniuses are definitely not among them!

"How about, are you interested in coming to the church to serve as a [saint]? With your talent, it is not difficult to obtain the qualifications to be reincarnated as [angel]."


"That one…"

The sudden invitation made the girl's face a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Don't rush to reply, you can think slowly, and you can tell me when you think about it."

After all, it was just digging the wall on a whim, and Sheng would not do anything to force others. After smiling and saying a word, he put his head back on Ye Luo's heart again, and continued to enjoy it.

"Yes... Thank you Lord Sheng!"

Gratefully glanced at the God of Lolita in Yeluo's arms, and the girl leaned down slightly.

"Huh? Is it already here~"

Just when Ye Luo wanted to continue to say something, a wave of magical power came, causing him to subconsciously turn his head.


"The people on the side of the fallen angel have already come."

Facing the girl's puzzled expression, Ye Luo explained with a smile, while standing up from the sofa.

"I'll tell them, are you going?"

Chapter 176—The School of Fallen Angels

"Oh? I didn't expect His Royal Highness Ye Luo to actually come out of his own house~"

When Ye Luo came again to the place where the fallen angels fell before holding the two little cute gods, Asacher was already waiting there with two other fallen angels with ten wings.

"It's been a long time, Asacher."

The Governor of Fallen Angel, who seems to be a bit sloppy about this character, still has a good impression, so Ye Luo didn't pay too much attention to his ridicule, and nodded with a chuckle.

"I haven't seen each other for a few years. Why did His Highness Yeluo come to this world this time? Did she fall in love with another girl?"

"It's just to accompany my daughter. After all, they have reached the school age and still hope to enjoy the school life~"

When talking about his two baby daughters, Ye Luo's face clearly showed a little tenderness.

"Really... Those two little princesses are really happy~"

Asacher sighed slightly, and then let the two fallen angels beside him take the Baiqiu below and leave here first.

"Speaking of which, we also opened a school on the side of Fallen Angel. If your Royal Highness is interested, you can let the two little princesses come here to experience it."

"You also opened school?"

"Oh? This is really interesting news~"

Sheng who was sitting in Ye Luo's arms also raised his head with interest.

"After all, there are too few people on our side, and there is no way to reincarnate humans, so we just cultivate those artifacts or humans with talents~"

Asacher said casually, but when his eyes swept across the holy, he was still subconsciously serious.

Although he has betrayed the holy, it does not mean that they have resentment against him. It can even be said that all fallen angels still have a certain belief in the holy, but they have not reached the kind of willingness and no The complaint is just the point of death.

"Really, the magician..."

Sheng's expression paused slightly, and the expression on his face became a little gentler.

"I know, after a while, I will bring the black songs to experience them, don't let me down by then~"

"Of course! But then~"

"If Hei Ge and they are satisfied, you can allow you to borrow my name."

Ye Luo naturally knew that Asachel’s purpose was nothing more than to use his daughter to learn this thing in the school founded by the fallen angels to make a fuss, and then gain fame and attract more talents. In terms of things that have no impact, if Heige and the others are really satisfied with Asacher's school, he naturally doesn't mind helping him.

"Then it's settled, Your Highness Yeluo~"

A faint smile appeared on Asachel's face.


"But, Asachel, you should know something to pay attention to, right?"

"Of course, this is the present world covered by His Highness Yeluo. We will naturally not do anything excessive... We will not use force or other methods to find students."

"You and I believe it, but the fallen angels under you..."

Although Ye Luo didn't say it too bluntly, Asachel knew what he meant.

One of the reasons for the fall of the fallen angels is to become egoists deep in their hearts. There are also those fallen angels who take pleasure in war and other evil natures, and these fallen angels are not weak, even if they are. The Governor’s binding force on them is also very low.